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Lights/Wipers - P.Mason {P}
A totally horrible journey to Portsmouth and back this morning on the A3M. Heavy rain, low cloud, standing water, spray.. and cretins appearing from the murk overtaking at 80+MPH, wipers thrashing away at full speed, and not a glimmer of a light showing..
Isn't it about time that manufacturers fitted a device that caused continuous wiper operation to operate dipped headlights?
Any thoughts on the idea?

Lights/Wipers - No Do$h
I have a better plan. Milan Anti-tank launchers to be issued to all motorists with lights and wipers on. I understand Darwin called it Natural Selection?
Lights/Wipers - John R @ Work {P}
This has been a rule of thumb of mine for years...

If I need my wipers, I need my lights on.

Thing is, they don't need their lights on 'cos they can see you...
(Ostrich Logic!)

John R
Lights/Wipers - Cyd
It has been proven in other countries that use of dipped beam whilst driving (irrespective of prevailing conditions) reduces the risk of being involved in a fatal accident by a considerable amount (can't remember the actual figure).

For this reason I drive with dipped beam at all times and advocate that all cars should be required to have dipped beam come on automatically when the engine is running. It would also elliminate the problem you describe.
Lights/Wipers - vercin
Dare I mention that Citroen C5s do have an automated headlight and wiper function...? So lights do tend to come on as light levels decrease.

Lights/Wipers - JamesH
Only problem driving with lights on all the time is that other drivers flash to say 'you've left your lights on'.

I had the problem all the time with my first car. Until I sorted it, the badly wired stereo would only come on with the lights (and not turn off).
Lights/Wipers - Peter C
But what about those of the "must be seen brigade" that put front and often rear fog lights on when it rains? They are often the same ones who sit at traffic lights with their foot on the brake pedal and indicator flashing whilst stationary and blinding me with the display.


Lights/Wipers - Humpy
I find that in low light headlights can be quite blinding. How about if those people that would normally have dipped beam on just had side lights on, especially at dawn or dusk. Headlights at this time can be quite blinding. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that a bright set of headlights in my face in low light or rain can obliterate my ability to distinguish darkly dressedd pedestrians or other unexpected obstacles. Funnily enough it doesn't make any difference if it is night time of light.
Lights/Wipers - Blue {P}
Humpy - Don;t get me started on those cretins who drive with their sidelights on when visibility is reduced, we've covered it too many times! :)

Lights/Wipers - Cyd
here, here. (or is that hear, hear?)
Lights/Wipers - THe Growler
I wonder why there is not (or maybe is for all I know in some places) a phase in the lighting system whereby the daylight visibility thing could be achieved by a weaker version of dipped lights, leaving the full power of dips for poor visibility.

Driving in Britain recently in broad sunlight (doubtless an unusual occurrence!) I found very irritating the many cars coming at me with their dips on, especially at the often terrifying speeds many drivers adopt on those wind-y country lanes over there. Maybe there's a place for something in between brights and dips lighting-wise for average weather conditions.
Lights/Wipers - wemyss
There is Growler exactly what you describe on my wife's Maestro.
When you start up with just side lights on they increase to a weak version of dipped lights.
I agree this is an ideal system especially for poor daylight/wet conditions where normal dip tends to be more of a nuisance factor.
Lights/Wipers - JamesH
Almost all cars built between the late 80s and mid 90s were fitted with dim-dip. The Highway Code recommends using it when appropriate. Now no cars have it. I think there may have been some form of EU ruling against it.