M240 Solar charge battery anyone? - M240 Solar charge battery anyone? - weijing3333

Hi, I'm headed out to a 10 day long trip later this summer where I won't be able to charge my M240 battery using usual methods - I won't have access to external power sources at all. I will take some spare batteries but it would be tragic if I ran out of juice.
The standard charger does have a 12 v car adapter socket, I wondered if anyone has successfully used a solar charger for this?
M240 Solar charge battery anyone? - M240 Solar charge battery anyone? - weijing3333

Thank you for answering my questions.

Edited by Avant on 01/08/2015 at 16:10

M240 Solar charge battery anyone? - M240 Solar charge battery anyone? - bella915

Used the solar charger outside that i think is most convenience.

M240 Solar charge battery anyone? - M240 Solar charge battery anyone? - galileo

Used the solar charger outside that i think is most convenience.

Especially in the daytime, they are not good during the night :-)

M240 Solar charge battery anyone? - M240 Solar charge battery anyone? - Bolt

You can get solar chargers that dont need direct sunlight so if its cloudy it will still charge, I think Maplins sell them