Both the front and rear fog lights on my girlfriend's Renault Megane Coupe have stopped working. I have changed the fuse but to no avail. Is the most likely cause for this failure to be the switch in the combined indicator/lights/foglights/dip-mainbeam stalk?
I wouldn't have thought that all 4 bulbs would have failed at the same time. Additionally the fog light warning lamps on the dashboard do not illuminate.
Any advice appreciated.
as well as the fuse, there is at least one relay. I suspect that is your problem.
However, why they/it malfunctioned is another matter.
Prepare yourself...this may turn out to be expensive. If your car is relatively new, then it may have what's known as a multiplex unit which controls the lights. The switch sends a signal to the unit, which then switches the light on. ust pray it's just a faulty relay somewhere.
Do you really need them?!
An auto-electrician has confirmed that it is the switch which is at fault. Replacement Renault indicator/light stalk costs in excess of £100, however a "copy" one can be bought for £49.50.
Car goes in next week to have switch and relay replaced at cost of £56 parts, £16 labour.
Re Roger K's e-mail, believe rear fog light is required by law. Front ones are factory-fit too, and I have been told that all lamps fitted to a car must work for it to pass the MOT.
Sadly,legislation passed by fools and written by semi-literates has cost an innocent man,or woman, £72.
Not to mention crackpot vehicle design,if the real renault switch was worth £100 it would not only be really good,like a RR switch,but it wouldnt have gone wrong.
Bearing this in mind,I ask....
How old is the vehicle?
Is an item that costs that much and fails so soon really fit for the purpose intended?
If its not you should get a free one,if it is,then ditto,since it has clearly failed before it reasonably should have,establishing that the particular item was not actually fit for the purpose intended.
The only defence is abuse,this is weak since abuse of an item such as this will be plainly visible.
Worth at least a letter to Renault telling them what a diamond motor it is but sadly you wont be buying another and neither will your three close friends who were on the brink of placing orders.......