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To Trevor P - HPC - matt35 {P}
Hi Trevor,

Did the full stage 3 with John yesterday including Millbrook - have you any suggestions on cleaning leather passenger seats?
He took my X to 130 on the big circle (changed from 4 to 5 at 110 on my automatic box) and took hands off the wheel - I chickened out at around 115 when it was my turn.
My track session was not impressive - I could not get the right hand apex correct at three feet past the third marker - having a very patient test driver lapping me did not help.
The circular track was closed for a special event - noticed the Queens new Bentley parked nearby - are the Royals finally going round the bend?
Thought I would post this as I learned about HPC from you - all the best for the season to you and all who read this on the HJ site.
To Trevor P - HPC - TrevorP
Matt -


John is a BIT good - not just as a driver, but as an instructor, yes?

The late apex idea is not easy to make yourself do - after years of constant radius practice.

All the best to you.