Can anyone figure out this madness which is really begining to hack me off.
I drive a 91 Escort 1.8D. I'm over 50. I live on the London outskirts and travel daily to
work in Essex. 75% of my driving is done in Essex. My car is parked in my companies
car park which is safe, has CCT and security staff. At home my car is parked in a secure
garage. But, because I have a London postcode my insurance is very expensive.
My friend lives in Essex. He is 28, drives an X reg Peugeot 306 Cabriolet. He drives to work
on the other side of the Thames in South London. Where his car is parked in a side street
of a not particularly nice area. 75% of his driving is in and through London.
Can anyone please explain why his insurance is at least 30% less than mine?
This is making me soooo MAD!
Do you have a full NCB
Yes Full NCB No Claims or convictions or points.
And, Yes I have trawled searching for the best deals.
It seems a computer is working out the potential risk via the post code.
This along with other criteria is based on a percentage of claims in that post code area
To test the postcode theory why not try a 'bogus' postcode, maybe your friend with the Pug postcode.All the online insurers let you enter the postcode.
I guess that insurance companies have to stop somewhere when assessing the potential risk. They can't be expected to include a lifestyle survey on each and every quote, hence the generic, and seemingly unfair, decision based on your home address. The same would seem to go for the weighting placed on occupations, purely based on their experience of claimants.
A more extreme example are people in my situation. I have my home in a low risk area. However I commute to London by car every Sunday night and stay in lodgings/hotels until Friday when I go back home. Being a 2 car family it varies which car I take to London.
I answer every question on the proposal forms truthfully.
I suppose there are people who live in London and weekly commute to rural England, but not as many.
When I lived in London all my vehicles were supposedly parked in a locked garage in deepest rural Somerset where I grew up.
In truth they were parked on the Barkentine Estate - Isle of Dogs.