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Vauxhall Vectra C 1.9 cdti sri 150 - electrical problem - messa

Hi all sorry in advance for the rant .... got a vectra c 1.9 cdti sri 150 2004 last week was on my way to work and the battery light came on and some 10 miles later I started to get warning lights flashing at me then power steering failed so parked in a bay and turned off .... 8 hours later at 06:00 hours car wouldn't start got a jump start to get me home thee 11 miles on my way I started to loose all power like lights and stuff power steering so replaced alternater and belt today with a reconditioned alternater car started fine everything all good was buzzing all fixed ye so off I went to work the 11 miles all good apart from the lights inside and out were very faintly flickering started to get a little peed off so after my shift set off home all good with a little flicker then after about 6 mile all lights radio heaters everything electrical went off and it's dark by the way so no lights then they come on then they went off power steering went again then it would come back then electrics went then power steering for the rest of my journey home the 5 miles I had left constantly on and off with a click from which I presume is a relay from the glove box area..... anybody got any ideas were to start had a new battery fitted about 14 months ago could it be a dodgey earth or something bigger? Thanks again sorry for the rant glyn

Vauxhall Vectra C 1.9 cdti sri 150 - electrical problem - Peter.N.

Still sounds like alternator trouble to me. Connect a voltmeter across the battery with the engine running, you should have about 14.4 volts, much less and the alternator is u/s

If the voltage drops it will cause things to stop working as much equipment require the full on charge battery voltage. Does the ignition light go out when you start?

I suppose the belt is not slipping?

Edited by Peter.N. on 18/02/2016 at 00:31

Vauxhall Vectra C 1.9 cdti sri 150 - electrical problem - RT

It really needed diagnostics and proper examination before starting to replace things. At this point, you don't know if the recon alternator is a good one, you don't know if the battery is a good one, if it's original it's long overdue for replacement (we recently had to replace the original battery on a '06 Vectra-C).

Get it to a good auto electrician for a proper check and then move forward from there.

Edited by RT on 18/02/2016 at 03:18

Vauxhall Vectra C 1.9 cdti sri 150 - electrical problem - Deryck Tintagel

Still sounds like alternator trouble to me. Connect a voltmeter across the battery with the engine running, you should have about 14.4 volts, much less and the alternator is u/s

If the voltage drops it will cause things to stop working as much equipment require the full on charge battery voltage. Does the ignition light go out when you start?

I suppose the belt is not slipping?

Agree with above but I am not sure if the Vec C has smart charging so the voltage could be higher or lower than that.

I would make sure you have a good earth to the battery - I have seen low volts at the battery only to rise when a bad earth was found. Get a jump lead and clamp one end to the battery negative terminal and and the other to a good ground point on the engine - lifting eye, or directly onto the alternator body if you can get in close enough

Check the voltage with the engine running with and without the jump lead - just disconnect at the battery without turning off the engine

Vauxhall Vectra C 1.9 cdti sri 150 - electrical problem - messa

Sorted one of the terminals were the wires go was loose in the alternater tightened up and all is well even got rid of the flickering I was getting from the radio/computer scree so il go to work and see how I get on and it was charging at 14.3 v thanks again for your help glyn