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Renewal "Silly Season" again! - Falkirk Bairn
Every July is the same - house & car insurance, breakdown cover, car service..............

House cover passed OK - same as last year.
Car Insurance leapt £60 to £234 - quick comparison & they almost matched the cheapest £180 in the end so OK.

Car service - used same garage for 3 years - first quote £250, ended £155 after speaking to the service manager & not the girl on the phone..

Breakdown Cover - last time £64 - new quote £79,

Did some ferreting around & lo & behold Green Flag £52.56 for top packge (except Europe travel) - it said from £60 & came in less - cannot be bad..

I left Green Flag some 8/9+ years ago when they went from some £90+ for a year to some £130/£140+. I await next year when they try & double it BUT for the next 12 months their cover was the "best price" from a name I could recognise.
Renewal "Silly Season" again! - Steveieb
Dear falkirk Bairn,

Don't forget the bottom line price isn't everything.You will really find out whether the cost saving is everything once you make a claim.

NFU are the top performing car and home insurance but work out the most expensive.

Take a look at the Which report which compares price, insurance cover , customer service and total satisfaction, next time you renew.
Renewal "Silly Season" again! - S40 Man
I use top cash back website and get decent rebate. It runs a price comparison and you get some cash back. Those cuddly meerkats and adds really aren't free you you know.
Renewal "Silly Season" again! - groaver
£108 difference for a 1st service quote on my car. Both garages in rural areas.

Renewal "Silly Season" again! - Falkirk Bairn
find out whether the cost saving is everything once you make a >>claim.

I have insured cars for 50 years & you are right - you do not know how good / how bad an Insurer is until you make a claim.

However, I have never claimed on the car insurance as my fault - 5/6 bumps but the 3rd party insurer paid up in each case - there was no sloping shoulders from the 3rd party insurer except on 1 occasion in 2001.

I have claimed for windscreen replacement & a company car needed a new wing in a hit & run. The company only had 3rd party cover & paid their own damage, so technically it was expenses claim rather than an insurance claim!

The odd bit of theft/vandalism I have forked out myself - £50 dent removal, £50 bumper with scraped paint, £100 radio were always less than the excess!.
Renewal "Silly Season" again! - concrete

Hello Falkirk Bairn. Last year I convreted my bank account and accepted a monthly fee. I did this on the basis of the money saved over seperate cover.

We get full world wide family travel cover, no medicals unless you have a very grave condition, and this is until we are 75. Full breakdown/home start cover from RAC. Plus other benefits such as electrical appliance cover, shop discounts etc etc. We also get some interest on credit balances in our account. This is for £10 per month or £120 per annum. We could not get annual travel insurance for that previously. Nationwide is the bank account in question. Not sure what they are like for the other insurance cover you mentioned, but for breakdown and travel it is great value.

Cheers Concrete

Renewal "Silly Season" again! - hillman

I too have a 'premium' account that gives me the services of the RAC in case of breakdown for less than the advertised price. When I took it up I cancelled my membership of the AA and found that I had been paying well over £300 for my yearly subscription. It was paid by direct debit and I hadn't thought to check. I received a letter from the AA accounts manager regretting that I was leaving and that services would cease forthwith. I was only six months into my subscription but I put it down to experience - you can't win that kind of battle.

I also get mobile phone insurance that wouldn't pay half the cost of a new one and travel insurance that is restricted to under the age of 80. Firstly, I don't use a mobile phone so it can't get stolen - AND I'm over 80, so that is not valid either. But, I value the RAC membership !

Renewal "Silly Season" again! - argybargy

Home insurance in our last house was a nightmare, because I felt obliged to declare some longstanding settlement of the property to my current insurer, and this made it impossible to procure insurance from anyone else (unless I went to a specialist).

I was a firefighter for many years and had a couple of prangs whilst driving a fire truck (nobody hurt). I declared these incidents to my own insurer, something which surprised my fellow fire truck drivers, most of whom seemed to think that such incidents should be regarded as seperate to their own private insurance. The correct maxim being, of course, "if in doubt, disclose".

Its only in recent years that I've fully absorbed the valuable lesson that the first quote is a negotiating position and rarely final. The threat of leaving them for someone else is a powerful weapon, unless, of course, you've made a shedload of claims. In which case they'll be only too glad to get rid of you and their renewal prices will make that clear.

I'm with the AA by the skin of my teeth, and I say that because I've called on them about three times in 29 years of membership, and yet each year I have to go through the same tedious routine of challenging the first price they give until they agree to knock it down to the price that they charge new customers. They really shouldn't treat loyal, long term customers with such obvious contempt.

Edited by argybargy on 09/08/2016 at 12:02

Renewal "Silly Season" again! - Falkirk Bairn

>>yet each year I have to go through the same tedious routine of >>challenging the first price

Gem for 3 yrs then they upped the premium.

Autonational for 15 mths & they upped the premium by £15.

Now with Greenflag - Full cover, excluding Euro cover, for £52.56

cheapest cover I could find from a known name