What do you think of Elon Musk? Have your say | No thanks
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Gert007

please, i need the key code for my radio... serial is: M121859...

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - elekie&a/c doctor

try 5981

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Gert007

Thank you very much! It worked!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - cboy

please help me. my serial number is m429878.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Gavgo

For Ford V codes which you cant get for free check out > www.onlineradiocodes.co.uk/ford-radio-codes

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - bobby dazzler
Please can u help me my serial no is m091264 thanks
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - elekie&a/c doctor
9933 looks good.
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - harpospeaks


Just bought a Ford 5000RDS stereo for my transit, but the code I've been given with the unit doesn't work. S/no is M164789. Can anyone help please?

Cheers, Terry

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

S/no is M164789. Can anyone help please?

Your code is 3025

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Paddersbest

Hi I'm so happy to have found this site....no radio has been killing me! Please help ...M069639. Greatly appreciated :) xx

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - didsf1
Hi can you help please I've disconnected my battery in my fiesta 04 reg and haven't got the code for the stereo the serial number is M460865 can any one help please
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - sb10
Hi can you help please I've disconnected my battery in my fiesta 04 reg and haven't got the code for the stereo the serial number is M460865 can any one help please


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - pudnud
Hiya, need a code for for fiesta please, serial number M115437. Much obliged if anyone can help...
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s
serial number M115437

Your code is 3280

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - gwagon

could you get mine too? Serial number is M218049


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - antdemo

hi please may i have help

thnx alot


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

Your code is 2336

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - kotten

Hello, i need the keycode for my girlfriends car, M118054

Regards Daniel

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Paddersbest

Hi I'm so happy to have found this site....no radio has been killing me! Please help ...M069639. Greatly appreciated :) xx

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - fuenches

Howdy. I have serial number M004111 can anyone help with the code?? Garage changed the battery and forgot to save the code

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - robz80

hello how can i get the serial number from my fiesta 4500 rds eon stereo, is there any buttons sequence you press to get its serial number? so i will get its code?as removed battery and stereo locked

please answer me on robert.robz@yahoo.com or here thanks



ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mm2-akehurst

Hi was wondering if anyone could find the code for my Ford Fiesta Radio 4500

serial code is - M317940


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - elekie&a/c doctor

Try 3106

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Robbo 77

Could anyone help, my battery ran flat on my fiesta so the car radio locked. its an rds 5000. the seriel number is M135873. Just wondering if anybody knows the code to unlock it. Cheers

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - scotmech5


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - natula

Hi! I wonder if you can help me as well. My serial number is M145549


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

serial number is M145549

Your code is 5081

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - eiznekcam

hi can't seem to unlock the radio on my Fiesta as well, however it is a rds 4500 the seriel number is M135809

wondering if anyone could help,

cheers, eiznekcam

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

hi can't seem to unlock the radio on my Fiesta as well, however it is a rds 4500 the seriel number is M135809

wondering if anyone could help,

cheers, eiznekcam

M135809 = Code 8628

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - PaulK-B

Help, is there any chance I could please get a code to unlock my 54 plate fiesta radio. Serial number M184373.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

Serial number M184373.

Your code is 7420

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - brad of linford

Please help me serial number M155489 would be very greatful

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

serial number M155489

Your code is 8615

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - spireite1962

Please could I have the radio keycode for serial number m598391

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - tharshan123

Can any one help with radio code for M081225? thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - truch

try this if it helps 2395

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mags2369

hey there! I dont know how to join the discussion... would u maybe be so kind as to email me please? mer@webmail.co.za.

can u maybe also help me with Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode pretty please?

Serial number: M107377



ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s
Serial number: M107377

Code is 5338
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - svamp

I need a code for my fiesta 4500 rds radio. Serial number M005928. Just changed battery and travel is so much boring without music.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s
Serial number M005928

Code is 1503

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - kirsty wilson

Hi my serial number is M009954 on my ford fiesta zetec 4500 radio. please can i have the radio code, it wasn't written in my log book and have had to change the battery.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

serial number is M009954

Your code is 6847

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - natula

Can you help me with a keycode for my radio please.


Thank you in advance!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - truch

try this if it helps 5081

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - rubydo1
Hi not sure how to do new message :/ but i need a key code for my radio serial number M183095 please would be very very helpful :)
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s
serial number M183095

your code is 8878

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - ellefiesta

Hi please would anyone be able to give the radio code for serial number v067173 :) Thank you!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - aisha03

please, i need the key code for my radio... serial is: m01199 thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mags2369

Hey there! can u maybe also help me pretty please?

Serial number: M107377


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hey there! can u maybe also help me pretty please?

Serial number: M107377



ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Dickie-Spider

Hi there i need a code for a ford fiesta 4500 rds radio serial number is M254665

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

Hi there i need a code for a ford fiesta 4500 rds radio serial number is M254665

Code is 3769

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - fiestablack

hi could you get me my code for mine? m006737

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

hi could you get me my code for mine? m006737

Code is 6756

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - TST
Hi My radio has been locked from long time. Can I have the code please? Serial Number is m058719 Much much apprecciated! Thanks TST
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s
Serial Number is m058719

Code is 5392

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Browny24

I've recently had my battery replaced and need to re-input my radio key-code. The code isn't in my manuel, would someone be able to help out please? :)

Serial number is:V 055889

Part No: 6S61-18C815-AH


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Gavgo

For Radio Codes with a v serial us the guys in the link below as they cannot be calculated and the dealership charges £25+ for them.


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Dakota2013
Hi, My car has come back from a garage with the radio requiring code due to the battery being disconnected. if I find the cars serial number could you please send me the code?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Lyndog

Hi I have just bought and 03 Ford Fiesta Finesse and the serial number is M041216, do u know what the code would be?


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

serial number is M041216

Code is 4240

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mskhan

Hello I need a code for serial number m218629

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

Hello I need a code for serial number m218629

Code is 5688

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - loopiee
Does anyone have the radio code for serial number
m018938 please?

Thank you in advance :)
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s
serial number m018938

Code is 6447

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - boswell

please, i need the key code for my radio... serial is M277546

I'd be so grateful if you would let me know what the code is.

Many thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

serial is M277546

Code is 7640

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - atakora

Hello. Please need code for S/N M005397.

Thanks in advance.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - JMP

Can anyone help me with my keycode for my

ford fiesta 4500 RDS E.O.N

Serial number: M057764

Thanks in advance

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Paddersbest

Hi I'm so happy to have found this site....no radio has been killing me! Please help ...M069639. Greatly appreciated :) xx

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Deby89Z

please, I need a key code for my radio the serial number is M297537

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Dynosaw

Hi, please can you help me - M590889 thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - NLS95


i dont have the serial number for my radio is there any way of getting a code without it?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Yes. Go to your local Ford Main Dealer, who will probably be able to obtain it from the registration or VIN number of your car.

Expect to pay about £30.00 for this service, though!

Alternatively, you could try turning the radio on with Buttons 1 and 6 pressed down together, sometimes 2 and 5 works, instead. This may give you the serial number.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - daymo

hi you ok i need some help just got a car and i need a code for m348598 pls

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - kallimcg123
Hello how do i post a question on here im lost thanks
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Crazy p
My serial number is: M008492. Any chance you can help with this please?
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Paschal O Neill

Hi I'm new to this , I'm looking for some help, I took out the battery from my 03 fiesta

And do not have the code for the radio, can anybody help please

Serial no m019036 , thanks so much in advance


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - SACLARK

I am looking for a radio code please for a Ford Fiesta serial number M009813. Thank you.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - robz80

(Duplicate post)

Edited by Avant on 14/01/2013 at 22:59

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Collos25

I know radio codes are easily found I have a cd with them all on and access to a web site where they are all listed but should we give them out on line you cannot say whether the radio is stolen - just a thought.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RT

I know radio codes are easily found I have a cd with them all on and access to a web site where they are all listed but should we give them out on line you cannot say whether the radio is stolen - just a thought.

Agreed - legitimately bought cars and radios should all have radio codes in their documentation.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - bathtub tom

>>legitimately bought cars and radios should all have radio codes in their documentation.


How many kitchen drawers have got that sort of stuff lurking in the corner, along with locking wheel nut keys, spare key etc. Not to mention a spare wheel from some completely different car.

One car I bought had the owner scrabbling around in the garage looking for the jack. I never did get the wheel brace/jack handle and he only put in a concerted effort to find the wheel nut key when I offered a couple of hundred quid less for the car without it.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RT

>>legitimately bought cars and radios should all have radio codes in their documentation.


How many kitchen drawers have got that sort of stuff lurking in the corner, along with locking wheel nut keys, spare key etc. Not to mention a spare wheel from some completely different car.

One car I bought had the owner scrabbling around in the garage looking for the jack. I never did get the wheel brace/jack handle and he only put in a concerted effort to find the wheel nut key when I offered a couple of hundred quid less for the car without it.

Why do people remove essential items from the car? You can't help some people !

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Andymon

Hi, my documentation had 2 serial code stickers on the manuals when I bought the car second hand, M163960 code 7801 and M222235 code 8325. I can only assume the radio was replaced at some point?

My problem is the radio's now locked afer being disconnected in the local garage. I tried both codes, but each of them came up with something like "wait 30 mins and then re-enter code". I did this using both codes (seperately, of course) but each time the radio just reverted back to the same "wait 30 mins etc" message. Eventuially it locked and I can't now do anything with it.

The local Ford dealer wants £18 to fix it, which frankly I grudge.

Anyone know how to fix?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - sb10

Hi, my documentation had 2 serial code stickers on the manuals when I bought the car second hand, M163960 code 7801 and M222235 code 8325. I can only assume the radio was replaced at some point?

My problem is the radio's now locked afer being disconnected in the local garage. I tried both codes, but each of them came up with something like "wait 30 mins and then re-enter code". I did this using both codes (seperately, of course) but each time the radio just reverted back to the same "wait 30 mins etc" message. Eventuially it locked and I can't now do anything with it.

The local Ford dealer wants £18 to fix it, which frankly I grudge.

Anyone know how to fix?

You will need to remove unit to get the serial no from it,I would assume its different from the ones you posted,but apart from software being freely available on net,if you get the s/n I can supply the code...or someone else will

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Delboy78

Hi, just joined and not sure how to do new message. Have same problems as above with Ford 4500 radio. Serial number is M214846. Thaks for any help you can give.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - dave12

Hi would anyone know how i can get my radio code my serial number is m009284, would really appriciate some help.thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hi would anyone know how i can get my radio code my serial number is m009284, would really appriciate some help.thanks

M009284 = Code 0266

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hi, just joined and not sure how to do new message. Have same problems as above with Ford 4500 radio. Serial number is M214846. Thaks for any help you can give.

M214846 = Code 0507

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - trentalz

Would anyone happen to have the code for a 4500 RDS EON radio? It has the Serial Number M072703. Like pretty much everyone else - I got a new battery and the device locked itself :P Massive thanks in advance!

On another note, with this model if you hold the 6 button and press 2, it shows the serial number.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Becky82

I don't know if I'm messaging this correctly but could somebody help find a code for my radio? Serial number M522756.

Thank you in advance, Rebecca

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

I don't know if I'm messaging this correctly but could somebody help find a code for my radio? Serial number M522756.

Thank you in advance, Rebecca

M522756 = Code 0343

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Would anyone happen to have the code for a 4500 RDS EON radio? It has the Serial Number M072703. Like pretty much everyone else - I got a new battery and the device locked itself :P Massive thanks in advance!

On another note, with this model if you hold the 6 button and press 2, it shows the serial number.

M072703 = Code 4045

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - trentalz

Amazing! Thanks!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jkati

Hi sorry i may be replying on someone elses post but i need help real bad

ford fiesta 03 serial M179981

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hi sorry i may be replying on someone elses post but i need help real bad

ford fiesta 03 serial M179981


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - PaulK-B

Hi is there any chance I could please get a code to unlock my 54 plate fiesta radio. Serial number M184373.

Thanks in advance.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

Serial number M184373.

Code is 7420

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Artis1971

Can anybody help me? Serial number of my car is M018630. Thanks.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Can anybody help me? Serial number of my car is M018630. Thanks.

Try 8509

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - claggy603

Can anyone help me with a code. My serial number is M126132

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hi Can anyone help me with a code. My serial number is M126132 Thanks


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Artis1971

It worked! Thanks a lot.

Useful tip: if you want to get the serial number, it's not necessary that you extract the radio; you just need to press the key "6" and, while it is pressed, press the "2"; the serial number will appear. Somebody says that you have to press "6" and the "1".


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Efc Scaff
Hi can anybody help me find the code for my radio, serial number M018883.
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hi can anybody help me find the code for my radio, serial number M018883.


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - stubster

Hi , You wouldn't have the code for my 4500 radio . Local ford dealer just quoted £50. Thank you serial M079701

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hi , You wouldn't have the code for my 4500 radio . Local ford dealer just quoted £50. Thank you serial M079701


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - andyp1959

Hello My fiesta 4500rds eon needs a code please serial number M079457

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hello My fiesta 4500rds eon needs a code please serial number M079457


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - bradthomas
I have an 4500 RDS
My serial code is: M135881
Please could I have the radio number please?
Thank you!

Edited by bradthomas on 04/07/2013 at 21:07

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hey, I have an 4500 RDS My serial code is: M135881 Please could I have the radio number please? Thank you!


Ford Focus Radio Code - 6000CD - benjo2085

Hi the serial code is M075168, can you help been a year without a radio!


Ford Focus Radio Code - 6000CD - Galaxy

Hi the serial code is M075168, can you help been a year without a radio!



Ford fiesta 4500 rds - ruthie
Hi, I just inherited a ford fiesta zetec from my grandparents & they don't have the keycode for the radio. I would really appreciate it if you could help?

Serial no. M357740

Many thanks,
Ford fiesta 4500 rds - Galaxy
Hi, I just inherited a ford fiesta zetec from my grandparents & they don't have the keycode for the radio. I would really appreciate it if you could help? Serial no. M357740 Many thanks, Ruth

It should be 3101

Ford fiesta 4500 rds - ruthie
Thank you so much!
Ford fiesta 4500 rds - StephenB

Hi, my Dad sold me his Fiesta but he doesn't know the code for the radio. The serial is M297803. Can you help? Stephen.

Ford fiesta 4500 rds - Galaxy

Hi, my Dad sold me his Fiesta but he doesn't know the code for the radio. The serial is M297803. Can you help? Stephen.


Ford fiesta 4500 rds - StephenB

Brilliant, many thanks for your help.

Ford Focus Radio Code - 6000CD - Luckyon9111

Hi the serial code is M0905140, can you help me?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - rings

Hi, im in need of help for my 4500 rds radio code. does any anyone have the code for serial MO71491


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hi, im in need of help for my 4500 rds radio code. does any anyone have the code for serial MO71491



ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - doraemon1987

Been having problems with my radio too, had to disconnect the battery and upon reconnecting everything i entered the security code that was written in my fiesta owner's guide and it didn't end up working. Could someone please help me out?

My serial number is: M176538

It's a Ford fiesta radio, model 4500

Thank you

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Been having problems with my radio too, had to disconnect the battery and upon reconnecting everything i entered the security code that was written in my fiesta owner's guide and it didn't end up working. Could someone please help me out?

My serial number is: M176538

It's a Ford fiesta radio, model 4500

Thank you


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - doraemon1987

Thank you very much, it worked straight away.

Very grateful

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - rings

Thanks very much, it worked.

Much appreciated

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - fiestaklo

I had battery disconnected and now no radio!

The code is MO 17221

Can you help?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

I had battery disconnected and now no radio!

The code is MO 17221

Can you help?


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - TerryMK
My fiesta has a serial code of M171807, could you please help with a code?
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hi My fiesta has a serial code of M171807, could you please help with a code? Terry


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - TerryMK
Works perfectly, thank you very much.
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jarl_hilton
Hi my fiesta had a batteri change and I'm missing the key code. The serial code is M154317. Can you help me? Regards Jarl
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hi my fiesta had a batteri change and I'm missing the key code. The serial code is M154317. Can you help me? Regards Jarl


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - fiestaklo

Thank you very much!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - DP2013

Hi Can you please provide me a audio key code the serial number is: M154293

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hi Can you please provide me a audio key code the serial number is: M154293


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - DP2013

That's worked . Thank you very much.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - BloodxyZ

Hi was wondering if anyone could find the code for my Ford Fiesta Radio 4500

serial code is - M011063


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s
serial code is - M011063

Code is 6114

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - gXlor

Hi, could you provide me a key, my system serial is M033531.

Thank you very much for the help !

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - sb10

Hi, could you provide me a key, my system serial is M033531.

Thank you very much for the help !

try 9618

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - gXlor

Hi, great, worked well, thank you very much :) !!!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hi I have a ford fiesta 02 zetec 4500 and the serial on the back is M017001

Your radio code should be: 2484

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - HOLS_LEO

Can anyone help I need radio code foe 4500 rds serial no M036293


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jojo13

Hi had my clutch replaced and now asking for radio code. My serial number is M048314 if anyone can help! Thanks in advance :)

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hi had my clutch replaced and now asking for radio code. My serial number is M048314 if anyone can help! Thanks in advance :)


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jojo13

Galaxy thanks so much, worked a dream :))

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Can anyone help I need radio code foe 4500 rds serial no M036293



ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - johnyyoung

Can anyone help me with the code for m005289?

ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Can anyone help me with the code for m005289?


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Stark303

Can someone help me with a keycode for mine? serial number M034694


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Can someone help me with a keycode for mine? serial number M034694



ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - sixsi


can you help me my serial number is M393908


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy


can you help me my serial number is M393908



ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - mascfa
Can I have code for M270183
ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hi Can I have code for M270183 Thanks


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - mascfa
Thank you Galaxy
ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - ayepod
Hi. Looking for a code for M072078. Thank you!
ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hi. Looking for a code for M072078. Thank you!


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - andymacdon

Hi, looking for code for m169796. Thanks

ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hi, looking for code for m169796. Thanks


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Luckyon9111

Hi, looking for code for m090514. Thanks

ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hi, looking for code for m090514. Thanks


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - TommyD
Hi, could someone help me with the code for M183999? Thanks.
ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hi, could someone help me with the code for M183999? Thanks.


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hi, could someone help me with the code for M183999? Thanks.


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - TommyD
Hi, could someone help me with the code for M183999? Thanks.


Worked a treat! Thanks!

ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - creeky44
Hi could someone help me with my code the serial number is m172437. Thanks
ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Hi could someone help me with my code the serial number is m172437. Thanks


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Laura007
Could I get a code for my 4500 radio serial number M132522. Thanks so much.
ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Could I get a code for my 4500 radio serial number M132522. Thanks so much.


ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Hanks

Hi I was wondering if anyone has the code for my 4500 too, radio serial number M073956, not sure how but got locked out and don't have the code

Many Thanks in advance.

ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - mdzro

try this code 9655

ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - nick26
Hi I'm not sure on how to put a new message but I disconnect my battery on my ford fiesta 53 plate and it's asking me for a code can anyone help me please it's a 4500 rds
serial number is m015485 thanks
ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Am0s
serial number is m015485

code is 6825

ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Igor4076

Hi, can anybody help me? Serial number of my car is M672560. Thanks.

ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Am0s

Serial number is M672560.

Code is 2316

ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - slaps88

hello.can u help me with a keycode for my player,serial is M043992,thanks!

ford fiesta - Ford rds radio keycode? - Am0s

serial is M043992

Code is 4568

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s
Serial nuber: M017001

Code is 2484

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - brad of linford

sorry to jump on another post but need help code missing serial m155489

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

serial m155489

Code is 8615

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - tintome

i need the key code for my radio too, please help me. serial is: M030249.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mdzro


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - sprest
I need the keycode for ford festia zetec 54 plate serial number M584438 please
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mdzro


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - sprest
Thank you muchly :o)
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - slaps88

hello.can u help me with a keycode for my player,serial is M043992,thanks!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Igor4076

please help me. my serial number is M 672560


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Dobri

Hi I have problem with my radio key Ford fiest 04 reg I need I proper key rds 4500 serial is M169847 thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

serial is M169847

Code is 4226

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - antdemo



ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

Duplicate: M179645

Code is 2336

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mdzro

Can you help me with a keycode for my radio please. :X:X

serial is : M000101

tnx v much

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - daveyravey

Please can I have a code for my radio, ford fiesta;


Thank You in advance!!!!!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jamiethecfh

Hi folks, not sure how to create a new message.

I also require the radio code for my '03 Fiesta, serial number: m130017 - think my partner's dad still has the manual since we bought it from them a few years back. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Artis1971


can anybody help me? Serial number of my car is M088567.


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - glennc


Hope someone can help.

Had the cam belt replaced now i need the 4500 rds e.o.n radio keycode. It is not in the audio guide booklet.

Serial number = M024739.

Thanks in advance.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - monty124
Can someone please help with a radio code for a fiesta mo93581 need the radio code after battery was disconnected
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - UpTheDub
Hi having the same problem after disconnecting battery can anyone please help Serial MO13758
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Bubbler

Hi Can anyone help me with a code.

My serial number is M 1 4 6 9 8 0


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - stanb

please, i need the key code for my radio... serial is: M121859...

Ok. I now realise there lots of us.

I have inherited my dear old mums fiesta (she was 80 and passed away last month) which I have mot'd and have passed on to my son. The car had been standing for some time so everything flat.

The serial No. for her rds 4500 is M090864.

I will be really thankfull to anyone that can give me the code to unlock the radio.

Thanks in advance

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jbarg92

Hello Honest Johners

I have an 02 registered Ford Fiesta, the engine tickover has been erratic and the battery needs to be disconnected to investigate the problem. The serial number for my 4500 rds radio is:


If anyone can provide the security code I would be very grateful because it will save me the expense of a trip to the local Ford dealer in Reading. Thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Squidward12

Hi folks , I realise alot of people have asked for this but having been through all the posts no one has the same serial number. I have purchased a second hand fiesta I had to get a new alternator i need to re input the code for the stereo - can anyone help? the tread was helpful as I now know how to find the serial number :)

serial number M045403

Many thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

I've just done that one! 6695

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - fordfiesta

Hi can you help please I've disconnected my battery in my fiesta 05 reg and haven't got the code for the stereo the serial number is M126373 can any one help pleas! thank you!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Browny24

Hello, same problem as most, I've recently had my battery replaced and need to re-input my radio key-code. The code isn't in my manuel, would someone be able to help out please? :)

Serial number is:V 055889

Part No: 6S61-18C815-AH


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hello, same problem as most, I've recently had my battery replaced and need to re-input my radio key-code. The code isn't in my manuel, would someone be able to help out please? :)

Serial number is:V 055889

Part No: 6S61-18C815-AH


Sorry, but you won't get a "V" code for free, I and others on here who do codes can only do "M" codes.

Ford Main Dealer or there are a few people on Ebay who say they can do them.

One of them is here: www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FORD-RADIO-CODES-ALL-M-V-NUMBER...7

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Hi can you help please I've disconnected my battery in my fiesta 05 reg and haven't got the code for the stereo the serial number is M126373 can any one help pleas! thank you!

Try 1746

Edited by Galaxy on 29/11/2013 at 16:34

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Dobri

Hi I dont know how to post from my ohone that's why I just reply , I NEED HELP REGARDING MY RADIO RDS 4500 KEY FOR FORD FIEST 04 REG AND MY SERIAL IS m169847

thanks in advance.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

Duplicate: SERIAL IS m169847

Code is 4226

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - 4500 rds eon
Hello i have also lost my code. I have a 4500 rds eon.
M012583. Please can you help me. Thnx

Edited by 4500 rds eon on 03/12/2013 at 09:36

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - sjh2008

Hi i have also lost my radio code after the battery was disconnected I have a 4500 rds eon. M548516. Any help would be appreciated

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - justneedhelp


I just got my ford fiesta and I need a code for the radio as well.


I would really appreciate if you could help.



ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - clairem22

Hi not sure how to post on this blog, Also just got a new Ford Fiesta 2005 and need the radio code, serial number is M239516

Thank you

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Django2013

I got the car back from the garage and the radio is locked. First time this has happened.

Ford Fiesta 2004

Radio: 4500 RDS EON

Serial No: M170422

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - LEGGY


Just the same as all the above posts;-

Is it possible you could forward the code for my 2005 Ford Fiesta's 4500 radio?

I had a code of 8911 but this doesnt seem to work.

Do you have to press another button after entering the code?

The serial number of the unit is M066446.

Many Thanks,


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - DizzleTT

Got the same problem as everyone else

i have a Ford Fiesta,

my serial number is M470851

does anyone have a code which will work? 9933 didnt work.

Thank in advance

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - kat2514

I need the keycode for my radio. Serial No; M075944

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

I've just done that one, I think!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - batch77

could you please give me the code for my stereo. Serial number:M076020 thanks in advance

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

could you please give me the code for my stereo. Serial number:M076020 thanks in advance

The code for your radio should be 9282

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - rups84

Could you please give me the code for M000228, many thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Your radio code should be 8409

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - lu25

Hi could you tell me my code please: serial number M021765. Thanks in advance.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The code for your radio should be 3591

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Kieran Palmer

Hi need code for SN M574789 Please.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9081

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Kieran Palmer

Thank you.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - lloyd01
Hi there, could you help me with the code? My serial number is: M256334
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The code for your radio should be 3160

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - gprmotorsport


Just discovered this site, bit of a treasure trove!

Can someone help me with a Ford Focus radio code?

Serial number is M460189

The number written in the manual isn't working.



ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The code for your radio should be 7110

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - gprmotorsport

Thanks so much, all now working fine :-)

Car must have had a radio change.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Goats legs


i disconnected the radio doing my cambelt and the supplied code i have does not work could i please get a code for my raidio

ford fiesta 2004

radio 4500

code: M130584

current unlock code that does not work: 5280

thanks you :)

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy


i disconnected the radio doing my cambelt and the supplied code i have does not work could i please get a code for my raidio

ford fiesta 2004

radio 4500

code: M130584

current unlock code that does not work: 5280

thanks you :)

The correct code for your radio should be 6624

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Goats legs

thank you worked a treat :)

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - brad of linford

Hi there can you help me please serial is m155489

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - kam40102
Serial number m2 19 105 , can u please send me the code
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The code for your radio should be 0326

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - tw100

Please could anybody help me with a key code for a Fiesta RDS 4500 Ser No M255608?

Would really appreciate any assistance

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be 2118

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - tw100

Thanks Galaxy for a super quick response

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Mellonhead
Hi Can anyone help me with a code for my radio?

My serial number is M675105

Thanks very much in advance.
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be 0504

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - DzeBaZapelo

Hi, I also need a radio code for my car Ford Fiesta, Serial number: M004509

Thank you so much!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Should be 1952

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Marv


Iam also searching for the Key, serial number is M1324 18

Can anybody help me please:)

Kind regards


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be 8648

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - lew91
I need my radio code for my ford fiesta please... Serial number is V010158

Many thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Sorry, can't do "V" codes. The only way of getting this is Ford Main dealer or, if you have a look on Ebay, there are people there who say they can provide them for a small fee.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Frank Murphy

Hi, please help me, I had my car in for MOT and now it's come back saying 'CODE 1'

The serial number is M043093

Thank you so much

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mrslong

I had to replace my battery and now my radio is looking for a code? I wondered if you could please help me, my serial no is m163039 , thanks in advance!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - brad of linford

can someone please help need code for radio m155489 . Desprate

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mskhan

Can you help me I need to find the code for my fiesta the serial number is m218629. I would like to thank you in advance.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - DannySAllen


I've had my Fusion 2 for nearly 2 years now and had to replace the battery today. Of course now I need the key code for my radio which I don't have.

The serial number is M065656.

All help gratefully received !!


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - honestjerry
Please could anybody help me with a key code for a Fiesta RDS 4500 Ser No M139582?

Would really appreciate any assistance.
Thank you
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - bethaniee
Hi I've just bought an 03 fiesta there's no code In the manual I've been told to install a new radio the dash board would need to be cut! My code is M074543 if anybody has a code I would appreciate it :)
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - seannorkie

ford fiesta 2005 4500 eon rds keycode.

serial is M219161

please help. thank you in advance.


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - LollyV

I also need the Keycode for my Ford Fiesta 55plate 4500 eon RDS. Bought the car in July and no note of the keycode in my log book.

Serial N0: M180189

Desperately need the radio working for my commutes to work.

Thanks in advance

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - funkiefemme

Can someone help me out?
I have inherited my dear grandpa's fiesta, but really can't find the code anywhere. Please help, I yes my car every day and really miss the radio/cd.

It's a 4500 rds,

Thank u very much and happy easter!

Regards, Mieke

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Bolt
Hello, Can someone help me out? I have inherited my dear grandpa's fiesta, but really can't find the code anywhere. Please help, I yes my car every day and really miss the radio/cd. It's a 4500 rds, m027646 Thank u very much and happy easter! Regards, Mieke


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - funkiefemme
Wauw! Thank you very much magnit! It worked!
Enjoyed my ride today. It's even better now the music is back :)
Again; many thanks.

Regards, Mieke
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - antdemo

Thanks anyone who can help


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s

Duplicate: M179645

Code is 2336

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Bolt

M180189 -8388

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - aguffguff
Can somebody please help put some music back Into my life I replaced a fuse and when I came to turn radio on it asked me for a code my mum has apparently lost the documents which tell you the code so I'm stuck please help my serial number is m023314
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - saffycat
ford fiesta 54 plate 4500 rds E O N keycode.

Serial Number is M241476

please help. thank you in advance.
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s
Serial Number is M241476

Code is 5081

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s


Code is 8388

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - bager2009

Hi. Please help me.I need radio code s/n


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Am0s
Duplicate: Serial N0: M180189

Code is 8388

one request from magnit on 4/20 and another from LollyV on 4/14

Edited by Am0s on 03/05/2014 at 18:42

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - atakora

Hello. Please need code for S/N M005397. Thanks in advance.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - haydnwest
Hi my s/no is m038734
Would anybody be able to tell me my code please.

Edited by haydnwest on 03/05/2014 at 19:51

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - north2south

hi i need a code for serial no: m048573

if you can help please?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - puffer1972

Good day to everyone!

After a battery failure my 4500 rds eon is locked I would appreciate if you could tell me the code for serial: M034417

Thank you in advance!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - spireite1962

Please could I have the keycode for m598391


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Oscarman

How about M047138? Thanks.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jaykins
Can you please help battery died dont know reset code
Serial M171240
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - JimmyJohnson

Can anyone help me with my keycode for my ford fiesta

4500 RDS E.O.N

Serial number: M177431

Thanks in advance

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - laura1989
Hello, I have the same model and the serial number is m229902. Could anyone help with a radio code please?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - kayleigh90
Can you help me find the audiod code for my radio? Model number m023765? Thanks :)
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - BlueLondoner89


My battery was disconnected on my ford fiesta so in need of a radio code... serial number is M472332

Many thanks in advance!!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy






ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Paddersbest

Hi I'm so happy to have found this site....no radio has been killing me! Please help ...M069639. Greatly appreciated :) xx

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - FordHastings

Battery disconnected for water pump and new audio code for 4500 RDS EON - M010097 - according to the Audio Guide it should be 9327??? But everytime I enter it locks for 30??


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct code for the given serial number is 6249

I suggest you try that.


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - FordHastings

Cheers that code worked thank for the swift reply - Nice One!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - niekie

Please help! Disconnected my radio and now it's asking for keycode. Sadly enough I don't have it. It's a 4500 rds in a ford fiesta with serial no. M084142. Thanks in avances!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - pipo21

Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode pls M019330

Edited by pipo21 on 26/01/2015 at 08:17

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - pipo21

Tks ;-)

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Lisamrsbob

I'm sorry for replying but I couldn't figure out how to ask a new question.

Please could you find the code to my friends radio? Her code is M185416. Thanks :)

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

If you take the trouble to read the post two posts above your own you will find a link which I have given. This will enable you to obtain your own radio code.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Lisamrsbob

Oh, I'm sorry. There were so many asking the same thing that I just scrolled right to the bottom after the first few. I have the code. Thanks very much for your help

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Daise
Hi, I am hoping you can help find the code for my Ford Fiesta 4500 rds eon radio. The serial no is M267457

I appreciate any help you can give me. Many thanks :)
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - AlOiSiS

Hi everybody! How I can get my serial number for my 4500rds radio?
I changed the battery and now the radio is locked...

Thanx in advance!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - LisaS
Hi does anyone have the key code for radio serial number M002608 thanks x
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Important information for anyone who is looking for FORD CAR RADIO KEYCODES

1. For radios whose Serial Number begins with an "M", followed by a six digit number, you can use the following link to work out what your Keycode should be:


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Ford Fiesta 2005 radio code

Please can you help to unblock my radio. vin wfodxxgajd5b59829 - radio 4500rdse.o.n - serial b301259. Please i bought the car without the number for the radio. Ford fiesta 2005 1.3

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Raccoons united
Hi, thanks in advance for my radio code! Serial is m252727
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Trp0705
Hi got a 2003 fiesta with a 4500 rds radio serial number is M022119, any ideas for a code

Edited by Trp0705 on 21/10/2015 at 21:11

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

Third post up from yours tells you how to work it out for yourself.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Gavgo

For Radio Codes with a v serial us the guys in the link below as they cannot be calculated and the dealership charges £25+ for them.


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Gavgo


Edited by Gavgo on 15/11/2015 at 18:35

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - DeanoMP

hiya my radio is showing WF0HXXWP JH356394 please can somebody help?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mm3486

Hi there,

I also need the code for my ford 4500 rds radio. My serial-number is: M083818. I'd be very thankful for help!


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4177

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mm3486

Thanks so much. Worked perfectly!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Orsy


I'm also desperately looking for the code for my Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS E-O-N radio. The serial number is M0 14953. Would be great is someone could help me out!

Thanks a lot!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9436

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - BevanM
Please help me get a key code for mine :- m056098 . Thanks
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4471

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - beburi

Please can u help me my serial no is M 545787

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 3217

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - HuwGareth
Can you anyone assist on getting a keycode for 4500 Radio? S/N is M271717.

Thank you.
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 0892

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Honest Loz

Can anyone help me on getting a keycode for 4500 Radio? S/N is M172038.

Thank you.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9511

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - ciorty

can anyone help me with a radio key code-ford fiesta 4500 rds serial no m005518

many thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

I've just done that one!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Kolin

Thanks in advance for any help with my stereo unlock code,

My Ford Fusion 4500 rds serial number is:


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 1443

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Orsy

Could someone help me out too? My radio's serial number is M022925.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 7146

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mikewal

please can you help get my code,had to disconent battery,radio been off ever since ty

seral n/o


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mikewal

please can you help get my code,had to disconent battery,radio been off ever since ty

seral n/o


Edited by mikewal on 06/06/2016 at 08:19

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 7197

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - mikewal

Thank you very much worked great.Thank you for your time...

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - alfster5000

Hi after a battery change in my fiesta I need the code for serial number M298820 if anyone can help


Ford ka 52 plate - Radio code - Jayv164

Havent got a code for my 6000cd rds. Serial number mo34158

Ford fiesta radio 4500 - Fiesta 1992

Anybody know radio code for 4500 s/n M014909? Thanks

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Hugeqq


Hoping this is still live ... none of the Code programmes I've found work on Apple. Our serial is M436602.

Any help much appreciated.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy


The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9959

As far was I'm aware, the usual Ford Keycode Generator should work on an Apple. thought, I must admit, I've never actually tried it:


Sometimes, on any computer, the antivirus or other internet security will stop this program from running, in which case it's just a matter of turning them off temporarily, do the Keycode, and then turn them back on.

I'm not familiar with Apple computers so I'm afraid I can't comment further.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Hugeqq

Firstly many thanks for your quick reply and the code - which worked.

Secondly, apologies - I didn't previously find the decoder you linked to. I can confirm that it does work with Apple Macs. Must practice my searching skills!

Thanks again for your time.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - harj2016

Hi people!!

Not sure how to use the forum?

Please can someone help me find code for my radio?

I had the clutch changed on my Ford Fiesta 2004 and now radio is asking for code which i do not have.

My serial number thing is M502869

Will really appreciate code for the above car radio.


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9815

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - valentijm

Hi there,

Could someone please help men out? Lost my key for 4500 RDS EON radio. Serial number is: M492803



ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RobJP

The code should be 0837

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 0837

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Fiesta 1992

Anybody know radio code for 4500 s/n M014909?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Brian-M

Your code should be 1080. Try that

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Alin Dobre


I have a 4500 rds with serial M292135

Can you please send me the code for that?

Thank you


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 2472

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Nel91

Can you please help with mine? M026865 thank you so much!

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RobJP

Can you please help with mine? M026865 thank you so much!

The code should be 0096

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Liam Dobbs
Can someone also help me with my code. I have a Ford 4500 RDS EON radio system and the serial number is M474377. I have tried to enter the code that was in my car manual which was 2658 but isn't working. Need an instant reply. Thanks
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - elekie&a/c doctor
Instant reply.that is the correct code.
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Did you enter the code correctly?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Liam Dobbs
I just tried it again after watching the video and it still didn't work and now my system is LOCKED after 13 attempts. Any advice?
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Yes, buy another radio on Ebay!

The only alternative will be a visit to a Ford main dealer or car audio specialist to have the radio professionally unlocked from Lock13.

I think my solution will work out cheaper, make sure the radio is supplied with the code.

To get your radio onto Lock13 you must have made 10 user attempts plus 3 dealer attempts, i.e. pressed Button #6 when the radio is turned on to set the radio back to Lock10.

There's something very strange here; the keycode must be wrong or there could be a fault with the radio.The radio could have been changed at some time and, if you used the handbook to get the serial number and keycode, they may not be correct.
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Liam Dobbs
Hi again, I've taken my radio out of car and realised someone has replaced the old radio with a newer one with a totally different serial number which didn't link with the one in the owners guide. What would be the code for serial number M659910? Cheers.
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy
Ah, so what I suspected might be the case re the radio having been changed proved to be correct. Though, equally, of course, it may-well be the case that the handbook you have isn't the one which came with the car.

Anyway, the correct Keycode for the new serial number you've now given is: 4082

However, from what you've previously said about the radio being locked on "13" I'm afraid I've still got my doubts as to whether it will be possible to enter the new code because you've had so many incorrect previous attempts.

But it's certainly worth a try!
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Liam Dobbs
Ok thanks. I'm going to take it to someone who can do something about unlocking the radio. Thanks again for all your help!
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Kamil

Hello can I get a code for my fiesta 4500 Rds serial M390697. Thank you with advance

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 6015

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - smifffy

Hi, i need the key code for my radio... serial is: M171928 ... hope you can help :) thankyou in advance ....

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RobJP

Hi, i need the key code for my radio... serial is: M171928 ... hope you can help :) thankyou in advance ....

The code you want should be 4485

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Piddyboy

Hey could you give me the key code for my radio? Had to change the battery and don´t have the code. Serial number ist: M031191

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RobJP

Hey could you give me the key code for my radio? Had to change the battery and don´t have the code. Serial number ist: M031191

The code you want should be 6709

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - smifffy
Yes that worked .... ??.... Thanks for your time ??
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jacque aldis

Could you help me out too please, I think my serial number is 712097

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jacque aldis

my VIN is WF0HXXGAJH5U46996

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RobJP

Your radio serial number will start with a letter BEFORE the six numbers. Having that is critically important.

Your VIN is not needed.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jacque aldis

In that case, I'm not sure where the radio serial number is. Could you direct me to where I could find it?

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RobJP

You need to pull out the radio - have a look on youtube for how to do so. You can fashion the tools needed quite easily, people have used coathangars, toothpicks, etc. the serial number is usually on the top of the radio. It will be a letter (hopefully M) followed by 6 numbers.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Eldo1995

Hello. Can you also find the code for ford fiesta 1997 5000 rds radio?

Does the serial.of 5000 rds starts.with.M . If.it starts.with V can you help.me?

Thanks in advande.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RobJP

You need to find out your serial number, whether it starts with an M or V. It could be either.

Guessing is pointless.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RobJP

You need to find out your serial number, whether it starts with an M or V. It could be either.

Guessing is pointless.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RobJP

You need to find out your serial number, whether it starts with an M or V. It could be either.

Guessing is pointless.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - jacque aldis
thanks I found it, my serial number is M049990
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Gavgo

For Ford V codes which you cant get for free check out > www.onlineradiocodes.co.uk/ford-radio-codes

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

thanks I found it, my serial number is M049990

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 5385

Edited by Galaxy on 21/08/2016 at 11:13

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Bjorn Julius

  • Hi. I hope you can help. I need my key code for my 4500 RDS radio. My s/n is M103958

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9114

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - André Resende

Hi, i hope that someone helps me, my radio is driving me crazy, i cant find the key code so i would really apreciate some help. My radio e the 4500 rds eon and the serial is M063731.

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 1043

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - André Resende

You just made my day

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Kio

Hi Guys. I've just bought radio for my Fiesta 04'.

Serial number: M102507

Please, can someone generate or tell me the code. I've been searching for it online, but withouth none success.

Thank you very much in advance!



ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 5025


ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Kio

Yep, thanks. I've used radio code generator :)

ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - Notthebrightestspark
Hi how do I make my own post as bought a Ford Fiesta with radio 4500 in it but says I need a code can anyone help please serial number is m137729
ford fiesta - Ford fiesta 4500 rds radio keycode? - RobJP
Hi how do I make my own post as bought a Ford Fiesta with radio 4500 in it but says I need a code can anyone help please serial number is m137729

answered in the other thread you started.