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Website for checking VIN numbers - RB
Can anyone remember the web address for the free site where you bash, sorry, input your car's VIN number and then within seconds, it tells you the make, model, version, where/when made etc?

I used it once or twice just out of interest but would like to try again and I've forgotten it. I think there was a "PL" in part of the address but can't remember any more.


Website for checking VIN numbers - astronut
Try www.autobaza.pl/autobaza/page.cgi?lang=1

Website for checking VIN numbers- Thanks - RB
Yes, this was the one.
Mainly wanted it just for a bit of fun. I know, I should get out more.

Many thanks.

Website for checking VIN numbers - lezebre
I tried it, despite knowing that I had nothing to gain because my Nissan primera 1.6 has an expensively bought pedigree, and with a vague feeling that I might regret it.

Well, the result flashed up informing me that my car was built with a 1.4 Almera engine. Can't be right......(?)
Website for checking VIN numbers - IanT
Tried the autobaza site for my Peugeot 306 and 309, both owned from new, so having an impeccable pedigree.

306 - "Model for make PEUGEOT is not identyficated now"
[Interesting grammar!]


So using this site to check second-hand car purchases looks a bit unreliable, to say the least.

Website for checking VIN numbers - lezebre
306 - "is not identyficated"
[Interesting grammar!]

Ian, sounds like these well-meaning Polish geezers learned their English by listening to speeches by the US President!

Website for checking VIN numbers - Phil I
Austin Rover "is not identyficated" either.

Is Pl for poland ? I thought it was Portugal!

Happy Motoring Phil I