Parts price...again - Dave N
Ford Mondeo 1998 condenser - £364
Merc E320 198 condenser - £157

Obviously Frod reaps the benefit of economies of scale!!
Re: Parts price...again - mike harvey
I had a similar though not quite so horrific experience with my son's Kawasaki Z500 a couple of years ago. I found the correct value in micro-farads and bought a couple from a electronics shop for pence, and it ran perfectly for months until sold. I wired them remotely from the points as there was not space for the physically bigger replacements. No warrant problems or genuine part problems though on an aging vehicle.
There are no points on the two vehicles you mention though, so why the condensers? Are they part of the radio suppression?
Re: Parts price...again - Dave N
Sorry Mike, air conditioning condensers!
Re: Parts price...again - Dave Lacey aka Dr Dave
Dave - perhaps you should have your Autoair moniker in the author bit to avoid any future confusion??

PS You can't blame Mike, though, seriously. Blinding answer.
Re: Parts price...again - Mike Harvey
Oops! Ought to have realised!