Good afternoon :)
Im still loving my 98 purple diesal Mondeo and wizzing around the M62 to my heart's content.
However, shock horror on Saturday when adjusting the rear view mirror for it snap off in my hand. Completely sheared at the right angle of the arm, so that the marjority of it is still attached to my windscreen. Looks like the ball join had seized form some reason (looks like porridge down there!) but its good for nothing obviously.
I need one with a dipping switch, I have bought a cheap stick on for now but I've just been quoted £30 from Ford for a replacement, and thats without fitting bearing in mind that I have a little black rod cemented to the screen - god knows how Im going to get that off.
Any suggestions chaps?
Good to be back on here, btw, havent visited for a while.
Don't know how you get the old one off (flexible knife blade then clean off the residue?) but you can get specialist stick-onto-glass stuff for mirrors from any car accessory shop (A1 are particularly helpful).
Or go to a local windscreen replacement place, stick out your bump, smile sweetly with new mirror in hand......
Or live with the temporary one until you need a new windscreen.....
Failing that, a hairdryer on hot setting applied for a period of time and then insertion of a knife blade will probably do the trick.
Nail varnish remover will get the glue residue off the windscreen.
Use copper welding wire to break the seal between the stump and the screen, or follow the previous advice and smile sweetly at your local windscreen depot! Best to try this on a Saturday afternoon, when they're in a good mood and looking forward to going home...