Smile, You're on Smart Camera - Jonathan

Apparently face recognition cameras are planned to be used.

Rollup Rollup, get your Blair face masks here!

Re: Smile, You're on Smart Camera - THe Growler
What about Byers ones? Even better, they'd nick him for driving without a license....
Re: Smile, You're on Smart Camera - Stuart
This is one of those strange situations where they throw huge (expensive) technical resources at a problem even though everyone must know that it can be easily defeated.

£10 billion worth of imaging recognition system V one false beard (50p from joke shop).

Beard wins!
Re: Smile, You're on Smart Camera - Alwyn

Nice one. But how about a face mask of North Wales Police Chief Brunstrom

He is in the vanguard of the speed camera campaign, even though his own force know full well the true figures for speed related accidents.
Re: Smile, You're on Smart Camera - The Real Bogush
But see:

Especially this link:

...............clearly anticipating bundles of cash selling this technology before word gets out that it's of no use in a public surveillance setting.

Afterwards, they can still haul in a nice profit selling incremental 'upgrades' to victims who've invested millions and can't justify backing out...............


Bit like speed camera systems, I suppose, or even breath testers.
Re: Smile, You're on Smart Camera - Alwyn

How on earth did you find that? I feel a letter to the Press coming on.
Re: Smile, You're on Smart Camera - The Real Bogush
Re: Smile, You're on Smart Camera - Cockle
As I understand it these cameras will obviously have to have an image to compare the driver with. Everyone out there volunteered for your photo-card driving licences and voluntary identity cards????
Think I might just hang on to my anonymous bit of green paper a little longer!
Mind you, I have got a passport, but with me wearing a beard, might have to start shaving again!!
Re: Smile, You're on Smart Camera - Andy
One of those 'Specs, nose & moustache' novelties, donned when getting in the car might work well....
Re: Smile, You're on Smart Camera - ian (cape town)
Good Job Groucho Marx is dead, otherwise he'd get nicked every five minutes!
Re: Smile, You're on Smart Camera - THe Growler
If they put half as much thought into airline passenger security as is going into this one.......and before anyone says oh yes they do, I know better.
Re: Airport Security - Ronnie Courtney
Growler is so right - again! Earlier this month an acquaintance of mine passed through check-in and security at a Spanish airport, then passport control at Heathrow, before discovering - but *only* when his wife telephoned him that night from Spain - that he had been travelling on *her* passport! Curiously enough, he is the formerly head of security for a major company ....
