Friend of mines cavalier snaped its cam belt today. Is this engine safe like the 1.6? or will it have bent valves etc?
May be lucky unless travelling at speed. Fit a new one, cross everything and with the plugs out gently turn it over 'feeling' for contact. If none pop the plugs in and see if it starts.
Good luck
Simplicate and add lightness!!
I discussed this topic with Mr. AA man when my 1.8 split a hose one morning, he reckoned the 1.8 was non interference, so should be OK.
Is the 1.6i Ecotec engine on the Vectra a "safe engine"?
I was thinking of having the cambelt changed at 60k, halfway between the 40k vauxhall now recommend and the 80k in the handbook. Nationwide will do a full kit for @£125 (with a 10% internet discount voucher)but if its just going to inconvience me rather than do a grands worth of damage I don't think I'll bother just yet.
I'm no expert, but the good old 1.8 Cavalier engine is an 8 valve design where as the Vectra is a 16 valve design so very probably is not a "safe engine".
One of the reasons its advisable to have cambelt changed before man/rec because engine runs whilst stuck in traffic jams idling at a junction and idling after start up.belt is flexing all the time engine doesnt have to run up the miles to wear.