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Over-70s licence renewals: DVLA says it will partially clear backlog in two weeks

Published 11 November 2021

The DVLA has told HonestJohn.co.uk that it expects to partially clear the backlog of driving licence renewals for over-70s in the next two weeks. 

A spokesperson said that the DVLA is aiming to process paper applications from August (which includes applications to change the name or address on a licence and renewals of driving licences with a new photo) in the next two weeks or so. However, this will still leave a two-month backlog. 

A number of readers aged over 70 contacted us via Ask HJ to complain about the long delays that they have been experiencing with their licence renewals.

>>>Are you experiencing problems with your driving licence application? Contact us via Ask HJ

As we reported earlier this year, not all over-70s are able to renew their licence online, leaving them with a postal application as the only option, which takes significantly longer than an online application.

UK Driving Licence

Some readers feel particularly aggrieved because the delays have left them unable to hire a car abroad, although drivers may be able to continue to drive in the UK while their application is being processed, provided they have not been told by their doctor or optician they should not drive.

Difficulty getting hold of someone in the DVLA’s call centre has also angered readers. 

One reader said: “I have been waiting 10 weeks for a replacement licence as I am now 70. At 8am you cannot get through to them. I despair.”

The delays in processing paper applications have been caused by ongoing Covid safety measures, which means that the DVLA has fewer staff than usual on site. It has also faced industrial action by members of the Public and Commercial Services union, although further strikes were ruled out yesterday.

The DVLA declined to comment on whether it has been taking on extra staff to clear the backlog. 

Paperwork -2 (1)

A DVLA spokesperson said: “Our online services are the quickest and easiest way to deal with us.

“Customers over 70 can renew their licence online via our 'Renew a driving licence if you’re 70 or over service'. In some cases, a customer may need to complete a paper application if we require further information."

The DVLA is rolling out a new system which will allow customers to upload a signature online, which will mean it doesn't need to rely on a signature from a passport. This is available for first time applications but is not yet an option for over-70s licence renewals, which means that some people aged over 70 could still have to complete a paper application, meanwhile. 

The DVLA spokesperson added: “Drivers without a signature on their passport are still able to renew their driving licence online at 70 and over in most cases.

“However, in some instances, including where they are changing from a paper driving licence to a photocard driving licence or where the driving licence photo is expiring, they will need to send us a paper application and a UK passport number – there’s no need for them to send in the physical passport.”


What are the current processing times for driving licence applications?

Driving licence applications made online currently take, on average, five days to process. However, applications made in the post take much longer. 

The DVLA publishes its current processing times for paper applications here. 


Why are there delays for driving licence applications?

There are currently long delays for processing paper driving licence applications. The DVLA says this is due to ongoing Covid-19 safety measures and the impact of previous industrial action by members of the Public and Commercial Services union.

It says that there no delays with online services. 


Can I still drive while I wait for my new licence?

Most people can continue to drive while they wait for their driving licence application to be processed. The DVLA has issued this guidance leaflet: ‘Can I drive while my application is with DVLA?’



conman    on 13 November 2021

Would be a good idea that when they issue the driving licences they stagger them a little maybe to 3 years and 1 month and 3 years 2 months and if your lucky 3 years 3 months. this will head off the massive work load that they are going to face in 3 years time. But who cares!!!

   on 19 November 2021

It isn’t just the over 70s waiting months and months for their driving licence to be processed by by paper method.
Many who need their driving licence to renew DBS certs are having problems too and preventing the opportunity of new working positions. ??

Mrs Mary Hurdle    on 19 November 2021

I applied on line to renew my over 70 driving licence on 23 September 2021 and sent my current driving licence to them as instructed. My licence expires on 5th December and I am getting very worried. It would be a good idea if they at least kept one informed as to what is happening to your application and it could be done on line

   on 19 November 2021

Still no mention of drivers whose licences are held in the D.V.L.A. medical department. They acknowledge having had my renewal application since last March. As I have also decided that I no longer need a passport as I cannot hire a car. that has also run out. I have nothing acceptable now for proof of identity. I guess there must by now be 399.000 drivers out there like me, there were 200.000 months ago.

Judith Hermite    on 19 November 2021

I also applied to renew my over 70 driving licence on line on 16 September 2021. My licence was due to expire on 14 November. My new licence eventually arrived on 30 October. It was a very worrying time, the website says online applications are turned round in 10 days and to call if this doesn't happen. Of course as we all know no one answers if you call them. This is unexceptable and can't be due to Covid.

Clive Hutton    on 19 November 2021

After a stroke, I suffered a small loss of visual field ( which is quite common).
My orthoptist thinks it is OK, and applied for my licence to be renewed on 1st September.
No acknowledgement of its receipt.
Still waiting 11 weeks later !

Richard Myers    on 19 November 2021

I suffered a seizure at the beginning of April, and, as required, I forfeited my licence. Because of the strike and Covid sicknesses, I thought I would see if I could start driving again after six months without re-occurrence, which maybe the section 88 of the Licence Renewal Driving Medical Conditions would allow, if you met all those requirements.
I wrote to my MP saying:-.
I would appreciate you showing to the Secretary of Transport the message from my Consultant which said I was fit to drive, in order for him to allow me a Waiver of Licence Requirement until the DVLA licence renewal hold up is over, this could also permit HGV drivers awaiting licence renewal to restart driving fuel lorries and help the current crisis. which would be good PR for the Government; that, sadly it badly needs.

The reply was that the Transport Secretary does not intervene in operational matters within the DVLA, such as the reissuing of licences, and so this is not something the Secretary of State will be able to assist with.

With so many regulations being waived by the Government due to the Covid19 situation, I thought that was the most favourable thing he could do.

David Ronald Pittaway    on 20 November 2021

My over 70 passport ran out in October.
Legislation says as long as I have sent in my application, I am OK to drive.
I simply keep a copy of my application in my car, until the new licence arrives.
No problem as far as I am concerned.

mike Donoghue    on 23 November 2021

My wife has sent her DL as requested.

We are driving to Spain on 4 January, it is ok for UK government to say your are legal to drive but other countries require you to have your driving licence on your person.

What do we do?

HortonMotor    on 5 December 2021

Typical Whitewash, to say things are improving when we all know that Medical Group Applications are months behind.

My friend had a heart problem in March, he was advised to return his Licence, After six months he was declared fit and now 9 months later his Brand New Audi is stiil sat in the garage.

Today I realised that my own Medical renewal sent in on 3rd October has not been processed and my Licence has expired

To add to it, my wife is due for a knee replacement next month so we will all be unable to drive!

The applications made online are relatively easy ones but the Medical Cases are being ingnored

cas cobb    on 13 January 2022

I wonder if they are completely ignoring the Over 70's with a medical condition,

I sent my renewal application in w/c 4th October, DVLA had requested a new photocard. Regrettably I have no record that it was sent or received. I wrote and requested confirmation of receipt and in return received a stern letter saying not to bother them and just wait.

I have tried the webchat, and make many phone calls at different times of day, where I am repeatedly told to try later (recorded voice). My licence expired late October and am now driving infrequently when I really really need to, as it feels illegal. If they would just confirm they have received my application so that I am covered under Section 88, I would not be so worried. I think they hope I will die and stop bothering about it.

Anne Channing    on 24 February 2022

I have been waiting since 12/12/22 for my licence because I was 70 on the 24/01/22 and still not got it I have checked we’re you are up to and it says you are dealing with 13/12/21 so why have I not had mine

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