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"Sorry, I Didn't See You" - BrianW
Item im todays's DT:

"Blind Spot
One in four motorists failed a vision test at last month's Birmingham Motor Show"
Sorry, I Didn't See You - crazed
what kind of vison test ?
number plate at 25 yards ?

actaully i dont think the opticians have a good handle on what is an appropriate standard of eyesight for a driver

and for instance old folks eyes get worse with time, but mostly experience more than compensates

so drivers should be looked at as a rounded whole

also bearing in mind some of the very old people who can hardly turn the steering wheel, and the young agressive male drivers, and the females with no spacial awareness at all

all of these attributes should be looked at because they all cause accidents in extreme

spacial awareness for instance can be tested, and if you carnt pass some simple tests you shouldnt be allowed on the road, sadly most of the people who would fail would be female and this wouldnt go down too well in these PC days
Sorry, I Didn't See You - Mark (RLBS)
Well, having removed the dross from this thread, there really isn't much left.

Graham - don't try to find ways around the swear word filter, whether or not you think its quaint, it'll only get your registration withdrawn.

Mark (RLBS)
Moderator at Work

Sorry, I Didn't See You - BrianW
Something else that wasn't seen was a crashed car 20 yards off the A3 at Burpham near Guildford which lay for five months with the body of the driver in it.
(report DT today)
Sorry, I Didn't See You - Blue {P}
That was nasty, I only hope that he was killed on impact and did not die alone injured and trapped in a hedge.

Sorry, I Didn't See You - HF
This is such a sad story. I read fully about it in the newspaper after seeing it here.

Just hope you're right Blue, the alternative is too awful to even contemplate.
Sorry, I Didn't See You - Hugo {P}
Something else that wasn't seen was a crashed car 20 yards
off the A3 at Burpham near Guildford which lay for five
months with the body of the driver in it.
(report DT today)

Well, whatever is said about mobile phones in cars, here is a perfect application where the technology could be used to automatically send out a distress signal in the event of an accident. Linked to sat nav a location could also be provided.

You never know, such a gadget could have saved his life. They have such a thing in the marine world, makes sense really.

Instead or 3G mobile phones etc, why don't we have this readily available on the market place? This may appease those objecting to all these mobile telephone masts.

I remember as a bit of a CB nut 15 years ago, we saw a sail boarder getting into trouble. We simply relayed his position to a homebased caller who called the coastguards. I believe he was OK in the end. That was despite certain close relatives trying to 'ban' me from using a CB.
Sorry, I Didn't See You - Cyd
Your bit about sending a distress signal....

Luxury cars now have an SOS button - press it and the car automatically calls an emergency service and relays electronic information about faults etc etc. Electronic faults can be fixed remotely!! Whether any are capable of sending ones location I don't know - guess it will depend on whether the car has GPS fitted. It'd be an easy step though, as you say. It's part of something called 'telematics' - the latest gizmology moving down through the automotive spectrum.
Sorry, I Didn't See You - TrevorP
Is this "we should not do eye tests without all these other tests that I am going to dream up", similar to the

"we should not fine speeders without all these other crimes (be they real or bad behaviour) that I think plod should spend time chasing?"

What can I say?

Welcome to the real world?