`writing - writing experts - tillock watson

We Are Here To Provide You With The Most Effective Online xxxx

Link deleted. I suspect 'tillock' is a typo.

Edited by Avant on 19/10/2019 at 20:12

`writing - writing experts - FP

"We Are Here To Provide You With The Most Effective Online Assignment Help"

No. Your main purposes are to make money out of vulnerable and weak-willed students and to do so by attempting to circumvent universities' and colleges' rules about plagiarism, which is a form of cheating. If you fail in the latter, as you are highly likely to do, the student will bear the heavy cost by being removed from their course or from the institution, possibly for life.

You are a disgusting form of humanity lacking in moral principles and the enemy of true education.

`writing - writing experts - Leif
Succinctly put, and very true.
`writing - writing experts - Engineer Andy

We Are Here To Provide You With The Most Effective Online xxxx

Link deleted. I suspect 'tillock' is a typo.

Perhaps, but the letter 't' is a long way from 'p' on the keyboard. :-)

`writing - writing experts - Gloria Field

I dont know that if I should call myself a expert of writing or not as I am taking help for my all assignments and essay work from xxxx which provide surely a great theory to me.

even my teachers are surprised for the same and beside that I am learning from it for sure

Edited by Avant on 25/10/2019 at 12:30

`writing - writing experts - FP

"... I am taking help for my all assignments and essay work..."

Then you are most probably going to be in trouble for plagiarism. Ready to be thrown out of your course?

`writing - writing experts - galileo

"... I am taking help for my all assignments and essay work..."

Then you are most probably going to be in trouble for plagiarism. Ready to be thrown out of your course?

Probably not on a course at all, living on payments from the site she's posting spam for.

`writing - writing experts - Engineer Andy

Is it me are has there been a recent attempt by spammers to pretend to be real Backroomers of late before posting their canned pork products ads? Do they really think we are all uni students wishing to cheat on our dissataions or believe in witchcraft and v00doo? They must be really thick.

`writing - writing experts - MadelineThom

If you really need written experts, then you just need xxxx; there you can write your papers and get advice from the best written experts. Good luck.

Edited by Avant on 31/10/2019 at 23:46

`writing - writing experts - AidenHooley

Thank you guy, I will try)))

`writing - writing experts - MadelineThom

Okey, good luck)

`writing - writing experts - concrete

From some of the posts (regular posters excepted- you know who you are) there is certainly some 'assistance' required. Some of the content, grammar and spelling certainly need help to turn it into legible english. I though that anyone has to have been through a formal education system before attending university. I am not to certain any longer. Nice comment by Avant.

Cheers Concrete

`writing - writing experts - Engineer Andy

Okey, good luck)

You DO realise you are OKing yourself under another name, dopey? Some Wallies from over the Pond might get fooled by that sort of thing, but we Brits don't get fooled again, as the song goes.

What a load of s***heads.

`writing - writing experts - alan1302

Okey, good luck)

Some Wallies from over the Pond might get fooled by that sort of thing, but we Brits don't get fooled again,

What an odd comment

`writing - writing experts - Engineer Andy

Okey, good luck)

Some Wallies from over the Pond might get fooled by that sort of thing, but we Brits don't get fooled again,

What an odd comment

Given that most spam is from or directed to Americans (I suspect the spammers posting here think this website is HonestJohn dot com), that first part explains itself. The second is a reference to the theme song for CSI: Miami by 'The Who' to say that us from this side of Atlantic are not duped by this cr@pola.

`writing - writing experts - FP

Spam is mostly like spraying a target with a shotgun - the spammers hope one little pellet at least will find its target. Whether Americans are more susceptible targets I'm not sure - maybe, but you would have to examine cultural and behavioural traits in detail to establish that.

What spammers hope to exploit, of course, is an individual's vulnerability, whether it's male anxieties about sexual performance, greed for money, longing for affection, or, in the case of this thread, fear of academic failure. Because using essay-writing services will be seen by many students as a relatively low-level issue - not even the same as "actual cheating" - it's probably fairly easy to persuade the weaker-minded to fall for it.

Added to this, you have students who have just about scraped into their course and are struggling; you have (often, foreign) students who have had a lot of money invested in them and who are therefore under pressure to succeed; and you have the naive students who think they will get away with having someone do their work for them and it doesn't matter anyway.

The above may explain why I, as a post-graduate student, have a particular dislike for this sort of spam.

`writing - writing experts - FP

"If you really need written experts..."

What, exactly, is a "written expert"?

`writing - writing experts - Engineer Andy

"If you really need written experts..."

What, exactly, is a "written expert"?

Somebody who used to be good at writing?