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Wandering BMW - Z bushes? - Sideways
Does anyone know about Z bushes on a 325TDS SE?
I recently bought the car and find it 'white lines' a bit or to describe more fully - when driving in the slow lane (does anybody do this apart from me? the car 'wobbles' in the tram lines created by the big trucks)BUT the fault doesn't feel like it's the front of the car but the rear wheels.
I notice in the service history a recent report mentioned the Z bushes needed replacement. I'm guessing this is the culprit but is it a difficult job to replace these? Also any idea of costs?
Wandering BMW - Z bushes? - Dizzy {P}
There's a lot of expertise in this forum but I suggest you also raise your question in the Message Board section of www.unixnerd.demon.co.uk/bmw.html for an answer from dedicated BMW experts.

Meanwhile, my thoughts are that it could be the drop link bushes at the front or the subframe mountings at the rear. I understand that the subframe mountings are very difficult to replace without the proper tools and the advice in the BMW forum is always to have a BMW specialist do the job.
Wandering BMW - Z bushes? - Dizzy {P}
Sorry, I didn't mention the Z bushes. I meant to say that I am not familiar with the term and am guessing that they are what I have described as 'subrame mountings'. Could be something different though.
Wandering BMW - Z bushes? - Dizzy {P}
3rd time lucky! -- I have just come across the following comment from John G Burns, the Unixnerd.../bmw site proprietor and BMW expert:

On higher mileage cars the rear subframe mounts can fail after 10 years or so. Two rubber bushings hold the subframe to the car, not fun to change without the correct tool. Failed bushings make the back end of the car wander about, you can feel it when changing lane.

Hope that helps.