FIAT Doblo Cargo - is the 1.3 multijet engine a safe engine - Lee P

Is the 1.3 multijet engine a safe engine if the timing chain snaps. I have a 2007 Doblo Cargo with a snapped chain and would like to know if its worth spending any money looking at a repair.

Many thanks

FIAT Doblo Cargo - is the 1.3 multijet engine a safe engine - unthrottled

If you mean is it a "non interference" engine then, no, sadly not. The valves will have hit the pistons. The valvetrain will be damaged to some degree.

FIAT Doblo Cargo - is the 1.3 multijet engine a safe engine - Cyd

If it hadn't happened what would the vehicle have been worth? 2.5 to 3.5 grand maybe?

Seems to me, in its current state it will be virtually worthless.

So seems to me you have 2 simple choices:

1. throw it away and buy a new van

2. repair it. what will this cost? A grand, maybe a little more?

It might pay you to get a second hand head to put on it:

FIAT Doblo Cargo - is the 1.3 multijet engine a safe engine - elekie&a/c doctor

The valve train has probably been damaged but the valves may be ok.Many modern diesel engines have camshaft rockers that break/snap rather than bend the valves.May be worth a top cam box strip to investigate.hth

FIAT Doblo Cargo - is the 1.3 multijet engine a safe engine - unthrottled

The valve stems won't bend because they are perpendicular to the piston crown, not inclined at an angle. But the impact of the piston will have been transferred through relatively thin stems which could leave them weakened. If a valve head were to detach from its stem while the engine was running...