Cheers everyone, really appreciate all of your advice.
I'm currently driving a W reg Honda Civic with 90,000 miles on the clock, so one of my main things is that I want a bit of luxury. I'm not really 'into' my cars, if you know what I mean. Not too bothered about the engine size or speed or any of that sort of stuff to be honest.
What I am bothered about is the quality of the interior. I did a test drive of the Polo and found it really underwhelming. It was like I had the interior of my Civic spruced up a bit. Nothing worth writing home about at all.
As for the Seat range I did go into the garage and felt much the same thing as the Polo: the interior was underwhelming in even the top end of the Ibiza. Think the Leon is a little out of my price range for the type of interior I'm after.
So I think for me it boils down to: the Audi interior is lovely in terms of what you get, very luxurious. The Juke comes with more stuff (sat-nav, safety pack etc) and is quite nice but not as luxurious. What it does have though is a really different and exciting exterior that I personally really like, though I'm aware it's not everyone's cup of tea!
The final thing is that, as there's only about £600 difference between the two cars, the monthly cost does make a difference to me. £185 pcm for the Audi feels like a good deal as most dealers on CarWow were coming back with about £210 pcm and the VW dealer wanted £170 pcm for the Polo. £225 pcm for the Juke feels quite pricey in comparison. From what I understand the Audi will have better value at the end of the contract too.
Thanks again everyone! Really going back and forth on this so all advice/opinons are hugely appreciated!!