Scam or real deal? - DHL

A guy in Spain is selling his evoque 2013 reg for an amazing £13,000 I've run an HPI check (clear) Ive run ar RAC report (clear) the car is ready to be shipped and is in the shipping depot where the company are acting as third party to the sale. What do I do?

Scam or real deal? - daveyjp

Either send the £13,000 and never see the car or tell him you want to pick it up and never hear from him again.

Choice is yours.

Scam or real deal? - gordonbennet

Good heavens, is £13k for a 2 year old ewok a bargain?..:-)

Assuming this is a genuine question, you'll get as much joy from this as sending your bank account details and securing deposit to General the Most Reverend Lord Almighty McKensie in order to secure a cool 90% share of the $2.5million fortune that would be his late fathers stash out of Nigeria.

Scam or real deal? - FP

As others have said, beware.

Specifically: "... the car is ready to be shipped and is in the shipping depot .." How can you be certain? Does the car actually exist? RHD? (Sure - you have been given some details - of a car.)

"... the company are acting as third party to the sale... " What company? What do you really know about them? What is their relationship with the seller? Do they even exist?

Is the "guy in Spain" what he says he is? If the car exists, does he legally own it?

Don't touch it. It may - just may - be all legit, but it could be a very expensive mistake.

If you really want the car and believe the sale is genuine, go over, meet the seller and negotiate a discount because he won't have to ship it - you'll drive it back.

Edited by FP on 08/09/2015 at 12:05

Scam or real deal? - Andrew-T

It may - just may - be all legit, but it could be a very expensive mistake.

If you really want the car and believe the sale is genuine, go over, meet the seller and negotiate a discount because he won't have to ship it - you'll drive it back.

I'd say the chances of this being genuine are close to zero. IF the car exists, maybe a dodgy sale in Spain has fallen through on the quayside and another patsy is required .....

Scam or real deal? - Palcouk

Get real - if too good to be true it isnt

Go to your nearest tower block, throw £13k over the side, then get in the lift, is the car waiting for you at the bottom?

Scam or real deal? - alan1302

The fact that someone would come on here and even ask the question as to if this is a scam or not is exactly why these scammers can still make money.

Edited by alan1302 on 08/09/2015 at 21:38

Scam or real deal? - martint123

I've run an HPI check (clear) Ive run ar RAC report (clear)

Against what? A registration number (English,Spanish??) that anyone could make up. Likewise a VIN number.

Scam or real deal? - SlidingPillar

The 'seller' has given you details of a genuine car, so the registration and VIN numbers will check out fine. The car for 'sale' is either quite fictitious or might be a stolen one. So you either see no car, or have one for a short time until the police take the stolen goods off you.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like one, then chances are it is a duck.

Scam or real deal? - NorthernBoy

i take it you did not go ahead with this 'deal'?