"size matters" - mal
(Relax Mark,its not what you think)
Father-in-law needs a car to fit in his garage which is a bit on the narrow side, so to save time trawling through sites and phoning dealers is there a website out there which gives the dimensions of the current crop of superminis.
Regards Mal.
- Martin Devon


Regards, Martin.
"size matters" - mal
Martin, it's a bit late in life for him to get back on his bike, he's 83!.
Thanks Doc, I'll try Parkers.
Regards Mal.
Size matters - Andrew-T
Mal - don't forget that SOME sources of width information give SOME cars including mirrors, others without. Not always easy to tell which. But generally I shouldn't think superminis vary by more than 15cm (6") overall.
- Doc
Have a look at www.parkers.co.uk/

This used car site has a section on superminis which gives dimensions. (see choosing)
. - mal
Exactly the site I was looking for, thanks again Doc.
. - Blue {P}
My nana had the same problem, in the end she said stuff it, sold her Starlet, bought a Corolla and has parked it on the drive ever since without any problems...

However, that is on a modern car, I agree that over a *very* long time, a garaged car will be better than a non-garaged one...

. - HF
Glad your nan's enjoying her new car, Blue. Hope it all goes well.

Take care, hope all is well with you.