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Back seat drivers - Cardew
An Xmas quiz:

We all at sometime have to be a passenger in a car driven by someone whose driving makes you feel decidedly unsafe. What do you do if the driver is:

a. your boss.

b. your partner

c. your parent

d. your child

e. your best friend
Back seat drivers - Pugugly {P}
SWMBO. Very fast, smooth and safe on road - especially when i am supported by alcohol filled shock absorbers. However off road she is a nightmare. One particular trip down an embankment in the late (not lamented ) Disco she had hill descent engaged and still managed to slide down to the bottom (whatever the Disco is it is good off road) and get- well stuck- all we needed at the time was a Harry Enfield type "I don't think you wanted to do that" I, on the other hand, said nothing.
Back seat drivers - JamesH
If a child is at the wheel be scared :)
Back seat drivers - Ian Cook
Interesting set of questions, Cardew.

My Boss. H'm...never been in a car with her, but she's a very bright manager. Could be ok, but I might sit in the back.

SWMBO. Safe as houses.

My mum. No longer drives, but she was perfectly ok and safe as houses, apart from minor parking scrapes - and we all have those.

My sons (28 and 26). They've gone through the early learning stage and are quite ok. I will even lend them my van!

Best friend. Can't afford friends!

Ian Cook
Back seat drivers - Dave_TD
I have to say, I'm a terrible passenger. Wherever possible I much prefer to drive, I suppose doing it all day long means that I automatically pick up on potential hazards and react to them a lot earlier than most. If someone's driving me and they react differently to how I would, especially if they don't appear to have spotted something that I consider risky, I get very uncomfortable indeed. So...
a) Boss - Pretty much the same driving style as myself, and knowing his accident record (none for quite a few years, drives as much as I do) I can relax in a car with him.
b) SWMBO - Well I taught her to drive. So she should know what she's doing! I trust her to drive the children about, so she's got to be safe in my eyes. Her hazard perception is certainly better than a lot of motorists.
c) Father - He taught ME! Although he now accepts that he doesn't drive as much as he used to, he's still pretty safe. The only time he drives me (and the only time I drive HIM!) is when one or other of us has got a new car and wants to show it off!
Mother - Now given up driving, phew! Since I was about 10 my mum's weekly driving tally consisted of a trip to Sainsbury's on Friday. Even before I was old enough to learn to drive I could see 3 or 4 serious mistakes on every 2-mile journey with her. Her car only covered 700 miles between MoT tests, and half of those were when my dad took it for the occasional italian tune-up.
d) Children - Only 4 and 2, but already telling me to drive faster daddy and get past that red car...
e) Best mate - Drives 10,000 miles a year in a Volvo C70 T5, thinks he knows it all and consequently scares me witless with his violent acceleration, violent cornering and violent braking, tailgating, atrocious lane discipline and awareness of safe speeds for the conditions, not to mention use of foglights at all times and constant criticism of almost every other motorist's behaviour. But he's still a mate. :-)
Back seat drivers - Timmy
a. - Pray - silently

b. - Doesn't matter cos by definition I'me drunk.

c. - Sing 'The wheels on the Bus go round and round'

d. - ask them to sing the same song.

e. - See 'b' above
Back seat drivers - Arfur
a. your boss.
Doesn't drive...phew

b. your partner
Better than me really. But has a tendancy to get aggressive when parking. As I have to pay for the wrecked tyres and clean the damaged alloys I find it a harrowing experience.

c. your parent
Mother is the most hesistant driver I know. Her last car had the rear end rebuilt about three times as other people kept driving into the back of her. Recent purchase of her first automatic has improved things a lot.

d. your child
I don't have a child but I have a friend who probably qualifies. In the new year a group of us are disapearing off to take a week away. Already negotioations have started to establish who has to share a car with him. Try 90mph on the motorway 2 feet from the car in front whilst alternativly hitting the accelarator and the brake. Grown men have been known to weep.

e. your best friend
...famousley wrote off his mothers car (and a builders van) less than two days after passing his test. His driving style is still a little on the quick side (wears out tyres and suspension components with ease) but after ten years I'm used to it and don't notice.

I of course am perfect :-)
Back seat drivers - Cardew
See HJ's news today "Free Dual Controls For Discounted Yaris"

These could revolutionise Back seat driving!

Back seat drivers - FFX-DM
If you are a passenger in the car where the driver's driving is truly terrifying, a tactful way to get them to slow down is to tell them that you are getting carsick. Nothing like the threat of a puddle of diced carrots in their pride and joy to make them take notice.

Unluckily for me, it is actually true. Heavy footed driving can turn me green within minutes!