She drives about 80 miles a day on both stop start motorway and towns, so comfort, reliability and economy is needed, hence the need for an auto and a diesel (I think).
Make out a list of wants - things she would like
and musts - things that she cannot do without.
Given your criteria so far I would say:
ease of parking..
Parking is often neglected. Having seen drivers of not very large cars struggle to reverse park....
She will not thank you for parking hassle nor high bills.
Buying a Mercedes guarantees both....
Ignore all the diesel/petrol stuff. You want a cost per mile over x years. What Car are ideal for that. No point in a diesel if it depreciates 70% in 3 years.. Nor a petrol either.
Given her 20k miles/year a diesel would make sense.. But it's simple to do sums before hand.
And don't buy a Sports model with rubber band tyres as they cost a fortune to replace and are not comfortable.
A written out list agreed with both will enable you to quickly get rid of a huge number of cars. Then look at the rest in your price/mileage/running cost range.
The art of choosing cars is to eliminate the unsuitable - whcih will probably be 95% of all models.
EDIT: and if she HAS to drive in winter, buying a RWD is plain stupid unless you fit winter tyres which is £££s...There will be snowy days. Mercedes on normal tyres in snow are scary... unless you like spinning...
Edited by Avant on 29/09/2010 at 01:01