Volvo XC90 - Volvo high pressure diesel pump failure - Du Bu

Hi guys! Would appreciate your opinions/thoughts.

Story in short: very happy owner of Volvo XC90 (really happy), diesel. Car was bought second hand from volvo dealer, full service history from volvo, 6 years old in Nov 2023, just 50k mileage.

Problem: high pressure diesel pump died while driving. Volvo on-call was very helpful. Car repaired and I have a bill of 3500 (nearly bankrupted me). Pump/one injector/belt, all changed.

Now I have dilemma: I have no extended warranty, however I know that in case of manufactory defect, warranty in England can be extended up to 6 years (google and, but I have to prove that it was manufactory defect.

My question: does anyone heard how common is this kind of failures on such a low milage (50k)? Im using mainly sainsburys diesel (occasionally at asda).

Moving forward: I understand that this is very critical fail and simple exchange of pump wont fix the problem (something about micro-particles within the fuel system as the result of erasure of moving pump components), am I right to be worried?

Would You consider to send failed pump to specialised centre for expertise (if such kind of expertise exists)? If indeed someone can tell me why pump failed – I may explore legal route with volvo (how far – depends on how critical is this fail).

Thank You everyone.

Volvo XC90 - Volvo high pressure diesel pump failure - Ian D
How long ago did you buy it from the Volvo dealer, if less than 6 months you have certain consumer rights. I guess no warranty either?
Volvo XC90 - Volvo high pressure diesel pump failure - Du Bu

Bought it in 2021. No extended warranty

Volvo XC90 - Volvo high pressure diesel pump failure - elekie&a/c doctor
Unusual for a hi pressure diesel pump to fail on any car at this mileage. It’s often contaminated fuel or a misfuel with petrol that can cause issues. Wonder if it’s had previous issues before you bought it ?
Volvo XC90 - Volvo high pressure diesel pump failure - Du Bu

Nothing according to volvo service history.

Im not an expert, but if indeed it was petrol used (without ignition) - changing just faulty pump - would that sort possible problems in future (its working now with no problems now)

Edited by Dumitru Butu on 24/09/2023 at 12:09

Volvo XC90 - Volvo high pressure diesel pump failure - edlithgow

No experience, but a priori if the HPFP ate itself one might expect bits in ones injectors

Volvo XC90 - Volvo high pressure diesel pump failure - gordonbennet

So, they've replaced one injector, hopefully they've had the others cleaned and tested.

As above i'd be suspecting a previous misfuel to have caused premature wear of the pump, almost certainly not in the service history because the owner having negligently misfueled will (if they had any sense) have made sure no record of the event is recorded anywhere, it could well have happened whilst still under warranty.

The danger of minute particles going down the fuel lines is of jamming an injector in the open position (hence 1 new injector?), but one would hope the whole system was cleaned including the rest of the injectors.

If it runs well without smoking or other symptoms hopefully it will be ok for the forseeable future, no fault codes showing?

Edited by gordonbennet on 25/09/2023 at 12:03

Volvo XC90 - Volvo high pressure diesel pump failure - bathtub tom

I had a high pressure pump 'lunch itself' on a diseasel Focus. I'd bought it second hand, so had no idea if it had ever been mis-fuelled. However, I'd just paid to have the timing belt replaced (what is a clavis gauge?) and the garage that did it admitted using an impact driver to slacken the camshaft bolts. I've always wondered if the shock load could have caused the pump to fail.

Volvo XC90 - Volvo high pressure diesel pump failure - edlithgow

I had a high pressure pump 'lunch itself' on a diseasel Focus. I'd bought it second hand, so had no idea if it had ever been mis-fuelled. However, I'd just paid to have the timing belt replaced (what is a clavis gauge?) and the garage that did it admitted using an impact driver to slacken the camshaft bolts. I've always wondered if the shock load could have caused the pump to fail.

Messing about with camshaft and crankshaft, (now sadly deceased) recently I came across the suggestion that impact drivers were bad for them, academic for me since I dont have one, and academic for almost everyone else since there is very little chance that pro mechanics will be persuaded not to use impact drivers, since this would cost them a huge amount of time.

IF the fuel pump is coaxial with the camshaft I would have thought damage was quite likely. If by "bolts" plural you mean the hold-down bolts (or whatever they are called this week) rather than the cam sprocket bolt maybe less likely.

Clavis make belt tension meters. I think they work on resonant frequency, "guitar string" stylee.

I THINK I've heard of a smartphone app for it too allegedly working in the same way but cant remember details

Edited by edlithgow on 26/09/2023 at 01:19