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Child seat and airbag - Jamesey

I'm looking for advice re using a front-facing child seat in the front. I'm pretty sure it's not (easily) possible to disable the front airbag on my 09-plate Focus. I guess that officially the advice is that a child seat should not be put in the front, but I read that if you put the seat position back (i.e. away from where the airbag would inflate) then it should be ok. My son is just over 2 years and we have a good quality child seat.

Edited by Jamesey on 23/01/2018 at 07:03

Child seat and airbag - RT

Put the child seat in the back?

Child seat and airbag - Bromptonaut

RoSPA advice

What does the car's handbook say?

EDIT - Please could mods update the link as the swear filter doesn't like 'child car seats' run into one word even as a link 'cos it contains a rude word for bottom!!!


(I copied and pasted it - with luck I may have tricked the stupid software. A rare victory if so.)

Edited by Avant on 24/01/2018 at 21:59

Child seat and airbag - badbusdriver

Are you not able to disable the passenger side airbag?, i'd have thought you should be able to on that age of car, possibly a key slot in the glove box?.

If you can't do this, put it in the back, better to be safe.

Child seat and airbag - Gibbo_Wirral


Child seat and airbag - RT

Children between 3 and 12 aren't allowed in the front seats anyway - so any solution will last less than a year - unless it's a two seater.

Child seat and airbag - Wee Willie Winkie

Not true. It's perfectly legal if a suitable child seat is used.

Child seat and airbag - NAthan smith
Need to read up it’s perfectly legal for a child that age to be in the front providing a suitable child seat is used
Child seat and airbag - Jamesey

Responding to posts above:
- I realise it's safer to put the child in the back
- the disable switch seems to be an 'optional extra', as stated on that fordmanuals link, my car does not have it

The offical Ford manual online appears to allow a child seat in the front with airbag:

Mass group: 9-18 kg Child safety seat
Front passenger airbag ON (All except Focus RS) - U1
U1 - Suitable for universal category child restraints approved for use in this mass group. However, we recommend that you secure children in a government approved child restraint, in the rear seat.

What I see is stressed everywhere is not putting a rear-facing baby seat in the front with an airbag.

Child seat and airbag - badbusdriver

If you realise it is safer to put your son in the back, why would you want to put your son in the front?

Child seat and airbag - Cyd

Statistically the safest place for a child is in the rear centre position, followed by the rear passenger side.

It is permissible to fit a front facing child seat in the front passenger side. The child will be protected by the dash airbag in the event of a frontal accident. The level of safety can be raised however, by moving the seat rearwards as far as practicle (all the way if no-one in rear.

Be aware however, that some child seats may interfere with the deployment of the seats side airbag, where it is fitted in the seat rather than the door. Some seats may even interfere with the deplyment of side air cutains. This sort of info isn't published, of course, so you'll just have to use your 'nous' when looking at the fit in your seat.

ISOFIX will make an appearance in the front seats soon (if it hasn't already).

The best solution is an ISOFIX mounted seat in the rear passenger position.

Some manufacturers do list seats best suited to their cars. Or if they don't their dealers may offer a limited range of seats - a nod to the wise (as it were).

Side impact protection is greater in the rear. My children ALWAYS rode in the rear.

Child seat and airbag - Avant

The above is a new poster so I'm not sure if he's trying to help or to get a free advert. In any case, if you click on these links it's at your own risk.