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Brazilian Reality? - Homer

Does this sound plausible?

Re: Brazilian Reality? - Matt Kelly
This was mentioned on Radio 5 last night & I instantly thought of Batmanuel (see earlier posting by Mark). Surely Batmanuel is as much a mickey take out of the all American superhero as the Simpson episode is of Brazil. Given GWB's current mood the full might of the US military machine will be unleashed upon Brazil. With Tony Blair's backing & support of course.
Re: Brazilian Reality? - Randolph Lee
Well I saw the show in question, and I have to say it is the best of this years season... Still I can See how it would get up the nose of the Chaps in the "Visit Rio" Dept... Perhaps all the lack of humor that used to reside in Germany has fled to Brazil?
Re: Brazilian Reality? - Mark (Brazil)
Oh, its true. The following is from yesterday's daily newspaper. I haven't time to translate it now, but essentially it is the same story and gives more details.

Its probably onloy publicity, but they will try.

A Riotur vai processar por perdas e danos a produtora Fox Cable International pela exibição, domingo, do episódio ?Blame it on Lisa? do desenho animado Os Simpsons na TV americana. Como informou ontem O GLOBO, o episódio mostrou os Simpsons numa seqüência de situações de risco no Rio de Janeiro, incluindo o seqüestro do chefe da família, Homer, por um motorista de táxi carioca. Indignado com o que considerou uma série de irrealidades ? como um ataque de macacos ? o secretário municipal de Turismo e presidente da Riotur, José Eduardo Guinle, decidiu acionar a produtora na Justiça americana.

A Riotur argumenta que já investiu mais de US$ 18 milhões na divulgação da cidade no exterior. Somente no ano passado, mais de 220 mil americanos fizeram turismo na cidade. A Riotur também estuda a possibilidade de entrar com outra ação, esta de indenização, pelo prejuízo na imagem do Rio no exterior.

O episódio ?Blame it on Lisa? ? título em alusão ao filme ?Blame it on Rio?, de Stanley Donen, lançado em 1984 ? narra a viagem dos Simpson ao Rio em busca de um menino órfão desaparecido e candidato à adoção, Ronaldo. Além dos macacos que atacam o Orfanato dos Anjos Imundos numa favela carioca, há outros animais no episódio: uma jibóia engole o personagem Bart Simpson no Pão de Açúcar, depois que o resgate de Homer é pago, e, na favela que a família visita, os Simpsons se deparam com uma profusão de ratos que os impede de atravessar a rua. O seriado não faz distinções: é cáustico com o Rio como costuma ser com qualquer lugar do mundo, inclusive os Estados Unidos.

Ao chegarem ao Rio, os Simpsons não sabem como chegar ao hotel. A ignorância serve de pretexto para que o episódio faça a típica confusão americana entre a cultura brasileira e os clichês das culturas hispânicas. Marge, a mãe, pega um guia intitulado ?Quem quer ser um brasilionário? (em alusão ao programa de perguntas e respostas da rede de TV ABC ?Quem quer ser um milionário?) e lê o seguinte: ?Diz aqui que a gente pode ir aonde quiser pegando uma fila de conga?. Surge então uma fila de pessoas dançando conga, uma das quais segura uma placa, na qual se lê: ?Centro da cidade?. É dançando na fila que os Simpsons chegam ao hotel, saltando dela como se fosse transporte público.

Depois de ir à Praia de Copacabana, Homer toma um suco de frutas numa barraca com Bart. Este diz que há milhões de garotos no Rio e assim nunca Ronaldo será encontrado. A vendedora da barraca diz: ?Ronaldo??. Bart então pergunta: ?Você o conhece??. Ela retruca: ?Não. Estou distraindo vocês, enquanto minhas crianças os roubam.? Homer e Bart vêem-se então cercados por meninos e meninas pequenos, que lhes tiram dinheiro dos bolsos.

O policial fardado que atende Marge numa delegacia, quando ela vai dar queixa do seqüestro e pedir que Ronaldo seja procurado, lhe diz: ?Não acho que exista um marido ou um menino. Eu acho é que você tem uma coisa comigo.? Entra um cidadão ferido a bala num dos braços. ?Levei um tiro?, diz ele. Ao que o policial responde: ?Estou lisonjeado.?
Re: Brazilian Reality? - terryb
Thanks Mark. I've run that through Babel fish, here's the result:

The Riotur goes to process for damageses the Fox producer International Wire for the exhibition, sunday, of the Smooth episode Blame it on. of the livened up drawing the Simpsons in the American TV. As it informed the GLOBE yesterday, the episode showed to the Simpsons in a sequence of situations of risk in Rio De Janeiro, including the kidnapping of the head of the family, Homer, for a driver of Carioca taxi. Infuriated with what it considered a series of irrealidades. as one it has attacked of monkeys. the municipal secretary of Tourism and president of the Riotur, Jose Eduardo Guinle, decided to set in motion the producer in American Justice. The Riotur argues that already it more than invested to USS 18 million in the spreading of the city in the exterior. Only in the passed year, 220 a thousand Americans had more than made tourism in the city. The Riotur also studies the possibility to enter with another action, this of indemnity, for the damage in the image of the River in the exterior.

The Smooth episode Blame it on. heading in alusão to the film Blame it on River, of Stanley Donen, launched in 1984. it tells to the trip of the Simpson to the River in search of a boy disappeared orphan and candidate to the adoption, Ronaldo. Beyond the monkeys that attack the Orphanage of the Dirty Angels in a Carioca slum quarter, it has other animals in the episode: a jibóia swallows the personage Bart Simpson in the Bread of Sugar, later that the rescue of Homer is paid, and, in the slum quarter that the family visits, the Simpsons if they come across with a profusion of rats that hinders them to cross the street. The seriado one does not make distinctions: it is caustic with the River as costuma to be with any place of the world, also the United States.

When arriving at the River, the Simpsons does not know as to arrive at the hotel. The ignorance serves of excuse so that the episode makes the typical American confusion between the Brazilian culture and the cliches of the Hispanic cultures. Marge, the mother, catches an intitled guide Quem wants to be a brasilionário. (in alusão to the program of questions and answers of the net of TV ABC Quem wants to be a millionaire.) e reads the following one: Diz here that people can go where to want catching a line of conga.. Conga, an one of the which insurance plate appears then a line of people dancing, in which if it reads: Centro of the city. She is dancing in the line that the Simpsons arrives at the hotel, jumping of it as if it was public transport.

After going to the Beach of Copacabana, Homer takes a fruit juice in a tent with Bart. This says that it has million of boys in the River and thus never Ronaldo will be found. The salesman of the tent says: Ronaldo.. Bart then question: Você knows it.. It retruca: Não. I am distracting vocês, while my children steal them. Homer and Bart see themselves then surrounded by boys and small girls, who take off them money of the pockets. The fardado policeman who takes care of Marge in a police station, when it goes to give complaint of the kidnapping and to ask for that Ronaldo is looked, says to it: Não I find that a husband or a boy exists. I find I am that you have a thing comigo.. The bullet enters a wounded citizen in one of the arms. Levei a shot, says it. To that the policeman answers: Estou flattered.

Hope that makes it clear :-)
Re: Brazilian Reality? - Dave
Thanks for clearing that up for us Mark! ;-)
Re: Brazilian Reality? - Mark (Brazil)
Riotur will sue Fox Cable for the Sunday showing of the episode ?Blame it on Lisa? from the American Cartoon TV series. As they told Globo, the episode showed the Simpsons in a sequence of dangerous situations in Rio, including the kidnapping of Homer by a Rio Taxi Driver. Indignant with what they consider an unrealistic series of events, like an attack by monkeys ? The Municipal Secretary of Tourism and the President of Riotur, , José Eduardo Guinle, decided to sue the producers under american justice.

Riotur argues that it has laready invested more than $18m US introducing the city abroad. Only in this last year more than 220,000 americans visited the city as tourists. Riotur is also studying the possibility of another action within Brazil for indemnity for any prejudice of the city?s image.

The episode, Blame it on Lisa, the title is a play on the film Blame it on Rio made in 1984, describes a Simpson journey to Rio in search of a desperate little orphan for adoption ? Ronaldo.

Blah blah blah

Moneky attack on beach
Kidnap by taxi driver
Orphanage in Favella (slum)
Other animals
Rats in the street
Nasty comments and judgements about Rio
Rio like any other city in the world, including in the US
Arrive in Rio, don?t know how to get to hotel

?This ignorance serves as the pretext for the episode showing thetypical confusion of americans when they enter a Brazilian culture with their typical cliches about hispanic culture.

Blah blah blah

From my point of view, I have never seen a monkey on Copçocabana beach, they stay in the trees and I have never heard of them attacking anybody, although they do throw sticks at my dogs to annoy them.

As for the rest, seemed quite representative to me.
Re: Brazilian Reality? - John S

South American sense of humour bypass somewhere I think.

Let's face it the Simpsons takes the micky out of the American way of life beautifully, but they watch it. Homer - typical overweight American, 'the wrong side of the tracks' in Springfield etc etc etc

It has a taken a poke at France, Australia and the UK, but I've never heard any complaints. Wonderful observation, great programme!


Re: Brazilian Reality? - Mark (Brazil)
Not even that, its a chance of publicity and importance.

It is akin to the New Year celebrations this year - rather than the normal 3 million people on Copocabana Beach it is estimated that slightly less than 2 million actually turned out. The missing million is attributed to a weather forecast saying that it was going to rain.

The same people were in the newspaper stating their intention to sue the weather forecaster. Of course, nothing ever happened.

Every BRazilian that I have spoken to has read the comments about the show; how it showed kidnappings, robberies by children, kidnappings, muggings, offensive taxi drivers, crokked adoptions, gangs, drugs, poor and deprived people, and attacks by monkeys on Copocabana beach.

They are all pretty much unanimous - Its stupid, everybody knows you don't get monkeys on Copocabana beach.