Thats fair enough i guess. May i ask what exactly the complaint was? Im not asking who,just what was said as im sure you will agree, the context of what was said was not meant to be offensive, merely a turn of phrase.
To be honest, im suprised you edited the post if it was just one complaint though,i mean i could probably trawl through the posts here and find quite a lot that offends me but being a public forum i accept that there has to be some lattitude and that i may always not agree with what is said but i dont get all upset about it. If there were a raft of complaints then by all means moderate but frankly i think it is a very draconian and authoritarian team of mods on here to edit a post like mine on the back of just one complaint.
If what i had said was racist, sexist,even maybe political or i had used foul language then by all means moderate away but come on guys, lighten up a little.