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zx alarm - Bog Wheeler
The alarm on my Citroen '95 ZX Volcane TD goes off for no obvious reason.
Before I get lynched by the neighbours, can anyone tell me how to disable the
alarm (who needs 'em?) while retaining the use of the remote.
Re: zx alarm - David W
Haven't you got a cut-out switch under the bonnet?

Have a look in the handbook.

95 TD volcane alarm - Lee H
A couple of thoughts:

* if it's a factory fit, the key under the bonnet only silences the alarm - it'll still flash your lights and probably knacker your battery eventually. It's not obvious, as it's covered by a black circular plastic cover

* Speaking of batteries, if it's a factory fit and the battery is very low, that sets it off too.

* There's a switch on the dashboard, on the RHS of the binnacle, which has a funny symbol with a cross through it. If you hold this for 5-10 seconds with the key out of the ignition, it disables the movement sensor in the car - you can see if this is happening as the LED under the clock goes steady. Can't recall if it does this for the next setting of the alarm, or if it's permanent. Might help as it'll mean less sensors to set off the alarm

* Unfortunately, I don't think there's anyway to separate alarm/central locking on the volcane

I still miss my 95 TD volcane, hope you're enjoying yours!

Re: zx alarm - nick
My 93 Xantia had a similar problem which the under bonnet cut-out did not stop.
In the end I took out all the fuses I could find for the alarm/immobiliser, which is under the driver's seat, and stopped using the remote system. It was a pain to start with but you soon learn to use the key in the old fashioned way!!
If I have a criticism of the early Xantias it is the electrics, - I have a couple of wayward sensors which light their indicator lamps at random times which I have learnt to ignore.
alarm but also funny wobbling - humpy
I've the same problem with my 2.0i volcane. I've just used the ignition key to silence the alarm but, as mentioned earlier, the lights still go off. I think, like alot of other things on the zx (wipers and indicators) the water proofing isn't too hot. I'm going to wait until after dry spell and see if there's any improvement.

I've a funny wheel balance-like steering wheel wobbling thing set in. It starts to happen at about 70mph and can be quite violent. After a while (a minute or so) it starts to stop. Then after a while it's disappeared all together. The wheel nuts are tight and after a while it's as smooth as anything. There's no clunking indicative of half shaft failure and if anything major was loose then surely the woobling would remain no matter how far I went. Any clues? It's starting to worry me a bit.
Re: alarm but also funny wobbling - ian (cape town)
harmonics, could be.
if you "put foot" at 70, then slack off, then put foot again, does it start up again?
Re: alarm but also funny wobbling - humpy
Cheers from replying!
The wobbles are there whether I've my foot down or not. It's not affected by whether I brake. If I speed up it stays but the vibes speed up as though it's something to do with a rotating part, but the 'sweet spot' is about 75. The first time it happened (because it just started one day) I thought I had a flat tyre, I stopped and checked, nothing, got back in and the vibrating had gone. Happens when the car is hot or cold but only happens once per journey!!
Re: alarm but also funny wobbling - humpy
Cheers for replying! I haven't just changed my name to 'replying'!