ford fiesta 1.8 diesel - valve clearance - frogmarch

hi iv got a ford courier 1.8 diesel non turbo on r reg and got prob with it starting in mornings will turn over quick but will not fire , have changed glow plugs , could it be compression problem or fuel as when it does start and is warm it will start ok , it also chucks out black smoke when driving

ford fiesta 1.8 diesel - valve clearance - Peter.N.

It could be low compression due to valve clearances being tight but I cant remember what adjustment system that engine uses. If its shims you can check them by checking the gaps with the piston a TDC on the compression stroke, if they are the old adjustable type better still.

There are a couple of wires connected to the pump, one is cold start advance, don't know what the other does, try connecting them direct to 12 volts and see if that makes a difference, I know it did on my sons P100.

ford fiesta 1.8 diesel - valve clearance - frogmarch

thanks peter do you know what clearance is and where are these wires on pump thanks

ford fiesta 1.8 diesel - valve clearance - Peter.N.

I'm afraid I dont have the valve clearances, I have a Sierra book but it only covers the petrol engine, I would think something between 8 and 10 thou but if they are tight enough to cause low compression they probably won't have any clearance at all so you should be able to check that.

If the pump is the same as the Escort there should be one wire/connector on the outside of the pump and one between the pump and the engine, if they are there they are quite easy to see. I would try that first. My sons P100 was running very rough on tickover until I put 12v on these wires, it purrs beutifully now, I think the temperature sensor must have failed. His car is easier to work on as its rear wheel drive but I think you can get to the pump OK on yours.

ford fiesta 1.8 diesel - valve clearance - jc2


ford fiesta 1.8 diesel - valve clearance - frogmarch

thanks pete will try it thanks again

ford fiesta 1.8 diesel - valve clearance - hardway

Bucket and shims on these,so you'll need the right valve comressor,the right shim pliers and a selection of shim sizes before you even start,quite some investment.Do a few tests first,take out the injectors and then key on,if you look down the holes you'll see 4 glowing plug tips if alls well.check the cam belt condition/timing,pin it up,if in doubt renew the belt,a worn one will give your symptoms,all this presupposes you've renewed the air and fuel filters?and lastly on the

Edited by hardway on 25/11/2011 at 08:30