An idea - Xileno {P}
Following on from the 10K in an 'ugly duckling' and the Citroen C3 opinion threads, why don't we have a separate section purely for owners to write about their experiences with their cars, whether good or bad. I know this can already be done in 'Discussion' but I think a separate thread would focus it a bit more, rather like the 'I have a Question', we could have an on-going thread called 'My Car' or something. When 100 entries are made, the thread is archived and we start again. This sort of information is valuable for others to look at when considering a new car. The thread could be strutured so that you answer certain questions such as why you bought it, what you like most about it, what you dislike, would you buy it again etc. Then everyone can follow the same format. It would also be easy to research a make and model since you could search on 'My Car' and 'Citroen' for example.

An idea - Hawesy1982
Expanding on that, how about an "Owner reviews" section in the CBCB, like a number of other car sites have?