Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - Robbie
Here it is.
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - L'escargot
The thing that worries me about these petitions is the large number of participants that use lower case letters at the beginning of their name. I can't help but wonder about their mental abilities and whether it would be wise for me to associate myself with them.
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - bignick
In that case shouldnt your chosen minicker be L'Escargot?
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - UncleR
I won't be "signing" this. Whilst they annoy me in many situations, I think they have a benefit outside schools for example. What shall we petition for next, abolishing traffic wardens so we can park where we like?
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - boxsterboy
Whilst they annoy me in
many situations, I think they have a benefit outside schools for
example. >>

I agree. But I never see them outside schools.

I see tham mostly on 'safe' dual carriageways or the M25.
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - L'escargot
In that case shouldnt your chosen minicker be L'Escargot?

My minicker, Inspector Clouseau? I will have to consult my minkey on that one. Sacre bleu et zut alors!
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - Westpig
The thing that worries me about these petitions is the large
number of participants that use lower case letters at the beginning
of their name. I can't help but wonder about their
mental abilities and whether it would be wise for me to
associate myself with them.

you shamed me into changing mine........
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - Mazda-Man
I'm going to start a petition to ban petitions :)
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - Stuartli
It would seem that the Government pays very little attention to them.

For instance, Blair paraded 60 people supposedly "from all walks of life" last week to advise the Government on its future policies yet, only a few days earlier, the 1.8 million signatures on the petition against road charging was contemptuously dismissed as being irrelevant compared to the number of cars and drivers on the road.

In other words the Government only wants to hear what it wants to hear.....
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - Cliff Pope
I have said it before, petitions are meaningless.
What about a petition to abolish income tax? That ought to attract about 50 million signatures. Would it achieve anything?
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - nortones2
They must live in cloud-cuckoo land, to think that any level of speed enforcement could be done otherwise than by some automated means. Perhaps the petitioners would prefer to scrap speed limits. It would save on all this enforcement business as well. The usual riposte is education. Education be blowed: drivers who speed know exactly what they are doing. If there is a real objection to speed limits, put it to political parties to implement their repeal. If there is no support for ad-lib driving, speed limit enforcement will have to be tolerated.
Petition to Scrap Speed Cameras - greenhey
Why stop at withdrawing speed cameras .
As they seem to be extremely effective and self-funding in applying ( whether we like it or not) the law, surely we should not start with them but with other less effective enforcement methods, across plocing generally.
A petition to scrap them would provide exactly the evidence that they are working. If they were scrapped because those caught didnt like it, could burglars and muggers create a petition to scrap police patrols on the same grounds?
Here's a good plan- make the "safety partnerships" and the cameras bankrupt by observing the speed limit