Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - movilogo
Yesterday (either in Channel4 or BBC) a documentary was shown about UK bus services.

Among many other things following facts are discussed (in reference to UK North, a bus company in Manchester)

- Most of their drivers can NOT speak English (they mostly hail from Poland)
- Govt. has no way to verify balance sheets of bus comapanies. So, when they demand subsidy (showing they are running in loss) local council has no way to determine if its fraud!
- Buses often don't come on time (well, that's I think everywhere around Britain)

Now all these incidents are shocking - especially the first one. While I don't care where the driver comes from, but I do have a problem if he can't speak English. The presenter asked one of the drivers "Do you know which bus goes to this destination?" And the driver simply stared at him without any word!

I have been to many European countries, in Holland, Denmark, Sweden, majority of bus drivers understand English. In France, Spain, Switzerland mostly not.

But how come in UK, drivers don't speak English???
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - R75
It's down to money. They won't pay British drivers enough money to do the job and can get cheaper labour from Poland, it is happening all over the transport industry as a whole, not just public transport.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Aprilia
Dunn Line in Nottingham were in the news recently. They employ a lot of drivers from Poland. Apparently these blokes were being paid a lot less than 'home' drivers. After it hit the news they agreed to increase the pay rates of the immigrant drivers.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Leif
Not just transport. In the coffee shops at the Winchester M3 and Southampton M27 services the staff are Eastern European. In the local B&Q and Comet, and other shops, the staff are Eastern European. One was a Slovakian teacher of 'informatics'. Most of the non-Asian people here speak what I assume is Polish. I was recently in a shop with 5 groups of people, all speaking Polish (or similar). I've had someone approach me on the street and ask "Do you speak English" before proceeding to ask a question.

And where I work, in telecoms, at least half the staff are Indian contractors. Half the permanent staff are Indian ex-contractors. Quite a few are Chinese. The company is not willing to put in any effort to train UK staff, so they take Indian contractors. And they are the only ones with experience because they do not employ UK staff. It's catch 22.

According to the government they are not allowed to employ non-UK staff if they can find UK staff. In practice they just reduce the salaries so UK staff do not want to apply. It's a joke. And of course the Eastern Europeans and Baltics can find work on equal terms to UK people thanks to the EU.

Personally I find it wrong that a Pole with no connection to the UK can enter, whereas a UK born Asian finds it near impossible to bring a close relative in to the UK from India/Pakistan.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - sierraman
Presumably we have to allow foreign drivers use of our roads when visiting,same for us when travelling abroad and unable to speak the native tongue.Perhaps driving for a living on a foreign licence should not be allowed,or subject to some sort of check.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - movilogo
Driving as a tourist is altogether different from driving a bus for public!

Yes it is all down to profit ultimately. Arriva drivers are usually paid £7.50/hour at beginning - rising to £9/hour after 2 years.

One Arriva driver told me, nowadays companies search for excuses for firing an experienced driver - so that they can recruit a novice at lower pay rate.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Brian Tryzers
I'm sure the swear filter would intervene if I typed what I said when I read that! Nine pounds an hour for someone who may be responsible for the safety of 70 others - and working alone too. And yet a return bus ticket for the 1.5-mile, 8-minute ride from my house to town costs £3.10. Something is deeply wrong with the thinking behind public transport in this country.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Xileno {P}
That's bus deregulation for you.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
If Poles were running the service as well as driving on them might actually be on time.

I can check Polish teletext, see exactly what minute a bus is due at the end of the road, walk down and catch it with 30 seconds to spare. Never missed one, never waited for one.

As for talking to the driver, a big sticker saying "yes this bus goes past the hospital" would take care off 99% of queries.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - daveyjp
"I can check Polish teletext, see exactly what minute a bus is due at the end of the road, walk down and catch it with 30 seconds to spare. Never missed one, never waited for one."

Similar system here in the UK - send a text with the bus stop number and they will tell you when the next three buses are due. Used it last week and it was spot on.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - milkyjoe
"I can check Polish teletext, see exactly what minute a bus
is due at the end of the road, walk down and
catch it with 30 seconds to spare. Never missed one, never
waited for one."
Similar system here in the UK - send a text
with the bus stop number and they will tell you when
the next three buses are due. Used it last week
and it was spot on.

did all three buses come together?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Dynamic Dave
Perhaps the bus companies should follow what Swindon council are planning to do with taxi drivers.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - movilogo
Forgot to mention, the program also showed an incident, where a double decker bus rammed a low overhead bridge - seriously injuring few passengers! (the damaged bus was also shown, upper deck front part totally smashed)

Because, the driver could not read "Low bridge ahead" warning sign.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
"Because, the driver could not read "Low bridge ahead" warning sign"

Plenty of English drivers have done that. He probably just forgot he had a top deck.

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Stuartli
>>Because, the driver could not read "Low bridge ahead" warning sign.>>

Taking the wrong route as well....

There was also a programme on BBC2 (?) last night about the comparatively busy number 265 bus route in Sheffield which has a subsidy of £100k annually.

Apparently the bus authorities have no access to bus companies' accounts, so can't tell if the subsidies are too low, about right or too high.

The suggestion was that in this case it was too high.

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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Bill Payer
UK North (referred to in the original post) was closed down by the Traffic Commissioner and has since gone bust:
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - No FM2R
>>But how come in UK, drivers don't speak English???

Because they're not english. But so what ? Don't confuse it with hitting bridges or getting lost, which is not a language related issue. They're not supposed to talk while they drive anyway. They'll learn in time.

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - R75
They'll learn in time.

What? Learn to speak English or learn how to drive in the UK. Not that it matters much as both are an important requirement for a PSV driver if you ask me.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Aprilia
What? Learn to speak English or learn how to drive in
the UK. Not that it matters much as both are an
important requirement for a PSV driver if you ask me.

I suspect either can be overlooked 'if the price is right'!
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Collos25
There is nothing new about that in leeds and\Bradford area there has been a large non english speaking number of bus drivers for many many years,in Kirklees there are now non english speaking parking attendants.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
You don't have to speak to the driver. Take some responsibility for your own journey, know where you're going and what bus to catch, buy your ticket before you get on. Why do you think he's always late if he has to keep changing fivers, or helping the gormless. Biddies who ask him twenty questions before proceeding to dig for loose change at the bottom of a handbag.

Same goes for people in cherry pickers. He must have known a bus would come at some point. Bus driver probably not expecting a cherry picker though.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Brian Tryzers
Perhaps you don't usually need to speak to the driver - although why should you not if you're in a town you don't know? - but what happens in an emergency? The driver is responsible for the safety of everyone on board, but he can't do much about that if he can't speak to them.

This isn't, incidentally, aimed at immigrant workers trying to make an honest living; it's against employers who will do anything to cut their costs, apparently regardless of the consequences. If this isn't really what bus companies do, I'll be happy to be put right.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Round The Bend
Er ... so is there a shortage of bus drivers in Poland now?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Lud
When compulsory languages are restored to secondary schools, not before time, are the main choices going to be Polish and Gujurati then?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - barchettaman
.....When compulsory languages are restored to secondary schools...

They could start with English.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Dynamic Dave
Can we now steer (excuse the pun) this back to motoring discussion please.

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Rattle
I live in South Manchester, exactly the area much of that programme was about and use all them buses all the time. There is some issues I don't agree on:-

Before UK North introduced the 86 to Chorlton the Stagecoach 86 came along about every 10 minutes, they are very packed and it took 40 minutes to get 4 miles down the road as it took 5 minutes at each stop. Then Uk North move in and fill the gap, all of the sudden Stagecoach started running their buses every minute. I once counted 40 85/86 Stagecoach buses in one hour. It was a joke and as far as I am concerned Stagecoach should have got into trouble for it.

UK North were banned of the roads due to safety fears, this was partly right. However I have a strong feeling that there is a lot more to it than meets the eye. I've been in many very overcorwded Stagecoach buses yet the trafford comissioner turns a blind eye to it - I wonder why.

Incidently two weeks after UK North were banned I realise that the bus services in South Manchester would suffer and bought a car.

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Mazda-Man
Apparently there's quite a shortage of Poles in Poland now! lol
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Rattle
Do you know Wilmslow Road? It was the busiest bus route in Europe until UK North were banned. There was buses every 20 seconds. The cherry picker would have made sure he was well out of the way of buses. The bus driver hit the cherry picker not the other way round.

And yes people who spend ages trying to get a ticket really really really annoy me.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - quizman
Some of the buses shown looked very old, what tests do these buses have to go through?

As the drivers cannot speak English, I wonder what, if any qualifications they have got?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - slowdown avenue
one phrase they need to learn (instructors take note) YOUR GOING THE WRONG WAY a local polish driver didnt understand that , went the wrong side of dual carriagway, bus full of passengers yelling out. Ithink he reverted back to drive on the right.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Rattle
Yep they did get lose a few times, sometimes it was quite scary. Most the Buses UK North ran were not that old, their double decker were typical 98 R reg ex London ones and were in good condition although they had a frightenly high number of body panals replaced.

Their old single deckers were in a very bad way though. This company has been in trouble with the laws many times in the past. The funniest scandal involving them was when they decided to use vegatable fat to fuel their buses, when customs and excise found out they were not happy.

The other issue was when ordered to cut back on many services and take a half their fleet of the road due them being un roadworthy.

In a funny way I miss UK North, it was interesting at least. All these clone Stagecoach buses are so boring.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - PhilW
Pardon my ignorance, but if drivers are paid so little and most bus services need subsidising, how come the owners of Stagecoach (Souter and Gloag) have a combined wealth of about £1.5 billion? Where exactly do the subsidies go? How come a "subsidised" industry is so profitable for the owners?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - barchettaman
YOUR = You´re ?

That mistake really winds me up.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - NowWheels
Pardon my ignorance, but if drivers are paid so little and
most bus services need subsidising, how come the owners of Stagecoach
(Souter and Gloag) have a combined wealth of about £1.5 billion?
Where exactly do the subsidies go?

One guess, Phil. Just one ...
How come a "subsidised" industry is so profitable for the owners?

No competition in most areas; staff wages driven in the ground; no control on fares outside London.

The profits on each route may not be huge, but multiply that by all the routes which Stagecoach runs, and you've got a nice little earner.

The costs for new entrants are high, and as per the above example in Manchester, Stagecoach can just drive the competition off the road.

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - PhilW
"The profits on each route may not be huge, but multiply that by all the routes which Stagecoach runs, and you've got a nice little earner."

So why do they need subsidising to the extent that someone can build up their personal wealth from nothing in 1980 to £1.5 billion in 2005? (Is that £60 million a year for 25 years?)

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - NowWheels
So why do they need subsidising to the extent that someone
can build up their personal wealth from nothing in 1980 to
£1.5 billion in 2005? (Is that £60 million a year for
25 years?)

Because Mister Tony said that the country needs more millionaires.

His policy is working:(
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Aprilia
>> So why do they need subsidising to the extent that
>> can build up their personal wealth from nothing in 1980
>> £1.5 billion in 2005? (Is that £60 million a year
>> 25 years?)
Because Mister Tony said that the country needs more millionaires.
His policy is working:(

Stagecoach was a creature created by Mrs Thatcher.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Martin Devon
Ithink he reverted back
to drive on the right.

You cannot "revert back." You either revert or you don't.

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - No FM2R

Maybe he thought it wasn't his wrong way ? Or did you mean "you're" ? Disgusting to have a lack of english language ability, isn't it ? I presume your [sic] Polish ?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Leif
Maybe he thought it wasn't his wrong way ? Or did you mean "you're" ? Disgusting to have a lack of english
language ability, isn't it ? I presume your [sic] Polish ?

His English certainly lacked polish.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - No FM2R

I'll get your coat.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Mazda-Man
Surely there must be many safety and emergency situations in which the inability of a public service vehicle driver to speak English could prove disasterous.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - BobbyG
There was an article recently in the papers up here about a Polish bus driver who had stopped and picked up his friends, together with their full-size cooker, and then dropped them of at their house whilst doing his regular route.

I could sympathise with the bus owners when interviewed, he said "to be honest as part of the training we didn't say that he couldn't pick up cookers!" We will now though!
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
"Surely there must be many safety and emergency situations in which the inability of a public service vehicle driver to speak English could prove disasterous."

Like these for example:

"I didn't see that child in the road because I don't speak English"

"I didn't see that cyclist in my blind spot because I don't speak English"

"I didn't see the light was red because I don't speak English"

It's just driving a bus. Get a grip.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - cardriver
A slight change to the OP so apologies but there was an interesting article recently on automondial on how fuel ineffecient buses are for 90% of the time (outside of London). The logic was that they were at their most efficient when full which is only about twice a day, morning when taking people to work and evening when taking them home. Any other time then you have this big bus doing about 10mpg with half a couple of people on board.
The programme actually put up a good argument to say that cars are very fuel efficient in terms of passenger miles when compared to air and public transport. (Although it did say trains were pretty good).
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Mazda-Man
BDD - are you sane?

Emergencies happen INSIDE buses too!

What about someone on a bus who collapses when there are no other passengers present? The drice calls 999 and has to wait for an interpreter?????

What about a female girl who's been assaulted by a gang of yobs upstairs on a bus and runs to the driver for help? How's she going to explain?

Surely in such situations not speaking English would be a problem, especially if there are no other responsible passengers around?

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Mazda-Man
Oh for an edit button lol

Female girl :)

drice - driver
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
"What about a female girl who's been assaulted by a gang of yobs upstairs on a bus and runs to the driver for help? How's she going to explain?"

What if she's Polish and the bus driver is English?

"Surely in such situations not speaking English would be a problem"

Have you ever been abroad? Did you suffer from panic attacks because nobody spoke English?

Again. Get a grip.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Mazda-Man
So you don't think it's a particular probblem that the sole person in charge of a PSV can't speak English? I suggest you need to get a grip! The fact that the drive can't communicate to the emergency services in the event of a situation and can't properly intervene in the event of a problem would be a big problem to me.

The nationality of the passengers and their linguistic skills is not the issue since those responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the passengers are the bus company and their staff. No driver will ever be able to speak all the languages which may be represented on a bus - as a traveller in a foreign country that is what you expect.

In the event you describe at the least driver could quickly explain what he saw/heard and arrange for help without requiring an interpreter.

In answer to your final pathetic point - yes I have worked, lived and holidayed abroad for many years in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, My wife is from E. Europe and our respective families have frequently travelled between our two countries. Is that enough for you ?

Get a grip mate!

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
"So you don't think it's a particular probblem that the sole person in charge of a PSV can't speak English?"

I thought I'd made that clear. Calm down dear.

What's your policy on foreign coaches, packed with foreign holiday makers, driven by foreign drivers coming over here by the way? Are they in terrible peril too?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Mazda-Man
I thought I'd made my policy quite clear dear - obviously not clear enough for you. My view is that the sole person responsible for a PSV being unable to speak English is a problem for the reasons I've mentioned. It's certainly not the only problem in the world and nor is it the only cause of potential dangers in the world. Bringing into the equation all sorts of other issues and variables doesn't alter my point or my stance. I'd take exactly the same view where the situation applied in another country and the driver of a PSV was for example English and unable to speak the host language. I'd say that was wholly irresponsible. Trying to present this (if that's what you are attempting) as some form of bigoted view of foreigners won't wash I'm afraid.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - No FM2R
>>Have you ever been abroad?

Of course not. They speak foreign over there, who knows what emergency could happen to someone who only spoke English in a foreign country.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
"They speak foreign over there, who knows what emergency could happen to someone who only spoke English in a foreign country."

What if I'm on a bus and choke on a tic tac and can only gesture wildly while thrashing about? I'm mean, how many bus drivers know sign language?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - No FM2R
Quite, or if you're using some of that dodgy coke you were peddling around Bicester Village, then how would you find someone who understood foaming-at-the-mouth-raging-nutterish ?

Although if you spoke with a posh accent while foaming at the mouth, at least we'd know you looked after your car.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
"foaming-at-the-mouth-raging-nutterish" - I think they offer that course at Glasgow polytechnic

Probably best if everybody would just pfd off back where they came from and we all stay indoors where it's safe.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - stevied
"Calm down dear" LOL.

I take it they have the esure ads over there Mr Dave? : )

"Probably best if everybody would just pfd off back where they came from and we all stay indoors where it's safe."

A combination of BNP and New Labour! New BNP? : )
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
Yeah, we can get SKY here.

I was a bit shocked when I saw old Winner back on the box, he looks dreadful. I really like him, ever since he spat venom at Richard Littlejohn on his own show and he campaigns for coppers killed in the line of duty. Not to mention he's always got a hot, young dolly balancing on his lap. Top bloke.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - No Do$h
Yeah, we can get SKY here.

LOL, but it turns up on time and costs less, right?
I was a bit shocked when I saw old Winner back
on the box, he looks dreadful. I really like him, ever
since he spat venom at Richard Littlejohn on his own show
and he campaigns for coppers killed in the line of duty.
Not to mention he's always got a hot, young dolly balancing
on his lap. Top bloke.

Calm down dear, it's only viagra.....
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Micky
There are some P*****s driving buses in Mankchester? Unlucky P*****s. You travelled across Europe and you've ended up in Mankchester. Perhaps it feels like home.

I travelled to Poland a few years ago, I've never seen so many people with boils. Is it the diet or just lack of hygiene?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Micky
Eh? A robustly historic term of endearment for a person of Polish descent is censored? Ho hum.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - tack
.....a bus company in Manchester.........Most of their drivers can NOT speak English.....

I didn't think anyone up there spoke English, just some mangled version of it

Right, I'll stick the Beano annual down the back of my strides ready for the kicking!
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - wd 40
Right, I'll stick the Beano annual down the back of my
strides ready for the kicking!

Don't confuse Mancs with scousers............


Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
"I've never seen so many people with boils."

Sounds like you met my mother in law Mickey. Yeah the diet's dreary and the buses do harbour a B.O. problem, but the girls are hot and they outnumber the boys so if you're really ugly it's the place to come to find a bride.

I'm not ugly by the way, far from it.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - barchettaman
Not what your wife told me.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - cardriver
>>so if you're really ugly it's the place to come to find a bride<<

Are we on about Manchester or Poland ?

I need to know if I'm buying a bus or plane ticket.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Dalglish
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English!

not so different to the situation on london buses since the 1960s, i am told. languages in question being urdu, west-indian, or cockney slang/rhyme.

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Pugugly {P}
nice put down Dave.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Micky
">Yeah the diet's dreary and the buses do harbour a B.O. problem,<"

It sounds awful, can't you get a well paid job in the UK then? Never mind, I'm sure things will improve for you.

There's something very wrong about having to travel to other countries to find a wife. Or is the age of consent lower in Poland?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Pugugly {P}
I am acquainted with a local ops Manager for Arriva. They can't attract locally recruited drivers - simple law of economics.

A couple of Polish bus drivers were witnesses to an incident in our local town, local Police have a Polish speaking PCSO which makes statement taking a bit easier. Get used to it it;s the economic imperative that attracts workers from other countries.

A manager of another local facility told me that they can't recruit local workers either - they are scraping the bottom of the local employment barrel, his description paints a depressing picture of unemployable people dependant on drugs and alcohol who can't keep off the weed long enough to pass a drugs test, I'd rather have a "clean" Polish bus driver than a drug dependant home grown driver.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Aprilia
A manager of another local facility told me that they can't
recruit local workers either - they are scraping the bottom of
the local employment barrel, his description paints a depressing picture of
unemployable people

Do you believe that?
Just before Christmas I signed a two year consultancy contract with a local engineering company (HVAC products). They have been expanding rapidly over the last few years and are moving into lots of new markets. Whilst showing me around the workshop the technical director explained that they had managed to get rid of 10 local shop-floor workers (mainly welders and metal formers) last summer and replace them with Poles. The reason being that the Poles would be paid 50% of what the previous rate for the job. I don't know how they managed to get away with this, but they did. The Eastern Europeans are being brought in to provide a new 'peasant workforce' and are as much victims as the displaced UK workers. Furthermore it does nothing for UK productivity because UK companies are once again fighting shy of making serious capital investment through employing cheap labour.

Incidentally, I have nothing against Poles - I rather like them in fact, every one I've met has been a thoroughly decent bloke. I also visited Poland a few times and was more taken with the country than I expected.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Micky
Market forces. I love capitalism.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Lud
They never did actually. In fact they never spoke at all. They just drove the bus.

Of course buses were properly run in those days, with an ever-open door and a conductor.

Bring back the goddam conductor you penny-pinching prats!
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Aprilia
Bring back the goddam conductor you penny-pinching prats!

Have you read Will Hutton's 'Parable of the bus conductor'? - very good it is.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Lud
No, but I think the abolition of the bus conductor was penny-pinching and utterly, utterly prattish. Aren't buses subsidised? If not they should be. The French know what they're doing.

Have you looked at one of these poor underpaid overworked fellows trying to hack a modern doubledecker or worse still one of those articulated excrement-piles?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Micky
Stressful day Lud?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Soupytwist
Are you not concerned that half way through the contract they'll sack you & find a foreign consultant who'll do the job for half the money?
Soupytwist !
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Aprilia
Are you not concerned that half way through the contract they'll
sack you & find a foreign consultant who'll do the job
for half the money?
Soupytwist !

Yes, that's possible. I have always worked for myself (as did my dad before me) and it can feel a bit precarious at times. I always make an effort to deliver though, and have never actually been 'fired' from a contract but have problems getting reasonably prompt payment (I used to do some work for GEC and they were awful). I can certainly be a more stressful life than suckling at the big company teat with all the employment rights etc etc that you get nowadays.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Pugugly {P}
"Do you believe that?"

Yes - the guy's place is on the outskirts of a town where I do a lot of business. There is a huge Class A drugs' problem there along with class B&C and drink. The place, socially, is a mess he has real difficulites in eploying locals so he gets in migrant workers who know how to behave and work.

Called to the custody unit that serves this area today,, one of the town's finest had been brought in following a drugs warrant, 30 yrs old, never worked (gets sickness benefit) a chronic drinker and drugs user.......
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - BazzaBear {P}
if you're really ugly it's the place to come to find a
I'm not ugly by the way, far from it.

Does that mean you're the bride?
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Harmattan
Help, I have wandered into an episode of On the Buses with the ghost of Blakey groaning in the background.

Family member is a driver in a company employing many Poles. They don't take sickies, turn up on time, keep to schedules and just get on with the job. Only real problem is that the company has employed a Polish controller because of the language issues and that then causes the English speakers difficulty with his English and him with regional accent problems.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Armitage Shanks {p}
2 or 3 Jags (Motoring link) John Prescott doesn't speak any known variation or dialect related to English. He's got to the top of the pile, from which he can now rant and jeer at the peasants beneath him! There is no Justice!
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Bagpuss
This also applies to people working on the UK railway system, example, the last time I was in London I made use of the Underground and bought a day ticket from the ticket desk as the ticket machines would not accept my credit cards or coins.

The guy who served me was unhelpful, arrogant, obnoxious and spoke such terrible english I kept having to ask him to repeat himself ,which worsened his temper without improving his pronunciation. He then sold me the wrong ticket which I spotted because it cost around double what I had calculated. When I asked for a refund he resorted to swear words and accused me of asking for the wrong type of ticket.

The language in question, by the way, was "cockney", possibly a local variant known as "garbled cockney" and the guy was white and clearly of english origin.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Lud
Excellent Bagpuss. I was wondering how to make the point about British regional accents without sounding poncy.

Of course these incomprehensions can be reciprocal!
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - stevied

My one further point would be: it is (to my mind) perfectly acceptable to have an accent (although one should tone it down where necessary sometimes!) as log as you're understood.... it's dialect and glottal stops and all that that cause the problems. Like, innit?

I have a failry broad Northern/Midlands accent but I can E N U N C I A T E clearly and I drop all the Cheshireisms when I need to (ie speaking to clients etc!!).

Although looking through my entries today, I see I used the phrase (with reference to a DSG gearbox) " gets a cob on". Sorry sorry sorry to anyone outside o't North! : )
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Aprilia
I guess the one group of people that its safe to take a shot at these days is the white British working class (the scummy Chavs etc). Never heard of anyone getting into trouble for that.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Lud
Was anyone taking a shot at the white British working class Aprilia? Seem to remember seeing something somewhere to the effect that the use of the word 'chav' was just such a shot, and deplorable for that reason. My memory is that it was in a column in the Daily Terrorflag, but then again it might have been here...
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - stevied
It was Julie Burchill Lud, I think it's the Grauniad she was writing for. After the article was published, she also did a TV prog about it.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Lud
Thanks stevied. I saw that programme and it was a remarkably sympathetic piece of polemic (although I have to say la Burchill normally annoys me greatly... must be because she's white and working class).
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - stevied
That'll be it! : ) Same here: she annoys me, but I find her articles and indeed programmes compelling....

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Bagpuss
I guess the one group of people that its safe to
take a shot at these days is the white British working
class (the scummy Chavs etc). Never heard of anyone getting
into trouble for that.

Not sure whether this was aimed at my post above, but an interesting comment none the less.

My feeling is that the UK is in danger of embracing political correctness almost to the extent of the USA, where you have have to be unbelievably careful about saying anything that could vaguely be understood as offensive by any "minority". "Minority" in this context, I discovered from an american acquaintance, means anyone not white and male. My acquaintance confirmed that politically correct americans (himself included - VP of a large US corporation) see women as a minority and even managed to say it without either laughing or seeing the irony. Assuming the same rules apply to use of political correctness in the UK, it means you are right, I can write a post criticizing the communication abilities of male white minimum wage slaves without fear of reprisal as they are not a "minority".

Maybe a better reply to the OP would have been the Indian taxi drivers in New York who are notorious for neither understanding nor speaking english and for not knowing their way around Manhattan. They can tell when you don't give them a 20% tip though.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Aprilia
Not sure whether this was aimed at my post above, but
an interesting comment none the less.

Yes it was, and I agree with your post above. There is the big danger of backlash one day though....
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Altea Ego

Whats a bus?
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Mapmaker
What an abysmal, xenophobic thread. Wouldn't this be better on pistonheads? Where is the motoring relevance to this.

In London, it doesn't matter WHAT language the driver speaks, as you never have to speak to him. Buy your tickets at a machine on the pavement, or use your Oyster card. So much easier.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
Amen mapmaker

you the man
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Leif
What an abysmal, xenophobic thread.

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Mapmaker

Why? Because of the nonsense being spouted here. It's certainly irritating not to be able to ask the driver where to get off for Trafalgar square. However it is no more than irritating; not dangerous:

1. 'Drivers need to speak English in case of an emergency'. On a Routemaster bus, the driver is unable to access the body of the bus itself. I've seen a conductor left behind on the pavement... how dangerous was that? Not at all.

2. How on earth is a bus driver to speak to his passengers anyway? How loudly can you shout over a diesel engine and a hundred noisy passengers?

3. What about foreign coach drivers with British passengers on board. I am sure that often enough these foreign-run trans-Europe coaches have foreign staff and Britsh passengers; strangely I don't remember hearing the cries of outrage.

4. Ever been on an internal British flight run by a foreign airline? Shocking.

5. A Polish driver took a cooker on the bus. Well, that could never happen with an English-born driver, could it.

Face it, driving a bus is well down the social scale. People do it because they have no other choice. Bus drivers are always a target of abuse; Polish, English or Welsh.

Dear moderators; please lock this thread. It is not motoring related.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Aprilia
The PC brigade kick in as usual.
I think there's an academic at Cambridge at the moment that they're trying to hound out of his job because he is suggesting that there should be a limit on immigration - this is nowadays interpreted as 'racism' and 'xenophobia'. I most definitely think this thread is not xenophobic - the accusation is just being used to stop any kind of discussion. There are positive and negative aspects to immigration, and one thing that has to be considered is the impact of large numbers of non-English speaking workers in the transport industry, as well as commercial vehicle operators from Eastern Europe and foreign-registered/insured private cars.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Dalglish
The PC brigade kick in as usual.

matey, you're being a jerk or yo having a laf ain't ya. one minute you are in the anti-capitalist, anti-profit, anti-business left lane; and the next you are in the ultra nationalist anti-immigration right lane.
stay in the middle lane where dawdling jerks belong.
little englander xenophobia is apparent, through and through.

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - mare
matey, you're being a jerk

Pot. Kettle. Black.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Leif
Why? Because of the nonsense being spouted here. It's
certainly irritating not to be able to ask the driver where
to get off for Trafalgar square. However it is no
more than irritating; not dangerous:

Irritating? You wait for a bus, ask the driver if he goes to X, and he responds in Polish. What do you do? Sorry but IMO speaking basic English is a bare minimum for working in a 'customer interfacing' role. I took a bus on Saturday and needed to ask the driver directions. Thankfully he did not respond in Polish.

Did you know that a significant proportion of the homeless are Polish? These are people who came here to find work, but failed, in part due to not speaking English, and when their money ran out, they found themselves on the street. Not nice at all. Did you also know that there is a severe shortage of builders and other tradesmen in Poland? The EU are pouring in money to reconstruct Poland, but they can't get the workers. I would guess that there is also a shortage of prostitutes in Poland.

Something I cannot stand is people who shout 'racism' when these issues are discussed. It is plain dishonest. And it plays into the hands of nasty groups such as the BNP. (Ever wondered why they are picking up record numbers of council seats? Could it be because they are the only ones who talk about these issues, albeit in their own rather vile manner.)

Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Lud
Reminds me of the story of the backwoods Tory peer who thought it expedient to show a democratic side after the Labour landslide of 1945. Petrol was meanly rationed and Rolls-Royces only usable from time to time.

He got into the first bus that arrived, held out a sheet-sized fiver to the conductor and boomed genially: 'House of Lords, please.'
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - AlastairW
Exactly Leif. Nothing to add, just wanted to give you some support.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Vincent de Marco
>>> I would guess that there is also a shortage of prostitutes in Poland.
Yes, there is... Plenty of Russians, though.

- - - - - - -
Free enterprise is the basis of western economy.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Big Bad Dave
"I would guess that there is also a shortage of prostitutes in Poland."

I've not had any problems.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Westpig
Exactly Leif. Nothing to add, just wanted to give you
some support.

same's like the current 4x4/climate debate........those on the supposed moral high ground, as part of their defence/arguement will shout 'racism' or 'energy waster' just because you dare to try to voice another angle ....... complete lack of freedom of speech, curbed by do-gooders or the plain cynical who wish to peddle their view at all costs
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - No FM2R
I think that there are worrying commernts made in the UK sometimes.

It seems that people here are very quick to blame "foreigners" for stuff. Be that job losses, dodgy economy, whatever. I think we're also very quick to criticise foreigners without being stood on particularly firm ground ourselves. I've spent most of my working life abroad, and whatever languages I speak now, I assure you that I arrived in most countries without knowing a word - I've pretty much always driven everywhere though, and usually long before I've learned the local highway code or language.

Many of you will have driven abroad - France (speak french?) on holiday (speak greek ?) on business (speak american?) so lets not be too quick to condemn.

I can't say that I think that having a bus driver who doesn't speak english is a good idea although lets not get too excited about it. But some of the comments seem to come from a "damn the foreigner" aspect rather more than simply discussing whether or not its a good idea. - would you be comfortable with a bus driver who was a white anglo-saxon, english speaking, protestant, but unfortunately deaf ?

Some people do hide behind accusations of racism, but then some others are rather too quick to deny it.

Now that's aside from where the government has its head - as someone above said it is wrong that a "new" Pole can come in where a UK born and bred asian can't bring his grandmother.

I need to look up xenophobia and racism - isn't one based on irrrational judgement and the other on fear ? In which case I would say that there is xenophobia in the UK and in here.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - stevied
No FM2R, you have expressed my feelings perfectly. Thanks for saving everyone my hysterical ranting by expressing calmly and coolly your thoughts!
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Lud
I need to look up xenophobia and racism - isn't one
based on irrrational judgement and the other on fear ? In
which case I would say that there is xenophobia in the
UK and in here.

You don't say NoFM2R? And racism too to be quite honest, but just from a minority. The British on the whole aren't too bad in this area. Most of them aren't really nasty.

What they do have in spades is a sense of cultural and political superiority, the reasons for which alas look thinner every day.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Westpig
No FM2R,

good post.........but it doesn't cover the middle ground. I don't really have an opinion on the Polish bus driver discussion...but some do. It doesn't necessarily mean they're xenophobic or racist if they disapprove although I agree they could be and some undoubtably are.

Personally, i get quite vexed when my viewpoint is trodden on by someone who virtually automatically assumes i'm anti........when often i'm not.........but i quite like a balanced view and will sometimes do the old devil's advocate to achieve it.

I think disussions such as this are healthy, to air views and to consider others viewpoints, but occasionally someone comes along and labels another with something as a means of putting them down and to stifle that element of debate......racism is a topical one nowadays.....very easy to throw that label and very hard for the recipient to argue against, so the best option is to keep quiet when you're in that position or potential position....not healthy though... and not just.

not directed at you in the slightest
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Leif
I need to look up xenophobia and racism - isn't one
based on irrrational judgement and the other on fear ? In
which case I would say that there is xenophobia in the
UK and in here.

If you want racism, try Quebec, in Canada. I am not Jewish, but I came across anti-semitism for the first time in Montreal e.g. "Jews live off the backs of others" expressed by a large group of people. We in the UK are fairly tolerant despite what some might think. And the BNP is atypical and has far less support than Le Pen and the Front National in France.

But I can understand people being worried. It is okay for middle class people who get access to cheap plumbers and their house prices go up nicely thank you. But what about the poor classes whose wages go down, and who cannot afford a house, due to increased competition. Or software engineers who cannot get a job because Indians are coming in and doing the work (guess my trade!).

Anyway, I digress from motoring. Hohum.
Many UK bus drivers don't speak English! - Bromptonaut
Mark (NoFM2R) wrote.
on business (speak american?)

On another list I've just done a double take over pants clips (those little
gadgets that keep your pants' cuffs out of the moving parts)

Then realised the author meant bicycle clips