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Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Pip Dunlop
Having seen the success shared by many of previous "posters" I hope that someone can help me with my Clio starting problem.

I have a 1.2 RL 1994 Clio with single point injection.

It has been laid up for 2 years and has been started every couple of months. Recently after charging the battery and washing the engine bay (why???) it failed to start. I squirted WD40 liberally about (near map sensor) and the fuel pump relay started to fizz & click and it started.
Happy with my achievments I left it assuming all was well. Now it wont start at all. No fuel or spark.

The fuel pump runs if I bridge the relay but I still can't get it to fire. I have replaced the ignition coil and module but to no avail.

I have been offered a replacement ECU but I'm scared to throw good money after bad.

Suggestions warmly received.

Pip Dunlop.
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - piston power
back to basics now, have you got a feed to the coil pack? no feed no spark! take those plug leads off and dry them refit and test ,im sure it's just damp seen as you drowned the engine!! why??? have you checked fuses may have shorted one with the water?? good luck let's know how you get on..
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Pip Dunlop
Thanks for replying.

I have checked fuses and they are okay. Checked Fuel pump relay and it switches if you apply a voltage to it.
What confuses me is the fact that I have lost both the spark and the fuel supply at the same time.
When the ignition switch is turned on the fuel pump does not prime the system.
There is a 12v supply at the coil.

I think it would have been a tad easier to sell a running car with a filthy engine bay, than a non runner with a spotless engine bay!!
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - piston power
if there is a feed to the coil pack and no spark then it's faulty and needs replacing, if my memory is right it's just bolted on at the end of the block, as for the fuel system make sure there's no water in the relay cover/box spay with wd40 etc. hope this is of some help!
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - yorkiebar
renault ? Clio ?

are we sure the immobiliser has not cut in?

Whats happening to the red flashing light inside the car when you are trying to start it?
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - sparksfly
Sounds like the ECU, as this controls both the fuelling and the spark, as Yorkiebar says, the immobiliser is prone for failling and this is built into the ECU.
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - bell boy
not sure there is an immobilisor on a 94 clio?
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Pip Dunlop
Thanks to you all for replying.

This one has got me stumped. No immobiliser on this model so I guess that rules that one out.

I'm assuming that a faulty MAP or EGR sensor would just mean rough running and not a complete failure to provide either fuel or spark?

I must confess to having connected the battery charger up with battery connected and ignition on and leaving it this way for a few hours in the hope of breathing some life back into the electrics.

Coil & ign module respond to all the haynes checks for relevant voltage or resistance as does the crank position sensor. I changed the ign coil & module for a second hand one but no change, I suppose this could be faulty but I'm not sure that it would have any link to lack of fueling?

Bring back points and mechanical fuel pumps!!!!!

Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - elekie&a/c doctor
No fuel or sparks;check the flywheel sensor.(on top of gearbox)You may have disturbed the wiring/connector after engine wash.Ecu faulty-I doubt it.
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Pip Dunlop
Thanks, I will pull it off & give it a clean. It was reading correct resistance though.
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - yorkiebar
There are some 94 clios with immobilisers fitted.

On a seperate note does anybody know how to disable the immobiliser on a clio. Its for an off highway utility vehicle use and just needs to be as relaible as possible
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - bell boy
Push the blipper key on the blipper
that immobilsors the immobilisor ;-) (tip of the day eh?)
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - yorkiebar
thanks for that oldman

but it plays up !
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - bell boy
i always try to put it as near to the roof panel as possible as personally i feel they are a very bad design .
early clios should be dead easy to circumnavigate the immobilisor but i dont want to say on here,sorry.........
maybe i could pm a mod? or a rocker?
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Pip Dunlop

No buttons on key or flashing LED so am I safe to assume no immobiliser?

Tried cleaning crank position sensor & plugs etc but still no life in the fuel pump or spark. Does the fuel pump run for a set period when ignition is turned on as I don't remember hearing it run all the time with the ignition turned on (in the days when it actually ran!).

Where does the coil get it's signal to discharge from, ECU, Ign Module or Crank sensor? Is the crank sensor a hall effect type?
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - jc2
Fuel pump should run for approx. 10 sec. to prime system when you first turn ignition on.
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Pip Dunlop
Thanks for that feedback.

It is definately not doing that if that gives anyone any clues? Would a duff crank position sensor cause that?
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - AndyT
Does the Clio have one of those 'accident sensor' buttons, which may need to be reset?
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Pip Dunlop
I had really hoped that would be the case, but not on this model it would appear. Thanks anyway.

Does anyone know if a faulty TDC sensor would cause no fuel and spark? Sounds feasible but being as tight as I am I'd hate to waste another 20 quid if it doesnt fix it.

I think it may be headed for a life as a spares car at this rate!

Thanks to everyone who has tried to help.

Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - jc2
Yes;this tells the ECU that 1.the engine is rotating(turn on fuel pump and ignition) and 2.when to fire the spark.
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Pip Dunlop

This is sounding promising, but, what about the lack of the 10 second priming on ignition on but not cranking???

I promise if you give me a good answer to that I'll be off to Europarts in the morning for a sensor.

Thanks again.
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - ggh1
Forgive me, I don't know anything about Renaults as my 25, 2L. rusted away before I could learn anything about it, I did have to change the camshaft however to cure a top end rattle. However, my rust free Mk 3 Golf 1997 would not start, spark, or inject with a faulty engine speed sensor, but the fuel pump would prime. I hope this is of some help.
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Pip Dunlop
Thanks for that. I think based on that info and that I am getting the correct resistance values from the flywheel sensor that it is okay.

Anyone agree that it could be a damaged ECU? I can't think what else controls fuel pump priming and ignition spark signal?
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - jc2
Doesn't your engine have a crankshaft position sensor as well as a camshaft one??
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Andrew Moorey (Tune-Up)
Common fault with Clios is that there is a cheap little switch in the glove compartment which is something to do with anti-theft fitted after market by dealers. The wires can drop off this switch. Secondly underneath the dash top where the wires from this switch are spliced into the harness the joints can fail. Its only a few screws holding the dash top on so easy to check (and replace all the failed dash light bulbs!). Crank position sensor failure causes this problem also. There almost certainly is an immo in the ECU but good news is that folk such as BBA-Reman can supply a replacement ECU without immo function.
Simplicate and add lightness!!
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Pip Dunlop
Thanks Andrew,

Tune Up pops up a lot when Googling for Clio electrical problems, I don't suppose you fancy a run up to Glasgow???

I have stripped out the crude anti-theft device already, maybe I should re-check my wiring repair!!

Sorry to everyone for going over old ground but 1) would crank sensor also take out fuel priming action and 2) 94 Mk1 Car, No alarm light on dash or blippy key, so is it still possible that I have an immobiliser circuit in ECU that has decided to spring into action?

Reply to previous message: No I'm fairly sure that there isn't a cam sensor as the cam/crank relationship is set by timing belt/chain so the crank sensor in effect covers both jobs.

Thanks again,

Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - jc2
With single poiint injection(CFI) and early multipoint you only need a crankshaft sensor to tell the module that the engine is rotating(and turn on pump) and when to fire the spark.With modern multipoint(SEFI)you need a second signal to tell the module which stroke the engine is on(usually a camshaft sensor).
Clio 1.2 RL No fuel or Spark - Kamikazzee

So, this is probs not gonna help anyone but it may be here to help someone maybe sometime that may still have the "Pleasure" to buy an Mk2 Pase1 Renault Clio, In the wiring loom there is 1 power cable that gives power to the ECU. And one cable that gives power to the fuel relay. Now, im my wiring loom over time the wires have broken (inside) and this is due to the way that the wiring loom is put together. Due to the heat from the gearbox they broke and the engine management half of the ECU was not receiving power meaning that it was unable to start, no petrol, no spark, no nothing except for starter. After fixing this the car has run since and it has been great, (a lot of ECU's have been killed due to this so go step by step (cheap [fixing the wiring loom] and expensive switching out the ecu [if you just replace ecu you may kill your ecu again if you have this issue. The easiest way to diagnose is to get a multi meter put it into continuity and unplug the ECU then place on end of the multi meter on the 5A fuse on the fuse box (its the fuse that gives power to the engine management half of the ECU) and one of the corner pins on the ECU plug. It Should be one of the corners where all the cables fly out the side (or if you can see the cables its the red cable flying into the corner)

Best of luck ;D And hope this helps.

P.S. If you replace your ECU only you may move the cables in such a way that they contact again and the car may work fine for some time, but its worth checking before spending cash.