Monday's Reality TV - Andrew-T

I mean genuine reality. To start there was the story of how the Post Office screwed about 700 sub-postmasters (and mistresses) for thousands of missing ££, causing many to go bankrupt and a few to commit suicide. This happened because their computer system which was claimed to be tamperproof could be fiddled from head office. No-one seemed willing to accept any explanation other than hundreds of small businesspeople were petty thieves. After about 15 years management were lying all they could to maintain the status quo. Still no-one having actual blame pinned on them, but at least there has been some compensation.

To follow we got the (almost full) story about Alexei Navalny, Putin's chief opponent. After he recovered from his attempted poisoning he got together with the chap from Bellingcat and they managed to trace the movements of several guys who had been on likely flights to Siberia, and filmed a phone sting where one of them admitted many of the details. We wonder what will happen to him now :-)) That was a great moment. Millions of watchers on social media, but not enough yet to depose Vlad, sadly.

Monday's Reality TV - daveyjp

If you want some unedited reality 'TV' tune into the Grenfell enquiry on youtube.

I've dipped in and out for the last couple of years and it has at time left me close to tears with both sadness and anger. Everyone seemed to know there were serious problems in a number of areas, but none of them felt it was their job to intervene to do something about it or were afraid to do so.

Monday's Reality TV - _

Not on TV, but in the papers..

"Salvation Army Slum Landlord Halsted"

who'd have thought.. and all the coucils not doing housing repairs,

And the MOD housing troops and their families in conditions that you are not allowed to keep your animals in.