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Mondeo Handbrake - Tony Graham
Answered a knock at the door an hour ago. My neighbour took me out to the drive to see my Mondeo pushing gently into the side of the wife's Renault. Handbrake was fully on. Only had the car a week. It's a Fordsure 2001Y 1.8.
Garage claimed fully serviced before I got it. Anyone had a similar problem?

Re: Mondeo Handbrake - Stevieboy
Hi Tony,

Are the rear brakes on your Mondeo disks or drums?

Re: Mondeo Handbrake - Chris B.
My 93 1.8 Mondeo (rear drums) has to have the handbrake on very hard not to move. It's just had the brakes adjusted and passed the mot. That's why I always leave it in gear, and if on a hill with the wheels pointing towards the kerb.
Re: Mondeo Handbrake - pete
I'm confused why anyone would park a car out of gear . Is there a reason for this?
Re: Mondeo Handbrake - CM
SWMBO doesn't check if the car is in neutral when starting (I've told her countless times but she knows best...)
Re: Mondeo Handbrake - Alwyn

My dear wife does that. Annoys the Hell out of me.
Re: Mondeo Handbrake - Todd
From the car-by-car breakdown:
16/7/2001: Warning sent out to owners about correct operation of handbrake: press brake pedal firmly; while brake pedal pressed, pull handbrake lever up to its fullest extent keeping finger off the ratchet button.

It seems that with a Fords Mondeo, you need a special way of putting on the handbrake??!!!
Re: Mondeo Handbrake - John Sales
I believe that I have heard something about this before, and am keen to find out more since I own one of these cars myself. Have some idea that there is a manufacturers modification which involves fitting an alternative type of handbrake lever. Does anyone know about this, please?

I myself certainly don't trust the handbrake action on my own car. Under certain circumstances it can "jump" one notch when already applied and this can cause the car to move. The handbrake feels "funny". Probably what has happened in this case; always leave it in gear as well, that's what I do. Another trick that I do is to push down on the lever after the handbrake has been applied. If it's going to "jump" it will do so when this is done.

When I was taught to drive I was always told to depress the handbrake button so as not to wear out the ratchet. It also gives any passengers a better impression of my driving, not to hear this horrible loud noise when being carried in the car!

Are Ford now teaching me to drive in a different way after 35 years ??!!
Re: Mondeo Handbrake - pete
If you tow with the car the handbrake must be set up with the trailer on otherwise due to the rear suspension lowering slightly the brakes will bind when towing. See the practical caravan site for details , under chatroom/ technical i think. Quite common.
Re: Mondeo Handbrake - Honest John
I agree with Pete. It's not a matter of Ford telling you to park a car differently, this is the advice in The Highway Code. Always leave the car in 1st or reverse gear. Always dip the clutch before trying to start it. Manual American cars are set up so you can't start them unless you dip the clutch anyway.

Re: Mondeo Handbrake - j.cronin
Sometimes;others have other combinations of gearlever/brakepedal/clutch.What annoys me is that different cars from the same manufacturer use different combinations.
Re: Mondeo Handbrake - CM
and also if you are parking on a hill always turn your wheels towards the pavement - obvious I know and I believe it is part of the test/law in San Fransisco.
Re: Mondeo Handbrake - Kev
Point front wheels out when parking uphill.....

Re: Mondeo Handbrake - Mark (Brazil)
>>obvious I know and I believe it is part of the test/law in San Fransisco.

It is. And they check. And they give you tickets. Mind you, you'd have to be nuts not to turn your wheels toward the kerb in SF.