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HJ Cookies. - David W
A while ago we talked about the annoyance of clearing out the temp internet files and cookies only to find the next visit here showed everything as "new" making it the very devil to catch up.

Mark (Brazil) kindly advised a way to note down a number from within the Phorum cookie and change it back to that after the cache clear.

Just found an even easier way.

Go to the cookies file and drag out the Phorum cookie to the desktop. After clearing files drag it back into the otherwise empty cookie folder and you will be at the place you left off.

Now a question related to site use.

With one phone line, and if one is to read "all the posts" thereby staying on all day others may want to phone you. I understand it is possible to get a device that will display the number of a potential caller who is recieving the engaged signal so you can decide if the call is important enough to interupt the HJ session.

Re: HJ Cookies. - Darcy Kitchin
"you can decide if the call is important enough to interupt the HJ session."

Problems here David; the Polo is proving too reliable; the little darlings are too healthy; you do not have enough work on ...


There is a device which flashes a light at you if it "sees" someone trying to call you, but it requires BT's "call waiting service"

Have you considered a mobile? Or are you too deep in Fenland?
Re: HJ Cookies. - markymarkn
The caller waiting service sends a beep down the line to tell you there is someone waiting. This beep is also designed to cut off internet connections.

We used to have caller waiting for this reason before ADSL was installed. It can be very annoying, particularly when 99% through a 10mb download, and have just finished your latest ranting essay on the backroom only to click send and find your download cancelled and your essay lost!

It is possible to turn the service off though - if I remember correctly, pick up the phone and dial *#47# - the BT woman will tell you that its turned off. To turn it back on again, dial #47# (same as off but without the *).

As with regards to David's question - I imagine the caller ID boxes will perform this function, but it wont matter because you will be disconnected anyway!

Go broadband (If such technological advances have reached as far as the fens yet)!!

Re: HJ Cookies. - Rob Govier
how about this for cutting edge technology to solve the problem:

A second BT line.

Cheaper than broadband...

(sorry has my bangernomics mindset infected the telecomms side of my brain? I do deal in old telecomms kit, after all, though..)

BTW is it true that 40% of population of Kings Lynn are related in some way, and most have five fingers and no thumbs?

Are you still a member of The Fenland Mountain Rescue team, David?

Re: HJ Cookies. - David W

Polo is looking too good really. Usually any new purchase under £3K needs work but everything on this I look at has been done quite recently.

Yes little ones are fine.

Had a wacking few days and just a lull before the next big job. Discoverys are the thing for Feb it seems.

Yes we've a mobile but I don't use it in the house.


Can't afford broadband. I have caller display and I understand this will allow a unit to display the number of someone trying to call when you are on-line.


I would never be rude about the Kings Lynn folk, or anyone really.

I think we are close to the home of the Pidley Mountain Rescue Team and the Sawtry Uphill Ski Club. (Local paper joke: Headline.....Pidley man weds Yelling woman)

Re: HJ Cookies. - Rob Govier

Sorry, Kings Lynn is fine, really. People very friendly. Nice soup factory emitting nursury food smells. My 4x4 insurers are based at East Winch (Adrian Flux - very good)I did some work down there about ten years ago, and there was a running joke about insularity. (Maybe I mixed with the wrong types.). Apologies for any offence..

Mark (Brazil) Blighty is in the dark ages of DSL and seems set to remain. The boom never came. BT saw to that with all kinds of clever tricks, "not enough space in T/E", wacky install lead times, etc, etc. ( mainland europe is streets ahead of us.) I had buddies who worked in an ADSL company that went belly-up thanks to all kinds of restrictive practices. BT out to protect ISDN revenues. Plus Brits don't see the benefit of broadband yet. Just a few "early adopters" out there.

Cable modem maybe best compromise. Faster than a-log BT, cheaper than broadband. Need a cable co. though..



1/Shouldn't we all be working? (I may receive a disciplinary because of this.)

2/Shouldn't this be about cars? Which are the best ones to buy and sell anyway?


Re: HJ Cookies. - Mark (Brazil)
Two options - Broadband or second Phone line

Phone line cheaper, xDSL faster.

Only you know whether or not you use the internet enough to find fast download/upload times important and valuable.

However, one thing to bear in mind is that broadband access only helps you from your house to your ISP. From your ISP onwards you are dependant on whatever communication standard/level that you are running through.

Typically, threfore, any quoted load rates are not something that you will see in reality beyond your ISP. Having said that, you would expect it to be much, much faster than standard.

Second phoneline is cheaper, usually. But has no speed advantage.

There are two other points that nobody seems to think of very often. Firstly, xDSL is "always on". Therefore you can leave your PC connected all the time and be able to see if you have e-mail or whatever much more easily.

This does not impact your voice calls.

The last point could be a stopper. I suspect in the UK the predominant xDSl is ADSL. Assuming that to be so then there are distance limits as to how far your house can be from the nearest terminal enclosure with availability and from the T/E to the nearest switch. This can be onerous since it needs two pairs to be allocated. Whilst this is standard in the US or SA, it is not in the UK.

And don`t be fooled by how many wires you have coming into the house, that is virtually always 2 pairs, however it is unlikely that the second pair have been provisioned, and depending on your area and the age of the T/E, it may not be possible to do so within the required distance.

Since essentially the technology means putting a smart modem at either end of your copper link, then there is a limit as to the possible distance. And it really isn`t far. This could well be a problem in the Fens - an area where the "last mile" can be extended and the T/Es of lower capacity.

It may be that someone has put cable in your area, this can be a good option if you happen to be Television watchers.

Finally we are on a subject I *really* know about, so mail me on this e-mail address if you need help.

However, insofar as BB is concerned, find out if you can have it before you worry about whather its a good idea or not.
Re: HJ Cookies. - Ian Cook
A second phone line works for me, provided by Telewest (cable TV). Together with unlimited internet access for £10 per month and no interruption to the domestic phone it's a good compromise.

I'm not sure that the claimed download speeds of BB will justify the outlay. I find that download speeds rarely achieve the speed capability of my 56k modem, so it's being choked somewhere down the line, as you say. Also, I don't care if a file takes an hour to load - I just go and have a cup of tea, and come back when it's done.

Mind you, the package comes with TV and if programmes get much worse I might reconsider the whole plot!

Re: HJ Cookies. - Alwyn

Do you think we are in danger of becoming "addicted " to this wonderful forum?

If you run your own business, then surely that comes first.

I use Call minder and also have two lines. If a call comes while I am on-line, about 3 minutes after I log off, my Callminder will call me to tell me of any waiting messages.
Re: HJ Cookies. - alvin booth
Could someone clarify a point concerning cookies and temporary internet files in windows.
I regularly remove some of them on a regular basis but am a little cautious with some of them particularly with online banking and my isp ones.
I have found with one of the banking ones the reference number (not the password) which can be saved on the site so you don't have to re-enter every time has been removed.
I suspected that it is perhaps saved by a cookie and removing it also removed the number.
Can anyone clarify if I am correct and if there are any cookies which are to be kept and not deleted.
Re: HJ Cookies. - Mark (Brazil)
I delete them manually. I do exactly the same as you, I delete every cookie except those that I know - banking, phorum, email etc.

Cookies are not affected if you delete the temporary internet files. Typically these are logos and pictures which the screen expects to draw a number of times.
Re: HJ Cookies. - JohnL
There is a device available from SCAN.CO.UK which alerts you to an incoming call while you are online but it needs call waiting. Part no is SC Internet Alert IA510
Re: HJ Cookies. - David Millar

Don't know anything about these people but as they are just up the road a bit, I will try them out myself because I want one of these devices as well. Look at www.beststuff.co.uk and you want the Internet Alert Call Manager 4000 which appears to do exactly what you need for £40.

Re: HJ Cookies. - KB
David, I have recently bought the thing you want. As has been mentioned above - INTERNET ALERT CALL MANAGER. Marketed by COMTECH. Type it in to Google for full details. I've also seen it in the INNOVATIONS catalogue - the only useful thing I've ever seen in there.

There are two models. The 4000 - £39.99 and a cheaper one at £29.99. There are some differences, naturally. The dearer one has full caller display function where the other one doesn't. The 4000 has an optional facility to "knock you straight off-line" without the caller knowing anything about it, he just rings your number as usual and you answer it as usual. The cheaper one only beeps and flashes while the caller receives a message to say that you are thinking about whether to answer the call or not.

The dearer one requires BOTH 'call waiting' and 'caller display' to be enabled and paid for. The cheaper one only requires 'call waiting' to be subscribed to.

It works a treat and I'm really pleased with it. Sods law dictated that whenever anyone rang, I was staring mindlessly at the screen. Life's like that.

Let me know if you want further details.

Re: HJ Cookies. - KB
David, the cheaper one I referred to is the 510 as mentioned by JohnL above.

If you don't mind paying for both BT services ie. call waiting and caller display. the 4000 is the one to go for. The caller display can get you out of trouble by logging the last eighty calls received - handy to refer back to on the odd occasion.

Re: HJ Cookies. - KB
Sorry to keep on. Markyman refers to the call waiting knocking you off-line.

I've been there too. I spoke to a BT tech. bod. It turns out that the call waiting signal is not DESIGNED to knock you off-line. It just happens that sometimes it does. But conversely, sometimes it doesn't. It can't be relied upon to do either all the time.

re ADSL etc - Flat in Fifth

I'm sure that you would have difficulty with broadband regardless of the cost. We are nowhere as remote as you, but no cable, too far from the exchange, only satellite.....!

Do you remember that housing estate they built in Watford that was advertised as the estate of the future, you could dial up from your PC and turn the lights on/off, close the curtains, run a bath and loads of other highly useful things.

Anyway only one house was so wired up, along comes BT to install ADSL, makes the installation, onlt to find the estate is too far from the exchange, DOH!

As THe Growler so often sort of says Why do we bother?


Growler please note the careful use of capitalised TH in THe Growler, just in case it's significant, is it by the way?
Re: re ADSL etc - David W
Thanks all. This may be off topic but it does prove again that you can sort out anything here at HJ. And the thing is you know the advice is good. I don't want to spend time on a PC forum..... and just to pop in now and again doesn't give a flavour of who to trust.

I have no need of Broadband but would like to see who is calling when I'm on-line. Hadn't realised you needed Call Waiting as well, we just have Caller Display. Have to find out what that (CW) costs.

I'll check out the links to see the devices. Thanks KB, I'll ask more questions when I've seen the site.

Alwyn. Yes work is important but my circumstances are very unusual and that allows me multiple posting times. Not going to give the details here but there is only me involved and I go at my own pace. I use the PC for all my vehicle database, records and invoices so have many chances to open up a separate window to HJ.

I don't live in Kings Lynn Rob, but I know they can fight!

Re: re ADSL etc - KB
David, All the BT 'extra's' (are they called Select Services?) are the same price, but if you have two, the second one is much cheaper and likewise for the third and fourth etc. So as you have one already, the other won't be too painful.

The phone number for Comtech is on their website (01942 851800). I found them very helpful and their technical help people are equally knowledgeable. I chost to buy direct from them rather than another company just in case I had problems, but it's been fine - and easy to set up too.

Re: re ADSL etc - Leslie
If you have a mobile a simple and cheap solution is to have 'Call Divert' on your BT line - I think it costs £1 a month. I then set up 'call divert on busy' to the mobile which I have beside me when on the Net. To do this involves a longish string of numbers so I have it on a memory dial which involves pressing one button. When off the Net you press another memory button to cancel divert.

One thing to remember is that if you answer the mobile you pay for the call between BT line and mobile so keep those calls short.

Re: re ADSL etc - David W

Thanks for taking the trouble to explain that one, not something I'd thought of. More food for thought.

One question if you don't mind. On another thread, when you were taking someone to task, you referred to knowing the site well having posted here for a long time. The name Leslie has only come up in the last two weeks....ID change??

Of course you don't have to say.

Re: re ADSL etc - KB
Leslie, What you say is, of course, right. I did this for a while, but found that I kept forgetting to turn 'divert' on then forgot to turn it off, in addition to which, I sometimes forgot to turn the mobile 'phone on.

Then forgot to turn the mobile 'phone off.......

What was I saying......?

Oh yes.... so the new gadget put an end to all that and all I have to remember now is what room the computer is in.

Matron, he's out of bed again!
Re: re ADSL etc - Leslie
To be accurate I said "using" the site not "having posted here".

However you are correct about an ID change and no longer an Email address.