Foreign Rules Enforced - Jonathan {p}
Our beloved Govt have introduced reciprocal arrangement for the enforcement of motoring offences in Europe.
Foreign Rules Enforced - Xileno {P}
You can be pretty sure that it will be one-way.
Foreign Rules Enforced - jc2

I've been drawing your attention to this legislation for at two years now tho' I did say it would be April when it came into force;now,everyone is saying how suprized they are!!!!!
Foreign Rules Enforced - Xileno {P}
How can that be when you've only been a member here for 47 weeks? ;-)
Foreign Rules Enforced - jc2
Because you'll also find me previously under "jc".
Foreign Rules Enforced - jc2
242 weeks and the current jc is not me which is why I'm jc2!!!