Po-Joe - THe Growler
....or Pew-gott as it will undoubtedly be called:


Three initial thoughts:

1) Lots to go wrong;
2) Never write an article when you can just scan the publicity handout into your Word doc;
3) It must have been a good lunch.

Po-Joe - lezebre
When the "quiet individualist's" car first crossed the channel in a determined push, the advert in the Reader's Digest advised us "say pew-Joe".

It was a while before they realised that we were capable of saying it just like the French do. (btw, if you can say sauvignon, as I'm sure you can, then you can also pronounce the 'new' wine viognier - the gn sound is the same).

Now we just have to enlighten the French not to pronounce Camping with that ridiculous ping sound at the end...
Po-Joe - THe Growler
New wine=vinegar? I can believe that!
Po-Joe - CMark {P}
In East Africa they call it a Pee-Jot.
Po-Joe - Blue {P}
"The 206 may be largely unheard of here but in Europe, it?s considered to be one of the benchmarks in its class. Its overall performance, fuel economy, styling, interior packaging and overall build quality are all very much at par with the world?s best. "

He he! :-)
