Citroen Berlingo - Reversing Camera Kits - Chesty

Quick question on reversing camera kits.

Does anyone have any experience with wireless reversing camera kits?

I'm weighing up whether to go for a wireless unit or a standard wired kit.

I have heard that interference can be a problem with the wireless version, like when you drive through busy areas and pick up other CCTV signals. Does anyone know if the wireless kit is worth it?

Obviously the installation would be a lot easier but just worried about the interference from other signals.

Citroen Berlingo - Reversing Camera Kits - elekie&a/c doctor
I have fitted both types. They all work very well when you consider how cheap they are. I would go for a wired kit if possible as you are less likely to get interference. However, due to their cheap as chips construction they can all suffer slight problems with unwanted signals, even from the car that they are fitted to.
Citroen Berlingo - Reversing Camera Kits - Chesty

Thanks for the feedback Elekie.

I went for a wired one with a 20 metre cable. Should be an easy enough job to install.
It worked out at about €130 plus vat.

You can see it here:

It's a 'Torlok' camera. I just went for wired in the end as it might cut down any unwanted interference. I'll let you know how it goes.


Citroen Berlingo - Reversing Camera Kits - barney100

I had rear sensors fitted as the fitter told me cameras would leave the wiring showing.