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Older cars-airbags-insurance - alan

I saw an article in a paper that claimed that after about 10 years airbags will need to be replaced(an great cost) Failing to do so will invalidate your insurance in the event of an accident.

As the cost of the airbags may be more that the car is worth does this been built in obsolesence to many older cars.

As I think we have had airbags on most cars for about 8 years... the outcome could have an impact on the second hand market..

any comments
Re: Older cars-airbags-insurance - peter
See my post from 2 days ago, there have been previous threads but not a lot of contributors.

Author: peter (---.btinternet.com)
Date: 06-01-02 12:33

In the future, car life will not be limited by mechanicals, or even by rust and corrosion, see previous posts about out of date airbags at about 12-14 yrs
When (not if) this becomes an MoT item people will be throwing away perfectly usable but 'unsafe' vehicles since the costs of replacement will easily exceed the value of the vehicle. Insurers will probably get in on the act to.

I suppose the answer is to start collecting existing pre 72 classics now, at least they are repairable. My version of Bangereconomics has an element of 'if there are enough parked outside, one will start!'

Must go, got get the welding kit out....
Re: Older cars-airbags-insurance - David W
Quite right Alan and Peter, look at this post of mine from earlier.


Re: Older cars-airbags-insurance - Mark (Brazil)
> I saw an article in a paper that claimed that after about 10
> years airbags will need to be replaced(an great cost)
> Failing to do so will invalidate your insurance in the event
> of an accident.

I'll get to this some time tomorrow. Suffice to say at this our of the night, it isn`t that simple.

'Course Pugugly could take his turn at an insurance question after he threatened to resign from the legal profession after my last answer.

On the other hand, I think he's busy trying to get two shotguns into his baggage and find a cheap ticket to SA.
Re: Older cars-airbags-insurance - Tomo
Considering the circumstances needed to actuate an airbag, MoT testing would be hilarious. After a succesful test you'd not only require new airbags, but another vehicle.

If there were ever any likelihood of such a thing I'd have them taken out of Toad.

They are only a SECONDARY restraint system anyway, for the benefit of those in certain places who will not use their belts.
Re: Older cars-airbags-insurance - ian (cape town)
While I appreciate the benefits of airbags, I feel that, like ABS, they lull the average driver into a false sense of invincibility.
In fact, since the widespread introduction of airbags, the seatbelt wearing rate seems to have dropped, according to my observations!!
Re: Older cars-airbags-insurance - Alwyn
When I drive my wifes Mondeo, I never even think about the airbag other than to wonder if it will ever go off in error.