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VW passat - Andy22
considering a new model of this car as maybe my next purchase, probably diesel.

quite concerned with the car by car breakdown reports though as the previous model got bad reviews, along with the golf, and this is not what i would expect.

i'm after good reliability and low costs, not what was written about the previous version, so have any people got experiences of the old or new passat?
VW passat - mark
Hi Andy I have a 2001 TDI PD 130 estate and have no real complaints about it at all. It does about 48 to the gallon is comfortable (supremely so compared to my old Vectra) and drives well with lots of pull above 1900rpm.

Only thing to go wrong in 35k is the ciggy lighter, front tyres were replaced at 30K (Dunlop SP 2000s fitted as o/e).

Overall it is very competent but not exciting but saying that a 5hr drive without stopping leaves one untired or stiff.

The only downside has been the local dealers here in N.Cheshire, complete and utter muppets, so much so I have written to VW UK about them. (there is an earlier post about VW dealers on here somewhere if you search)

Would I buy another, not sure until I see what I get for this one 18 months and another 40/50k down the road. Residuals for the TDI estates are supposed to be the best of the Passat bunch but we will see. If I do get another the 2.5tdi would probably be the one.

as ever

VW passat - midlifecrisis
Six months ago I bought a year old 1.8T SE. I chose it because all those in the know said it had the best residuals around. The car is competent on the road, but as already mentioned a bit dull. The interior trim is currently held together with blue-tack. Otherwise I can't hear the radio because of all the rattles.
I decide I wanted something a little more exciting, but I am only being offered £10000 for a car that was on VW forecourts six months ago for £14995.
If you really want one, I know someone who is selling one cheap!!!!!!!!!!!
VW passat - DavidHM
You've been unlucky, but unfortunately you bought just before VW cut its prices to dealers on new cars, so you get the worst of both worlds.

£10k for an 18 month old Passat isn't too bad as a trade in; it'd have to be stickered at £11,995, and you can get a (okay, slower, more basic) 2.0S brand new for a little less than that.

£11k privately is the best you're going to get. That shouldn't put anyone else off buying one if they're leasing, want a diesel for the economy, or are getting a huge enough discount on the petrol.
VW passat - Soupytwist
I am currently driving a W plate 1.8 20v (I think) as a company car to tide me over ‘til my real one arrives. I think that it’s perfectly pleasant to drive, I do 22 miles each way to work and back. I get about 37 mpg according to the trip computer but my calculations suggest it’s a little bit worse than that.

One thing really gets on my nerves, compared to the brand new Mondeo I had before its boot is difficult to get anything sizeable in (like a pushchair) and smaller. I don’t think it’s quite so roomy in the back either.

Matthew Kelly
No, not that one.
VW passat - Andy22
it look so nice on the outside, and inside but i worry about the reliability after reports of the previous model.

why can't their be a car as good looking as this on both counts but with japanese reliability!

unfortunantly, with me interested in the diesel, i can't even look at a japanese diesel cos their aren't any good ones!

or are their, well not that i know of?
VW passat - martinh
unfortunantly, with me interested in the diesel, i can't even look
at a japanese diesel cos their aren't any good ones!
or are their, well not that i know of?

I think HJ recommends a few now -- Toyota D4D is OK and maybe the Mazda6 also? These are newer cars than the Passat and should be an improvement, tho the German car's engine is outstanding.

VW passat - No Do$h
Fuel economy on the Mazda is listed as 44.1 combined for the diesel estate, versus 47.9 for the VW (130 PS) and 49.6 for 100 PS. Avensis Estate sits at 47.1.

Based purely on what I've read, I would seriously consider the Mazda if you can live with the cabin design. Insurance seems to be lower than on the Passat as well.

I have had an Avensis and can only describe them as transport. Certainly not a car to stir the soul.

If you have a look around the road tests section you can see HJs opinion of the Mazda6 estate.
VW passat - Andy22
the mazda 6 is not bad at all, but it doesn't have the looks and desirability of the passat.

i'm still tempted by the new passat, has anyone else got experiences of it or maybe any mechanics noted the types of work people have done.

after my pug i don't want to be spending for things other than consumables.
VW passat - martinh
unfortunantly, with me interested in the diesel, i can't even look
at a japanese diesel cos their aren't any good ones!
or are their, well not that i know of?

I think HJ recommends a few now -- Toyota D4D is OK and maybe the Mazda6 also? These are newer cars than the Passat and should be an improvement, tho the German car's engine is outstanding.

VW passat - oldtoffee
Hi, my TDi115 is 3 years old, 60,000 miles and it hasn't put a foot wrong. I get 47 to the gallon and I don't hang about. I'm sure you won't be disappointed with the car. My only reservation about buying another VW would be the diabolical service from my local dealer. The 40K service meant a cam belt change as well so I shopped around and saved £100 by trying another dealer a bit further away (20 minutes). I was impressed - they weren't brilliant just well organised, helpful and had all the bits they needed on the day. If you're in the Thames Valley I can probably tell you wh not to go to! Good luck!!
VW passat - greenhey
I owned 2 from new, a 1.8 and a 1.8T . Over five years of excellent experience ,eg 35+ mpg , brakes lasting 60k, tyres over 30k .I also had an excellent dealership-Keiths Of Aylesbury.
I now have a Mondeo, which is good-main reason I switched is the hatchback- but the dealer (Aylesbury Ford) stinks.
VW passat - jeds
I had a new Passat 1.9TDI 115 bhp from new to 80k at just 3 years old. Never in the garage for anything but services. Always got about 50 mpg. Very comfortable - even on long journeys. I would recommend one without hesitation. Colleagues who have them also rate them very highly and as far as I know nobody has ever had a breakdown.

I actually changed for an Audi A6 Diesal but that was just because I got a fantastic deal, otherwise I would have gone for another Passat.

Incidentally, I also looked at the BMW 320D which I thought was highly over rated.
VW passat - Trilly
Drove a VW passat 1.9 90bhp for 2 years and as already said a bit dull but great for a 25 mile roundtrip each day. Now drive a Renault Laguna II 1.9 diesel which handles better but what can I say, you notice it is not built by the germans!

If I was to change my other car would go for A6 diesel as vw passat was good to us.
VW passat - Glaikit Wee Scunner {P}
I have just had the first 20K service done on my 2002 model Passat Estate PDI 100bhp. Apart from the £153 bill and the unwanted bottle of screenwash on the floor there is no evidence of much having been done.I can not see the oil filter, which is presumably well hidden.
The oil looks as black as before , the service indicator has not been re-set and there is no windscreen sticker indicating the next service.This was at a north Cheshire main VW dealer.
My first 10K service was even more problematical and the service book was not even stamped.
I'm going to be contacting them tomorrow. Just what I don't want in the holiday period.
Does anyone know how to re-set the service indicator?
Mine is not in the trip meter display,as per the handbook, but in the large red display.
Apart from the service angst,and wearing out front tyres in under 10K, it is a very nice car to own and returns 46 mpg overall.
VW passat - moosh
Quote; "The oil looks as black as before"
Because its a diesel engine the oil will look black almost immediately after the service