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Corsa 1.4 - Leaseing a car for a 17yr old? - Trilly

Getting a car for our daugther and thought leasing (for a new car) would be a good way to go. However, learnt that a leased car needs to be in the main drivers name, which would be my daughter but being 17 is unable to take out credit.

From what I have been told by a reputable leasing company is if I lease it for my daughter this is fraud (they said it nicely) and described as "fronting" or "accommodating" a credit agreement.

Without getting into debate old vs new car anyone know of a way, legal way, to get a leased car for a 17 yr old?

Corsa 1.4 - Leasing a car for a 17yr old? - Falkirk Bairn

Get her a banger - 3rd Party F&T.

25 years ago I started with my eldest a couple of bumps in 2/3 years.

The twins came next 4 years later & they were more reliable but yet again a couple of bumps.

Corsa 1.4 - Leasing a car for a 17yr old? - slkfanboy

The credit T&C and the Insurance T&C will not allow you to be the lead applicant/main driver if infact someone else is going to use the care mostly.

So basically not a way forward

Corsa 1.4 - Leasing a car for a 17yr old? - skidpan

When I bought the wifes car last year on a PCP the dealer and finance company were quite happy to put the PCP in my name (the wife could not get finance since she is retired) and register the car in the wifes.

Alternatively you could take out an unsecurred personal loan to buy the car. Then register and insure the car in your daughters name.

Corsa 1.4 - Leasing a car for a 17yr old? - Trilly

The credit T&C and the Insurance T&C will not allow you to be the lead applicant/main driver if infact someone else is going to use the care mostly.

So basically not a way forward

Well this is what I thought and yet email from a large leasing company since I posted this proposed I get it in my name and insure it and put my daughter down as a named driver.

Seems to be some confusion within the industry and or turning a blind eye. Will do some digging.

Re getting a loan, challenge there is I would be financing the whole value of the car rather than just the depreciated element of the cars worth, effectively the lease I am looking at is ½ that of a personal loan.

Of course the leasing company that is happy to do it is the slightly more expensive one....

Corsa 1.4 - Leasing a car for a 17yr old? - RobJP

Well this is what I thought and yet email from a large leasing company since I posted this proposed I get it in my name and insure it and put my daughter down as a named driver.

That is called 'fronting'. The other phrase used for it is 'insurance fraud'.

Corsa 1.4 - Leasing a car for a 17yr old? - Trilly

Well this is what I thought and yet email from a large leasing company since I posted this proposed I get it in my name and insure it and put my daughter down as a named driver.

That is called 'fronting'. The other phrase used for it is 'insurance fraud'.

Re insurance, should have added and stating my daughter is the main driver but policy in my name. Got some quotes as my daughter as policy holder and parents as additional drivers and other way around policy in my name and daughter as the main driver.

Anyway back to leasing and spoken to leasing company based on new info learnt from this thread and elsewhere and they went away and checked. They use more than one finance company and it is down to the finance company whether it is an acceptable arrangement. The one I received a quote on wouldn't allow but another one would. I was given names of the finance companies so didn't feel like I was being strung along and woman I spoke to who went away and checked with a colleague hadn't heard of it before but it can be done...with the right finance company.

So have answered my own question but this helped as didn't take no as an answer.

Corsa 1.4 - Leasing a car for a 17yr old? - slkfanboy

This in car finance terms called an 'accommodation deal' and is not accepted. Basically your lease a car to someone who is not bound by the contract or deamed credit worthy.

In insurance terms the car will be owned by the finance company and very often insist for the insurance to be in your name. Which sounds fine as long as your daughter is down as the main user.