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MX5 Engine (remember that one?) - Gill
Anyone remember the poor maiden in distress over the ceased engine in her MX5? There was much debate over liabilty & the changing of oil etc. but after prolonged negotions with Mazda I am VERY pleased to tell you all that they have agreed to replace the engine free of charge. Viva la consumer! Many thanks to all those who offered support, advice & G&Ts.

Re: MX5 Engine (remember that one?) - David W

Absolutely excellent news. For those who don't remember Gill's query here a while back look at....


Did they accept the failure was down to anything in particular, weren't you getting some feedback that there has been a crank thrust washer problem on this engine type?

Re: MX5 Engine (remember that one?) - Marcus
Blimey !

How did you manage to persuade them ? I guess what would cost you £2200 wouldn't cost Mazda anything like that amount, whereas you may well buy another car which will see another £15 000 going back in their direction......

Rule of negotiating #14, go for something that will cost the supplier relatively little but will be worth considerably more to you !

Good news !
Internet advice. - Flat in Fifth
Quite interesting this internet thing.

I was contacted by someone in Oz who had had a cam belt failure on his Belgian built Holden Vectra.

Thanks to information on this site, another site, BBC Watchdog, and my own limited knowledge I was able to steer him in the right direction and give him some ammunition in his case against GM.

As a result he came back having had his engine rebuilt totally free of charge and the most gratifying comment from the dealer was "Where the hell are you getting your inside information from?"

Its nice when someone comes back to complete the story, and though I had no input in Gill's case I would like to say thanks for the feedback.
Re: Internet advice. - Honest John
Well that's interersting, because I was also contacted by Bruce Isbister in Oz who e-mailed me back to thank me (and others) for helping him recoup $3,000 from GM Holden using info I gave him plus info in the car by car breakdown.

Re: Internet advice. - Flat in Fifth
Hello HJ,

I had not seen your news item before I made that post above, but since then it has been pointed out to me. I thought you might comment on it so for the record.

Here is part of my comment to Bruce directing him to your good self along with some other places and giving my own opinion and advice.

?go to www.honestjohn.co.uk and there is info here as follows, I don?t want to reproduce it here as it?s HJ?s copywright
See his advice in Faq?s section question 11
Also look in the car by car breakdown for Vauxhall Vectra, where you will find some phone numbers for GM helplines, albeit in UK, but I hope they can point you in the right direction.
Failing all else you can either e-mail Honest John himself at letters@honestjohn.co.uk OR ask a question in the Backroom forum, but please don?t do both....?

This was before the date of your news item, it was in the aim of introducing someone to the site, getting your statistics up and not getting you a double question situation.

I got the following reply from Bruce.


Thanks to you I managed to find sufficient information to successfully argue with General Motors that they should pick up the complete tab for engine rebuild of Vectra after the timing belt failed. The information you provided was invaluable to me and caused the GM people a certain amount of angst saying things like, "Just where do you get your information from?" The joy of the Internet... :-)

I wanted to thank you sooner but I was unable to login ?

So HJ if I?ve done wrong I?m sorry, I hope that is how you want us to behave, if not let me know where I went astray.

Best rgds,
Re: Internet advice. - Honest John
Dear Flat in Fifth. Many thanks for this. Of course you haven't done wrong. You've done right. You just didn't explain yourself very well and Bruce never told me you had referred him to the site. I thought he'd picked it up via a search engine. So thanks, Flat, once again for spreading the word to the other side of the world. And sorry if I offended you in any way. You didn't deserve it.

(To find out what the new W211 AMG 500E does flat in fifth, check out the latest website road-test.)

The other side of this is that Gill has done very well for heself and should be congratulated. So should Mazda. In the circumstances, I really didn't think she had a case. But she has won through, so good for her.