Private Parking Conference - dacouch

(This was originally entitled 'Epic Fail', which told nobody what it was about.)

A conference on Parking for (Private and Council Parking) invited Martin Cutts of the Plain Language Commission to give a speach, bearing in mind Martin has had a few run ins with the Private Parking Industry and especially their trade organisation the BPA his choice was a little odd. They asked for a copy of his speach in advance but he refused and they still allowed him to speak...

Here is a link to his speach, well worth a read especially bearing in mind it was given to an audiance predominantly from the private parking businesses and a couple of BPA executives were seated at the top table having also given speaches. They're going all out for PR at the moment as the law changes later this year giving the BPA a bit of authority...


Edited by Honestjohn on 13/07/2012 at 09:25

Epic Fail - oldroverboy

Edited by OldRoverboy on 11/07/2012 at 19:16

Private Parking Conference - Happy Blue!

Give that man a medal! Get caught with a PCN? - just send them that speech and tell them to get stuffed!

Edited by Honestjohn on 13/07/2012 at 09:26

Private Parking Conference - oldroverboy

Bet they didn't applaud!

Edited by Honestjohn on 13/07/2012 at 09:26

Private Parking Conference - dacouch

Whoever booked him will not be very popular.

I've heard that there were quite a few parking officials from local councils (The conference was for private and local authorities). Apparantly a few of the council officials congratulated Mike afterwards for the speech and thanked him as they did not realise they did not have to pay the parking charges from private parking companies

Edited by Honestjohn on 13/07/2012 at 09:26

Private Parking Conference - gordonbennet

That speech could equally have delivered to the house of ill repute, seeing as it centred around fair and just behaviour with a dose of truth and honour, probably be met with the same incomprehension it was at the parking conference.

Edited by Honestjohn on 13/07/2012 at 09:27

Private Parking Conference - RichardRohn

Private parking conference seem new to me in fact i never been went to any conference like that but in Finland i seen a private parking at where they are really doing well about it.But i think it is better if they are going to attend some conference like this in order to learn more about private parking stuff.