New driver junction help - A1000

Hi, apologies if this isn't the best forum, but as a new (older) driver I am just hoping for a bit of advice re an incident at a junction, as I feel like I've made a really silly mistake.

I was approaching a junction that I go through regularly, in the right of two lanes, which is for both going straight on, and turning right. The light was green, and on the approach, a car was in the box junction signalling to turn right. I saw this car start to move, so I went forwards too, when the car in front stopped. I basically ended up stuck behind this car, over the pedestrian crossing, and the repeater light ahead was blocked by a double-decker bus coming in the opposite direction, also turning right.

By the time the bus turned off, the repeater light was red - and must have been for a while - and I was then stuck out in this junction as the car turned right, when I proceeded to go straight ahead. Both the car in front and my car were met by horns as the traffic either side had started to move. I cleared the junction and there was no accident, but I obviously caused cars to have to stop.

I keep replaying this in my mind, and I'm honestly not sure whether I should have also just turned right as well at this point (and whether that would have been more dangerous) or just stayed put, but if I'd done that I would have been blocking the way for the traffic coming from my right.

The only reason I went forward is because I thought the car ahead was turning off, and I'm guessing they stopped because the bus opposite had given them reduced visibility of the oncoming traffic.

I really feel so downtrodden about driving because of this, particularly as it's a route I take regularly. Is there anything I should/could have done differently? Despite hundreds of lessons I still find these situations confusing. Any advice or opinions would be much appreciated.

New driver junction help - bathtub tom

Last time I read the highway code it stated green means proceed if the way is clear.

New driver junction help - A1000

I know I made a rookie mistake and in future will wait behind the line, even if the car in front starts to turn off. I guess what I'm not sure about is if, in this situation, I should have tried to go into the lane to the left of this car (which is straight ahead only) to go past it, stayed put, or turned right as well?

Edited by A1000 on 07/11/2021 at 23:11

New driver junction help - J0HNuk

There is no correct answer, because you shouldn't get in that situation in the first place. Do not proceed until your exit is clear.

New driver junction help - Cris_on_the_gas

You made a mistake. You realised you made a mistake. No injuries or damage. You have learnt from the experience. You are now wiser.

Highway code states that you should not enter unless exit is clear or only stopped by oncoming vehicles if turning right. Clearly not the case in your situation, but sure you are aware of this now.

Put it behind you, spend another 10 minutes reading the Highway code and move on with life.

New driver junction help - Bromptonaut

As others have said it's a mistake made as a new driver and from which you have learned. If the A1000 'handle' relates to your home area then it's London. Make a mistake and folks go for their horns.

The general principle of box junctions is that you should not come to a halt in the box. There is an exception for right turners where the road they intend to turn into is clear but their progress is impeded by crossing traffic. Entering the box because a vehicle looks as though it's going to move and doesn't is pretty common.

Another possible 'lesson learned' Is to ask whether going straight ahead in the right line the best way to handle this particular junction. I've not driven much in London, or at least not recently, but as a cyclist I'll work out how each junction on a regular route works and how best to use the options it offers.

If you're unlucky the council will have camera surveillance of the junction and send you a Penalty Charge Notice. No point in arguing it; pay up while you get the discount. It's a civil penalty; no points and not declarable for insurance.

New driver junction help - A1000

Thanks for the advice. I have since driven back to the junction and think I'm a bit clearer on things.

There isn't actually a repeater light, and the light I saw ahead is for another junction, meaning I obviously got confused but couldn't actually see whether the light for my entrance was green or not when I proceeded.

@Bromptonaut, it isn't in London, and there is a red light camera, though this is on another entrance to the junction (the one which was to my left). If this monitors the activity in the box junction as well, and I receive a penalty, then I will of course own up to my error and pay any fine.

One thing I did notice though was that there's actually quite a big space of unmarked tarmac before the yellow hatched box, which is where the car turning right was positioned, as well as me, behind it. The exit for the car in front was clear and they were waiting for a gap in the oncoming traffic. Although there are no markings, this position is still blocking the oncoming traffic from the right (if that makes sense). I'm sure that in previous scenarios, cars turning right have moved further forward and into the yellow hatching, which (I think) would allow space for cars to continue straight ahead, so I'm wondering if that was part of my confusion. Is this normal in box junctions, to have large spaces before them?

The reason I used the right lane is because just ahead, I was turning right, and the road splits into three lanes. During my lessons I went to this junction a few times and was advised to use the right-hand lane to make turning right ahead easier, though in future it might be better to go in the left lane then move across after.

@Cris_on_the_gas thanks for this and you're right, no injuries or damage, I know I should move on, I just still find driving on my own pretty difficult and want to be absolutely sure I don't make a mistake like this again.

Edited by A1000 on 08/11/2021 at 10:38