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Most recently answered turbochargers questions

Is it ok to drive an Astra 1.4 Turbo 150 once a week? With it sitting for days with no oil going to the turbo when it’s cool will that hurt components?

I am planning on buying a 2018 Dacia Duster. 90% of my trips will be daily, two or three times under three miles. If I buy the 1.3 turbo petrol will I have problems due to the oil in the turbo unit not...

I have a BMW 3 series 1.8 diesel. Having had an oil change about 4000 miles ago, the i-drive flashed with a low oil warning and I put in one litre of oil immediately. I did this and took it to my specialist,...

How are you able to tell if a turbo is not working on a Volkswagen caddy 1.9 diesel? My van is losing power and smoking when I rev the engine. It also wants to stall when I try to pull away.
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