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Renault Laguna Bonnet Stuck - dazzyb
I have a P reg Laguna (bought 2 months ago) and I cannot open the bonnet. The lever pulls very easily but bonnet does not release. A couple of weeks ago I had the same problem but after fighting with it (pulling hard!) and then leaving and driving somewhere else I noticed the bonnet had released itself. Now cannot budge at all. Would you say it is the cable or the catches and where should I get it fixed?
Renault Laguna Bonnet Stuck - borasport20
I have a P reg Laguna (bought 2 months ago) and
I cannot open the bonnet. The lever pulls very easily but
bonnet does not release. A couple of weeks ago I had
the same problem but after fighting with it (pulling hard!) and
then leaving and driving somewhere else I noticed the bonnet had
released itself. Now cannot budge at all. Would you say it
is the cable or the catches and where should I get
it fixed?


You wouldn't be the first -

I have to grow old - but I don't have to grow up
Renault Laguna Bonnet Stuck - M.M

I think you will find the answer in the post linked to above but out of interest.....

I had a customer call one day with their 6mth old Laguna (this was in 1996) asking if I could help with the bonnet that sat much higher on one side than the other.

They had just collected it from the main dealers having reported the fault to them at the first service. On collecting it they asked what the problem was and the service reception said "Oh we couldn't do that, it's a bodyshop job...you'll have to book it in on a separate day and they estimate about £45 plus vat because it isn't a warranty issue"!!!

Hence a slightly disgruntled owner calls here.

I opened the bonnet to find one of the two catches (one each side of the bonnet) was stiff with no sign of oil of grease since new. I pulled out the oil trigger can and a couple of squirts plus dropping and releasing the bonnet a few times ...it was perfect...absolutely level in the closed position.

What had happened was that the stiff catch on one side had never operated to catch the bonnet so it stood up in the air an extra 8mm...giving the bonnet an annoying lopside look.

Needless to say the Renault dealers never saw that car again and I gained the servicing work for the next 6yrs.

I'm not blowing my own trumpet so much as saying just how can a modern well trained dealership fail to spot such an easy repair and lose a customer for years over a thimble of oil and two minutes work!