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Astra automatics - any probs? - Richard B
Just wondering if anyone has had any experience of current Astra's with automatic 'box and if so, how do they perform?

Call me sad if you like, but more and more of my journeys are stop/start and I'm getting fed-up of changing gear.

Most of the nearly-new ones seem to be 1.6 8 valve engines (as opposed to most manuals seemingly being 16-valve)

I know that manual Astra's get good reviews for performance, handling, ride etc., but will the 2-pedal ones be OK?

A few years ago, I had a Volvo 340 Variomatic which, seriously with its 1.4 engine, performed very well - regularly used to leave manual-box 2 litre cars. Of course, GM are not into CVT just yet so will the 4-speed 'box cope?

So many questions!

My current car is a Veccy 1.8 16-valve which I LIKE, OK! But with the new Veccy on its way, it'll be a while before I can get hold of a used one of those!


Re: Astra automatics - any probs? - mike harvey
I'm not too sure of the newer ones, but I have driven plenty over the years. GM auto boxes are very good generally. I would also expect the 8v to be better, because the torque is better low down the rev range than the 16v. Best bet is of course to drive one and make your own mind up. The worst I ever had (company car-hobson's choice) was a Corolla 1.3 auto in 1980. The engine was not powerful enough to pull away whilst applying lock due to the PAS pump sapping the little power left. Car just used to die in the middle of the road. Nightmare!
Good luck, and best regards
Re: Astra automatics - any probs? - crazed idiot
1.6 auto corolla very good choice!
Re: Astra automatics - any probs? - Honest John
The old Astra 1.4 4 speed auto was hopeless because it wasn't powerful enough, so the box hunted through its gears all the time and quickly wore itself out. This could be why for the current model they have gone for the old 8v 1.6, but they dropped the 2.0DI diesel automatic which I rather liked.

Re: Astra automatics - any probs? - ian (cape town)
I've been more than happy with my 97, 1.8i auto. I don't know if the same or similar model is available in UK, and as Delta (ie GM south africa) doesn't have an auto in the current range, it is difficult to make a comparison. The 4 spd I have has the "s" sports mode which gives great service about town if you wish to give up some licks, and is perfect for the open road - kicks down up until about 80 mph.

But I'll agree with HJ - a 1.4 engine on the 4 spd box seems a non-starter.
Astra automatics - No problems - RogerL
I've got the current Astra with 1.8 engine and automatic gearbox. I had 3 Cavalier autos before which use the same box (Aisin-Warner, built in Japan) All have been fine without any problems. I tow a 1200 kg caravan with the Astra, for which the auto is fine as it changes up and down for the hills. The Astra auto engages neutral when stationary (with foot brake on) and so avoids fighting against the brakes on older automatics. I also like the "Winter" mode which starts from rest in 3rd to minimise wheelspin, invaluable when trying to tow the caravan off wet grass. On long runs the fuel consumption is almost as good as a manual, 43mpg at 70mph cruise on M40 /A34 but drops quite a lot to 25mpg around town. No maintenance is specified by Vauxhall, at all, but I change the Auto fluid every year as a precaution.

If you're changing to an auto for relaxation, I recommend a model with cruise control; together they are an unbeatable combination.
Re: Astra automatics - No problems - John S

You've been lucky, as this option seems to have gone.

According to the latest price list, Vauxhall no longer supply Astras with automatic transmission on the 1.8 engines. It's only available on 1.6 8v and 1.6 16v, depending upon the trim level.

Cruise control isn't available on the 1.6 engines, only 1.8's


Re: Astra automatics - No problems - Honest John
Reports of ECU failures on 1.6 8v Astras as well as 1.4s.

Re: Astra automatics - No problems - RogerL
Automatic is still available on 1.8 Astras, according to the 2002 Astra Brochure. It won't be listed in the price list as a seperate model but as an optional extra. It isn't however available with 1.4 or 2.2 petrol engines or either diesel engine.