Congestion Charge penalty notice - advice required - autobahn

This is a reasonably complex situation so i'll lay it out in steps. In summary I part-exchanged my previous car for a new car from a car dealer a few weeks ago. In the process I asked for my private plate from my p/x car to be retained and filled in the relevant forms when I collected my new car and handed over my old car.

Here is the timeline of what happened from oldest date to present:

1. Part-exchanged my old car and collected new car. Filled in retention from for my private number plate off of my old car. Handed over keys of my old car and drove new car home.

2. Waited for V5 of my new car to , retention certificate of my private plate to arrive and new V5 for standard number plate of my OLD car to arrive from DVLA.

3. Received V5 for my new car.

4. Received retention certifcate for my private plate. Received V5 for my old car (with standard number plate). RECEIVED PENALTY CHARGE NOTICE for my old car with my private plate!

In summary, someone drove my old car (with my private plate) into the London Congestion Charge Zone and didn't pay the charge. I've been lumbered with the £60 fine as i'm the registered keeper.

However, I have a bill of sale from the dealership stating the make, model and number plate of my old car as having been 'sold' to him on a date prior to the date that the car was driven into the CC zone in London.

I phoned the dealer and he just asked for a copy of the penalty notice and said he'd pay the charge. I need to hand over the updated V5 for my old car to him tomorrow and was also going to give him a copy of the penalty charge notice. I just need some advice on how I can make sure none of this comes back to haunt me as I simply cannot afford any legal issues at the moment (i'm moving house shortly).

If the dealer just pays the £60 fine then will that be the end of the matter for me? I need a watertight resolution to this issue.

Congestion Charge penalty notice - advice required - LucyBC
You had sold the car so are not responsible for the charge - the dealer is. So he has to pay it. Make sure he does and ask for evidence or get a written assurance that he has. End of story.
Congestion Charge penalty notice - advice required - Dwight Van Driver

One of the exemptions from the CC is that you were not the keeper at the time of the incident.

I would consider writing back to tfl explaining that fact as you have done in the post above ^^^^^


Edited by Dwight Van Driver on 16/10/2010 at 08:01