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Peugeot 306 Heater Problem - Spick
I have noticed when my fan is in the OFF position and i go around a left hand corner a high pitched squealing sound comes from the dashboard area (i cannot pin-point the sound at the moment).

This doesnt happen on every left corner (the squeal comes and goes) and is still noticable when the fan is on but it still only happens when i go round a left hand corner and i dont really fancy taking the dash to bits just yet so......

Does anyone have any ideas or know what this could be?

Peugeot 306 Heater Problem - IanT
Apart from the usual jokes about mice ...

Since you can still hear the noise when the fan is on (though presumably less noticeable), it seems likely the fan has nothing to do with it - probably the noise of the fan is simply hiding a noise coming from somewhere else.

Noises associated with turning corners are usually to do with wheel bearings - a noise while turning left equals a faulty right hand wheel bearing (front or back). Though it could be something catching under the wheel arch.

I've really got to stretch my imagination to think of anything in the dashboard area which could be affected in this way. But how about - dashboard loose, car flexes as goes round corner and dashboard rubs and squeaks against bodywork? Or - engine loose on mountings, pulls speedo cable while cornering, which presses against something behind the dashboard? Or - the sky's the limit when you let your imagination run wild.
